
In summer, it is recommended that you eat less watermelon and peaches, eat more than 4 kinds, be full of energy, and have a smooth summer

author:Zou Bajie food

Reading guide: In summer, it is recommended that everyone: eat less watermelon and peaches, eat more 4 kinds, be full of energy, and have a smooth summer

Summer is scorching and the heat is unbearable, for middle-aged and elderly people whose physical functions are gradually declining, how to choose the right ingredients to nourish the body is particularly important.

Among the many summer fruits, watermelon and peaches are delicious, but because they are cool and have a high sugar content, middle-aged and elderly people need to be cautious when eating them. In summer, we recommend four ingredients that are more suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to help everyone spend a refreshed, healthy and comfortable summer.

In summer, it is recommended that you eat less watermelon and peaches, eat more than 4 kinds, be full of energy, and have a smooth summer

1. Mung bean - clear heat and detoxify, a good product to cool off

Mung bean is one of the preferred ingredients for cooling off in summer, clearing away heat and detoxifying, diuresis and swelling. Middle-aged and elderly people often eat mung beans in summer, which not only helps to reduce body temperature, but also effectively prevents heat stroke.

In summer, it is recommended that you eat less watermelon and peaches, eat more than 4 kinds, be full of energy, and have a smooth summer

Recommended preparation: Mung bean lily soup

Ingredients: 100 grams of mung beans, 30 grams of dried lilies, appropriate amount of rock sugar.


  1. Wash the mung beans and soak them for 2 hours in advance; Soak the dried lilies in advance.
  2. Put the mung beans and lilies in a pot, add plenty of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and cook for about 40 minutes.
  3. Cook until the mung beans bloom and the lilies are soft and rotten, add rock sugar and stir until they dissolve.

2. Bitter gourd - clear the heart and eyes, lower blood sugar

Although bitter gourd has a slightly bitter taste, it has extremely high nutritional value. It is rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, clear the heart and eyes, lower blood sugar, and is an ideal food for middle-aged and elderly people in summer.

In summer, it is recommended that you eat less watermelon and peaches, eat more than 4 kinds, be full of energy, and have a smooth summer

Recommended method: scrambled eggs with bitter gourd

Ingredients: 1 bitter gourd, 2 eggs, salt and oil.


  1. Wash the bitter gourd, remove the seeds, cut into thin slices, and marinate with salt for 10 minutes to remove the bitterness.
  2. Beat the eggs, add a pinch of salt and stir well.
  3. Heat oil in a pan, pour in the egg mixture, stir-fry quickly until solidified, and then serve.
  4. Heat oil in the pot, add bitter gourd slices and stir-fry until broken, add scrambled eggs, and add an appropriate amount of salt to taste.

3. Winter melon - diuresis and swelling, weight loss and beauty

Winter melon is a seasonal vegetable in summer, diuresis, swelling, weight loss and beauty. Middle-aged and elderly people often eat winter melon in summer, which helps to discharge excess water and toxins from the body and maintain good health.

In summer, it is recommended that you eat less watermelon and peaches, eat more than 4 kinds, be full of energy, and have a smooth summer

Recommended method: Winter melon and barley pork rib soup

Ingredients: 500 grams of winter melon, 50 grams of barley, 200 grams of pork ribs, salt, green onions, ginger.


  1. Peel and remove the seeds of the winter melon and cut into cubes; Soak the barley for 2 hours in advance; Wash the ribs and chop them into sections.
  2. Add water to a pot and bring to a boil, add pork ribs, green onions, and ginger to boil, skim off the foam, turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes.
  3. Add the barley and melon cubes and continue to cook for 20 minutes until the barley is ripe and the melon is transparent.
  4. Add salt to taste.

Fourth, yam - strengthen the spleen and stomach, nourish the lungs and kidneys

Yam is a nutritious ingredient that strengthens the spleen and stomach, lungs and kidneys. Middle-aged and elderly people often eat yam in summer to enhance the body's immunity and improve the body's resistance.

In summer, it is recommended that you eat less watermelon and peaches, eat more than 4 kinds, be full of energy, and have a smooth summer

Method recommendation: yam and red date porridge

Ingredients: 100 grams of yams, 10 red dates, 50 grams of rice, appropriate amount of rock sugar.


  1. Peel and wash the yam and slice it; Wash and pit the jujubes; Soak the rice for half an hour in advance.
  2. Put the rice, yam and red dates into the pot, add enough water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and cook for 40 minutes.
  3. When the porridge is thick and the rice is rotten, add rock sugar and stir until it dissolves.


Summer is a critical period for middle-aged and elderly people to recuperate, and choosing the right ingredients is crucial to maintaining good health. Mung bean, bitter gourd, winter melon and yam are all good health products in summer, they are not only nutritious, refreshing in taste, but also clear heat and detoxify, diuresis and swelling, spleen and stomach. Through reasonable diet and production methods, you can easily spend a refreshed, healthy and comfortable summer.

In summer, it is recommended that you eat less watermelon and peaches, eat more than 4 kinds, be full of energy, and have a smooth summer

In addition to the above four ingredients, middle-aged and elderly people should also pay attention to the light and easy digestion of the diet in summer, and avoid eating too greasy and spicy food. At the same time, maintaining good work and rest habits and living routines, and appropriately increasing outdoor exercise and exercise time will help improve the body's immunity and resistance, and spend a healthy and happy summer.

Finally, remind the majority of middle-aged and elderly friends to pay attention to their physical condition while enjoying food. I wish you all a healthy and happy summer!

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