
Gao Xiaosong, the so-called genius in the past, still paid the price and gradually faded out of the public eye

author:Liuyun said ancient and modern
Gao Xiaosong, the so-called genius in the past, still paid the price and gradually faded out of the public eye
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Gao Xiaosong, the so-called genius in the past, still paid the price and gradually faded out of the public eye

One night in 2011, on the streets of Beijing, an out-of-control vehicle went on a rampage. In the driver's seat, it was Gao Xiaosong, a music genius who had infinite scenery.

This drunk driving accident was like a hammer, smashing him from the peak of his career to the bottom.

Who would have thought that the talented people who created popular songs such as "You at the Table" would be reduced to this? However, this is only the beginning of Gao Xiaosong's ups and downs in life.

Gao Xiaosong, the so-called genius in the past, still paid the price and gradually faded out of the public eye

Subsequently, his praise of the United States and Japan caused an uproar. The once-sought-after show "Xiao Shuo" was forced to take offline, and social media accounts were emptied.

The former genius has now become a "rat crossing the street". Gao Xiaosong's story can't help but make people ask themselves: how should talent and morality be weighed?

Gao Xiaosong's story began with a scholarly family. His family is deep, and there are many heroes among his ancestors. His great-grandfather, Li Bingheng, was a general who fought against foreign enemies in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, and his great-grandfather Lu Zhongqi served as the last governor of Shanxi in the Qing Dynasty.

Such a prominent family background has laid a deep cultural foundation for Gao Xiaosong's growth.

Gao Xiaosong, the so-called genius in the past, still paid the price and gradually faded out of the public eye

However, Gao Xiaosong did not stop at the glory of the family. While studying at Tsinghua University, his musical talent sprung up. On campus, he can often be seen holding a guitar and frowning slightly, as if he is brewing a new melody.

Soon, he formed his own band and started writing songs.

Among them, "You at the Table" is undoubtedly his most dazzling work. This song seems to have magical power, singing the memories of youth in the hearts of countless people. The innocent feelings and delicate words in the lyrics make the listener feel as if they can smell the chalk ash in the classroom and see the paper airplanes flying in the sun.

Gao Xiaosong's musical talent is not only reflected in his composition, but also in his unique understanding of music. He has a knack for capturing the subtle emotions of life and incorporating them into his music.

Gao Xiaosong, the so-called genius in the past, still paid the price and gradually faded out of the public eye

This talent has always made his works resonate strongly and is unique in the field of campus folk songs.

However, the aura of talent also brought a lot of pressure to Gao Xiaosong. In the piano room late at night, he can often be seen playing the piano alone. Sometimes he paused to ponder, sometimes excitedly writing and drawing on paper.

This almost obsessive pursuit of music laid the groundwork for his future success.

As his fame grew, Gao Xiaosong's music began to circulate widely outside the campus. People marveled at the young man's talent and looked forward to his next work.

Gao Xiaosong, the so-called genius in the past, still paid the price and gradually faded out of the public eye

The media also began to pay attention to this new musical talent, and the praise was endless.

In this way, Gao Xiaosong began his star journey with his musical talent and family heritage. At that time, his eyes were full of confidence and longing, as if the whole world was under his control.

As his music career flourished, Gao Xiaosong's ambitions also swelled. No longer content with a single identity as a music producer, he began to make his way around the cultural scene.

Film director, program host, writer - Gao Xiaosong seems to want to sprinkle his talent in every possible field.

Gao Xiaosong, the so-called genius in the past, still paid the price and gradually faded out of the public eye

Among them, the launch of the "Xiaoshuo" program is undoubtedly a milestone in his diversified development. Gao Xiaosong in the show is like two people when he is creating music. He leaned lazily back on the couch, his eyes a little cynical, but he could talk about all kinds of topics.

From history to culture, from art to science and technology, Gao Xiaosong's breadth of knowledge amazed the audience.

However, as his influence expanded, Gao's remarks also began to spark controversy. His criticism of the Chinese music industry, while to the point, has also attracted a lot of opposition.

In an interview, Gao Xiaosong bluntly pointed out: "China's lyric writing level is among the best in the world, but the level of composition needs to be improved." This kind of ruthless comment has made him set up a lot of "enemies" in the industry.

Gao Xiaosong, the so-called genius in the past, still paid the price and gradually faded out of the public eye

What is even more jaw-dropping is that Gao Xiaosong's admiration for American and Japanese culture is almost to the point of obsession. In the program "Xiao Shuo", he frequently praised the culture and system of these two countries, and even openly supported the act of visiting the Yasukuni Shrine.

These remarks undoubtedly touched the sensitive nerves of national sentiment and aroused strong dissatisfaction among the majority of netizens.

In the face of overwhelming doubts, Gao Xiaosong seemed extremely stubborn. His eyes flashed with disdain and stubbornness, as if to say, "That's how I am, I like to say whatever I want."

In an interview, he said bluntly: "My opinion is my opinion, and I don't need to cater to anyone." This attitude has undoubtedly exacerbated public antipathy.

Gao Xiaosong, the so-called genius in the past, still paid the price and gradually faded out of the public eye

At the same time, Gao Xiaosong's talent is still shining. The ratings of his shows remain high, and his works are still sought after by some viewers. This state of coexistence of talent and controversy makes Gao Xiaosong's image more and more complicated.

Some praised him as a talented and cultured man, while others denounced him as a "traitor" for grandstanding. In the face of this polarizing evaluation, Gao Xiaosong doesn't seem to care.

He continued to go his own way, teetering on the edge of talent and controversy.

