
The ancestors of pigs are so powerful? Prehistoric ancient giant pig combat power is better than saber-toothed tiger poke right side of the attention to me yo, anecdotes small coffee daily update interesting facts waiting for your approval!

author:365 Anecdotes

The paleogifera is a genus of extinct cats in the family Megapiaceae ( Megapixate ) that lived in western North America 35 million years ago in the Early Oligocene , and was also present in Europe and Asia.

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The ancestors of pigs are so powerful? Prehistoric ancient giant pig combat power is better than saber-toothed tiger poke right side of the attention to me yo, anecdotes small coffee daily update interesting facts waiting for your approval!

Fossils of ancient giant pigs are mainly found in North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Wyoming.

The ancestors of pigs are so powerful? Prehistoric ancient giant pig combat power is better than saber-toothed tiger poke right side of the attention to me yo, anecdotes small coffee daily update interesting facts waiting for your approval!

First described by the American paleontologist Joseph Rydy in 1850, a total of 8 species have been found so far, which are relatives of the complete-toothed pig and other ungulates.

The ancestors of pigs are so powerful? Prehistoric ancient giant pig combat power is better than saber-toothed tiger poke right side of the attention to me yo, anecdotes small coffee daily update interesting facts waiting for your approval!

Ancient giant pigs are similar in size to cows, with shoulder heights of 5 feet, spines on the back of the neck, and probably "meat mounds" on their backs.

The ancestors of pigs are so powerful? Prehistoric ancient giant pig combat power is better than saber-toothed tiger poke right side of the attention to me yo, anecdotes small coffee daily update interesting facts waiting for your approval!
The ancestors of pigs are so powerful? Prehistoric ancient giant pig combat power is better than saber-toothed tiger poke right side of the attention to me yo, anecdotes small coffee daily update interesting facts waiting for your approval!

Like modern wild boars and westerlings, they are plant-based omnivores, but are more adapted to carnivorous, including scavengers and various small animals, rhinoceros, para-rhinoceros, and precursor animals are also their potential food.

The ancestors of pigs are so powerful? Prehistoric ancient giant pig combat power is better than saber-toothed tiger poke right side of the attention to me yo, anecdotes small coffee daily update interesting facts waiting for your approval!

Fossils and models of ancient giant pigs suggest that they may have been active predators in small groups because they were large enough to crush bones

The ancestors of pigs are so powerful? Prehistoric ancient giant pig combat power is better than saber-toothed tiger poke right side of the attention to me yo, anecdotes small coffee daily update interesting facts waiting for your approval!

Fossil teeth of ancient giant pig skeletons. Although their forelimbs are powerful, their hooves are not suitable for swooping down or catching prey.

The ancestors of pigs are so powerful? Prehistoric ancient giant pig combat power is better than saber-toothed tiger poke right side of the attention to me yo, anecdotes small coffee daily update interesting facts waiting for your approval!

From the skull, the ancient giant pig can form a wide field of vision on both sides of the body, but the line of sight cannot overlap, and cannot form a complete field of vision in the forward direction, which is conducive to defense rather than predation.

The ancestors of pigs are so powerful? Prehistoric ancient giant pig combat power is better than saber-toothed tiger poke right side of the attention to me yo, anecdotes small coffee daily update interesting facts waiting for your approval!
The ancestors of pigs are so powerful? Prehistoric ancient giant pig combat power is better than saber-toothed tiger poke right side of the attention to me yo, anecdotes small coffee daily update interesting facts waiting for your approval!
The ancestors of pigs are so powerful? Prehistoric ancient giant pig combat power is better than saber-toothed tiger poke right side of the attention to me yo, anecdotes small coffee daily update interesting facts waiting for your approval!

In addition, their large teeth may also be specialized to adapt to rough plants in arid regions.

The ancestors of pigs are so powerful? Prehistoric ancient giant pig combat power is better than saber-toothed tiger poke right side of the attention to me yo, anecdotes small coffee daily update interesting facts waiting for your approval!
The ancestors of pigs are so powerful? Prehistoric ancient giant pig combat power is better than saber-toothed tiger poke right side of the attention to me yo, anecdotes small coffee daily update interesting facts waiting for your approval!