
Netizens found a magical creature at home, looking a bit like bats and like primates. I didn't expect that this was a real animal in reality, or a dragon creature. Is it illegal to keep one? One


Netizens found a magical creature at home, looking a bit like bats and like primates.

I didn't expect that this was a real animal in reality, or a dragon creature.

Is it illegal to keep one?

One big eye is quite cute.

Have not seen friends in the comment area to communicate underneath.

#真知新坐标 #

Netizens found a magical creature at home, looking a bit like bats and like primates. I didn't expect that this was a real animal in reality, or a dragon creature. Is it illegal to keep one? One
Netizens found a magical creature at home, looking a bit like bats and like primates. I didn't expect that this was a real animal in reality, or a dragon creature. Is it illegal to keep one? One
Netizens found a magical creature at home, looking a bit like bats and like primates. I didn't expect that this was a real animal in reality, or a dragon creature. Is it illegal to keep one? One
Netizens found a magical creature at home, looking a bit like bats and like primates. I didn't expect that this was a real animal in reality, or a dragon creature. Is it illegal to keep one? One

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