However, this balance is ultimately fragile. As controversy continued to accumulate, Gao's public image began to decline sharply. His talent, once his greatest capital, has now become the fuse that ignited his body.

Gao Xiaosong, the so-called genius in the past, still paid the price and gradually faded out of the public eye

This former genius is stepping towards the abyss of self-destruction.

Married life was supposed to be a harbor of feelings, but it became a stage for Gao Xiaosong's derailment. His infidelity to his wife Shen Huan and his frequent ambiguity with other women have become a well-known secret in the entertainment industry.

This kind of behavior not only hurt the people around him, but also made the public question the character of this "talented man".

Gao Xiaosong's love life seems to have fallen into a whirlpool from which he cannot extricate himself. He can't seem to control his desires and always starts chasing the next goal before the relationship ends.

Gao Xiaosong, the so-called genius in the past, still paid the price and gradually faded out of the public eye

Some media once photographed him behaving intimately with actress Ah Duo, and at this time his marriage relationship had not officially ended.

In the face of doubts from the outside world, Gao Xiaosong often smiled contemptuously. On a private occasion, he was heard saying, "Isn't that what feelings are? Come and go, what's the big deal.

This nonchalant attitude contrasts sharply with the delicate emotional expression of his songs.

Gao Xiaosong's eyes often revealed a trace of confusion, and it seemed that even he couldn't figure out why he fell into such an emotional puzzle. This ambivalence may be one of the sources of inspiration for his creation, but at the same time, it has also become a major problem in his life.

Gao Xiaosong, the so-called genius in the past, still paid the price and gradually faded out of the public eye

As time went on, Gao Xiaosong's negative news about his feelings increased, and his image gradually deteriorated in the public's mind. He was once regarded as a genius, but now he is more labeled as a "scumbag".

Gao Xiaosong's series of controversial words and deeds finally pushed him to the forefront of public opinion. His flattering remarks about the United States and Japan, especially his support for visiting the Yasukuni Shrine, have completely triggered public outrage.

For a time, the Internet was full of criticism and abuse of Gao Xiaosong.

Gao Xiaosong, who was once known as a "genius", is now degraded as a "traitor" and a "traitor". His Weibo comment area has become a battlefield for netizens to vent their dissatisfaction, and every post is full of sharp criticism and ridicule.

Gao Xiaosong, the so-called genius in the past, still paid the price and gradually faded out of the public eye

Some people turned up his past remarks and accused him of "double-faced"; Some people also compared his lyrics with his realistic behavior, satirizing him for being "extremely hypocritical".

In the face of the surging negative public opinion, Gao Xiaosong was unusually silent. His eyes, which once shone with wisdom, were now dim. Some media photographed him sitting alone in the corner of his home, holding his head in his hands, looking in a trance, as if thinking about something.

However, Gao Xiaosong did not restrain himself because of this. He continued to go his own way, continuing to pursue new goals in his private life. This behavior exacerbated the public's disgust and made him completely reduced to a "street rat".

Some netizens jokingly said: "Gao Xiaosong is walking on the street now, and it is estimated that he has to wear a hood."

Gao Xiaosong, the so-called genius in the past, still paid the price and gradually faded out of the public eye

In this storm of public opinion, Gao Xiaosong's career suffered a heavy blow. The "Xiaoshuo" program he hosted was forcibly taken offline, the social media accounts accumulated over the years were emptied, and the fan base collapsed almost overnight.

The talent that was once proud of it has now become a burden with nowhere to put it.

What's even more embarrassing is that Gao Xiaosong's musical works have not been spared. Many music platforms have removed his songs, and former partners have drawn a line with him.

Even the popular song "You at the Same Table" was boycotted by many people because of the controversy of the creator.

Gao Xiaosong, the so-called genius in the past, still paid the price and gradually faded out of the public eye

Gao Xiaosong's image completely collapsed in the eyes of the public. From a talented musician, to a controversial public figure, to a "rat crossing the street" that everyone shouts at, his image has changed so quickly that it is embarrassing.

This storm of public opinion not only destroyed Gao Xiaosong's public image that he had carefully shaped over the years, but also made him lose the foundation of his career on which he depended. The aura of the past has become eclipsed at this moment.

Gao Xiaosong's story has become a warning in the entertainment industry: talent is important, but if you lack the right values and a sense of social responsibility, you will eventually go to the road of self-destruction.

The drunk driving accident in 2011 became a turning point in Gao Xiaosong's life. The moment he walked out of the detention center, a trace of confusion and regret flashed in his eyes.

Gao Xiaosong, the so-called genius in the past, still paid the price and gradually faded out of the public eye

This experience seemed to have led him to self-reflection.

After being released from prison, Gao Xiaosong's behavior changed subtly. He began to devote himself to public welfare, trying to use his own personal experience to warn others. In a public speech, he said in a heavy tone: "My mistakes, I hope to be a lesson for others."

However, this change seems to have come too late. Once public trust is lost, it is difficult to rebuild. Gao Xiaosong's image has been stereotyped in people's minds, and it is almost impossible to reverse it.

In the end, Gao Xiaosong chose to fade out of the public eye. He used to appear frequently in major media outlets, but now he only appears in occasional news reports. His eyes revealed deep exhaustion and helplessness.

Gao Xiaosong, the so-called genius in the past, still paid the price and gradually faded out of the public eye

Gao Xiaosong's story has become a warning in the entertainment industry: talent is important, but if you lack the right values and a sense of social responsibility, you will eventually pay a heavy price.

This once high-spirited genius can only reflect silently behind the scenes. This may be the end result of both talent and controversy.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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