
5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

author:Balcony garden vegetable garden

Nowadays, the pace of people's lives is getting faster and faster, although Chinese have a planting complex, and they want to plant some flowers and grasses as long as there is soil. Even in their own balconies, living room also want to plant some flowers and plants, but now people work more stressfully, after work do not have time to take care of flowers and plants, resulting in many plants are not well raised.

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

However, many people do not change their minds to raise flowers, and many flowers and grasses in their homes are bought because they do not have time to take care of them, or do not understand the growth habits of plants. Gradually, they died, and finally only a bunch of empty flower pots were left in the house. In fact, if you especially like to raise flowers and don't have time to take care of them, you can raise some lazy flower plants. Shade-tolerant and drought-tolerant, it basically does not care about it at home, and it can grow very fast and grow with large shoot buds.

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

Returning from work to enjoy the flowers can not only soothe the mood, but also add a fresh environmental charm to the home, so that we have a good mood every day. So what lazy flower plants to raise at home, do not have to take care of, beautiful and good-looking, can also grow strong?

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

First, Striped Twelve is a lazy flower of character

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

Friends who like succulents can raise a pot of striped twelve-volume, this succulent-like small plant is actually a plant of the twelve-volume genus of the aloe vera family. Their plants are not tall, raised in delicate pots, and the green and white stripes are very individual, and there is a strong literary style. And it is very simple to maintain, even more simple than succulents.

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

Whether it is placed in the office or on the balcony, it is a delicate little potted plant, which does not sleep in the summer and can still grow vigorously. Replace it with a fresh and beautiful small flower pot, and there is a fresh and beautiful bonsai on both the office and the balcony. Because its leaves are scattered and separated, each leaf has white markings, very chic like a snake's tail, so it is also called a snake's tail orchid.

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

Its suitable temperature is about 15 degrees to 25 degrees, summer is not afraid of heat, winter to maintain a temperature of about ten degrees, the general indoor can be achieved. Placed on the balcony, only need to be placed in a semi-shaded environment, the pot soil is dry enough to water a little water to fill the entire pot. This delicate little plant will not be bothered no matter how you look at it.

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

Second, the air pineapple is a peculiar lazy flower

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

Air pineapple is the only plant that can grow without being raised in the soil, without being raised in water, and hanging in the air. It is also a very peculiar lazy flower, which is more suitable for urban white-collar care. Hang them on the wall or hang them by the window sill, hanging long, beautiful and delicate. There are many varieties of air pineapples, some of which will hang long, just like the beard of an old man, delicate and cute, which is the gospel of lazy people.

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

This air-only plant can grow normally wherever it is placed. And it can also flower, just spray its leaves with water frequently. This kind of interesting small plant, can also be placed in the living room, placed on a small wooden shelf can grow, is not very peculiar? It is more shade tolerant, does not require too much light, and does not need to be watered or fertilized. However, it is more afraid of cold, and frostbite is easy to occur if it is below five degrees in winter. As long as you don't freeze it to death, you can raise it as much as you want.

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

Third, the money tree belongs to the lazy flowers that attract wealth

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

The money tree is a proper lazy flower. If the living room at home is relatively large, and you keep a pot of money tree there for a month without watering, it will not die. And the leaves are neat and straight, and it is easy to emerge from the bottom of the small side buds. Its shoot buds are one long and one short, and emerge at the same time, so it is also called dragon and phoenix wood, which is a foliage plant with a better meaning.

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

Its leaves are oily green and leathery, and it is also a decorative scenery in the living room. If the living room is relatively large, it is also very good to raise potted money trees. It does not require much intense light, and it can grow with proper watering.

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

Fourth, a leaf orchid, a lazy flower that loves to burst buds

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

Yiyelan is a proper lazy flower, and friends who have raised Yiyelan know that this flower is simply a small strong that cannot be killed. Whether you do it, dry it, or even leave it alone for half a year, it won't die. There will also be a lot of small side buds at the bottom, which are particularly easy to burst. In a corner, it can grow vigorously without sun or watering, and I really don't know where its nutrients come from.

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

Some friends can even raise for more than ten years in the corner of the wall, and grow a large group of leaves squeezed and squeezed, which is really spectacular. The plant of a leaf orchid is actually better in decoration performance, and a pot should not raise too much, raise more than a dozen. Decorating the beautiful and atmospheric flower pots, put in the living room, is also a beautiful scene.

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

You don't have to worry about raising this plant to death, except to keep it above zero in winter, and you don't have to care about it at any other time. The place where the scattered light can be raised is great, and it can also purify the air. Raising it indoors is really killing two birds with one stone, if you can't feed any flowers, be sure to raise a potted orchid to try.

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

Fifth, Tiger Pilan belongs to the tall lazy flower

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

If you want to raise large plants indoors, you can raise potted tiger pilans. Its leaves are thick and erect, belonging to the proper lazy flower. Because a lot of water and nutrients are stored in the leaves and rhizomes, they are placed in the corners of the wall where there is a bit of scattered light. Basically, you don't have to worry about it, you can grow lush.

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"

In the summer, it is also the peak season for its growth, and there are many small side buds at the bottom. This tiger pilan is also widely accepted as a lazy plant. If you can't raise any flowers, you will definitely find a sense of accomplishment in raising potted tiger piran.

5 kinds of lazy flowers, hard life to feed, half a year regardless of it, crowded with "big shoot buds"