
Suddenly I remembered Gao Xiaosong's wit and domineering in the "Strange Story" program. The woman who was the king in that issue, Ms. Tian Pujun, may think that everyone is everyone when she talks about the charm of independent women

author:Amy loves spring

Suddenly I remembered Gao Xiaosong's wit and domineering in the "Strange Story" program.

Ms. Tian Pujun, the woman who was the king in that issue, may think that everyone is jealous of her when she talks about the charm of independent women, so she proudly mentions that she likes a sentence, "But if you can live to make people jealous, don't live to make people sympathetic."

It's okay, you have nothing to be jealous of, everyone is stunned.

Gao Xiaosong answered the words unhurriedly next to him, "But if you can live to make people like, don't live to make people jealous."

Everyone else applauded wildly, and I couldn't help but shake my head in admiration: Absolutely, say what everyone thinks, don't be so proud, even if everyone is jealous of you, no one likes you, you are not so good.

Tian Pujun's expression in the show is very subtle, did not answer, huh.

I like it and admire The humor and wit of Teacher Gao Xiaosong!

Suddenly I remembered Gao Xiaosong's wit and domineering in the "Strange Story" program. The woman who was the king in that issue, Ms. Tian Pujun, may think that everyone is everyone when she talks about the charm of independent women
Suddenly I remembered Gao Xiaosong's wit and domineering in the "Strange Story" program. The woman who was the king in that issue, Ms. Tian Pujun, may think that everyone is everyone when she talks about the charm of independent women
Suddenly I remembered Gao Xiaosong's wit and domineering in the "Strange Story" program. The woman who was the king in that issue, Ms. Tian Pujun, may think that everyone is everyone when she talks about the charm of independent women

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