
Japan earthquake after discharging nuclear sewage! Mu Tingting spoke up for the ocean, and Reba Yangzi commented on the fall

author:Miyue Kan Entertainment

History will remember August 24, when Japan released nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean, leaving the safety of the planet's 7 billion people safe. Japan's unilateral imposition of the Fukushima nuclear pollution drainage in defiance of other countries' opposition also made the world pay for its fault. Many netizens thought that Japan's move would definitely be swallowed by nature, but they did not expect Japan's retribution to come so quickly.

Japan earthquake after discharging nuclear sewage! Mu Tingting spoke up for the ocean, and Reba Yangzi commented on the fall

Japan earthquake after discharging nuclear sewage!

On August 25, only one day after Japan discharged nuclear sewage, the offshore off the east coast of Japan's main state still believed so. A magnitude 5.8 earthquake occurred at a depth of 10 km. As soon as this news came out, many netizens applauded.

Japan earthquake after discharging nuclear sewage! Mu Tingting spoke up for the ocean, and Reba Yangzi commented on the fall

Many netizens said that destroying the ecology and eroding nature like Japan will inevitably be retributed by nature, after all, the power of human beings is not worth mentioning in front of nature. Most netizens still believe that like Japan's behavior, this earthquake is just the beginning, and then tsunamis and volcanoes gradually approach the center of Japan, allowing them to taste nature's revenge.

Japan earthquake after discharging nuclear sewage! Mu Tingting spoke up for the ocean, and Reba Yangzi commented on the fall
Japan earthquake after discharging nuclear sewage! Mu Tingting spoke up for the ocean, and Reba Yangzi commented on the fall

Now the hearts of audiences across the country are worried about Japan's discharge of nuclear sewage, and many netizens have found that star idols who are public figures have disappeared one by one, and even endorse Japanese products. As the heat of Japan's discharge of nuclear sewage intensified, Di Li Gerba Yangzi was exposed to endorse Japanese products, which also caused heated discussions among netizens.

Japan earthquake after discharging nuclear sewage! Mu Tingting spoke up for the ocean, and Reba Yangzi commented on the fall

Reba Yangzi comments fell

It is understood that Reba and Yang Zi were bombarded by netizens for endorsement of Japanese products, and the comment area fell. Especially in the comment area of Di Li Gerba, she was criticized by countless netizens for treating domestic and foreign fans differently because of her photos on the Internet. Now it is clear that such a sensitive issue has occurred, but it still speaks for Japan, and this behavior has also been angrily criticized by countless netizens.

Japan earthquake after discharging nuclear sewage! Mu Tingting spoke up for the ocean, and Reba Yangzi commented on the fall
Japan earthquake after discharging nuclear sewage! Mu Tingting spoke up for the ocean, and Reba Yangzi commented on the fall

Yang Zi is also scolded, but many netizens are still rational, saying that too many stars in the entertainment industry are Japanese brand spokespersons, and there is no need to beat them to death, which is inevitably too extreme. Moreover, these endorsement contracts did not take place after the nuclear sewage incident in Japan, and before that, no one would believe that a country would put the world at risk for its own selfish desires.

Japan earthquake after discharging nuclear sewage! Mu Tingting spoke up for the ocean, and Reba Yangzi commented on the fall

Mu Tingting spoke up for the ocean

In fact, now, there are still many actors with positive energy in the entertainment industry who speak for human beings and the ocean like us, Mu Tingting is one of them, sending many messages in a row, emotional anger and even foul language calling Japan inhumane.

Japan earthquake after discharging nuclear sewage! Mu Tingting spoke up for the ocean, and Reba Yangzi commented on the fall

But many netizens also think that Mu Tingting is rubbing the heat, and this remark was also slapped in the face by many netizens. Many netizens believe that if speaking out for the earth's ecology is said to be rubbing heat, then why should we speak out, and if we all allow our homes to be destroyed, then we do these meanings now.

Japan earthquake after discharging nuclear sewage! Mu Tingting spoke up for the ocean, and Reba Yangzi commented on the fall

Now, as soon as Japan's discharge of nuclear sewage has come out, the mainland government has also made it clear that it will take relevant measures against Japan. First of all, the total suspension of the import of Japanese aquatic products is undoubtedly a thunderbolt for Japan. But this is just the beginning, and we believe that when a country does not take nature into account, I am afraid it will not be long-lasting.

Do you have any thoughts on the voices of many celebrities? You can share your thoughts in the comment area, let's discuss it together.

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