
Yu Xiuhua and Yang Chuce broke up: the "perfect love" of female poets is just "a place of chicken feathers"


#Yu Xiuhua ##余秀华疑被家暴 announced that she had broken up with Yang Yongce #

Yu Xiuhua and Yang Chuce broke up: the "perfect love" of female poets is just "a place of chicken feathers"
Yu Xiuhua and Yang Chuce broke up: the "perfect love" of female poets is just "a place of chicken feathers"

I am not surprised to see Yu Xiuhua's relationship end like this. Perhaps many people, like me, already know the ending, but they want to wait and see, because Yu Xiuhua is full of hope for beautiful love, and believes that harvesting unexpected consummation is a dream that many people want to realize.

Because to make a video, it is inevitable to brush the video, occasionally see Yu Xiuhua, or watch for a few minutes, because the talent of the disabled female poet is beyond doubt, and she is willing to make her private life public, and the little boyfriend Yang Chuce shows her love in a high profile, these comprehensive factors are enough to satisfy the psychology of the followers. Yu Xiuhua therefore also brought Yang Chuce red, accumulated more than 800,000 fans on the live broadcast platform, not only helped Yang Live sell goods, but also held a high-profile wedding, but all this was only in the past two months, Yu Xiuhua publicly announced the breakup.

In Yu Xiuhua's eyes, this relationship is the "perfect love" she yearns for. In order to break free from the shackles of the previous marriage and leave the man she did not love at all, she had bravely left; In order to persistently pursue love, although he is now forty-six years old, he is 14 years younger than her, and Yang Chuce, who has a huge disparity in all aspects, fell in love and married. This woman who dares to love and dare to hate, if it were not for her disability, would not have had such a torn life experience.

Although she lives at the bottom, she loves literature, and one poem after another redeems her soul and sublimates her pursuit, because of disability, her first marriage is doomed to misfortune, the stripping of her soul and body makes her deep in the abyss of pain, and because of disability, her poetry has more eyes to be paid attention to, so that it has become popular all the way.

Of course, some of her poems are indeed very sincere, appealing to the desire of the spirit into words, straightforward and profound, "cross most of China to sleep with you" "Let's go, let's go to the back mountains to do a big job, and shame off a spring flower", these bold poems, it is difficult to imagine that it is written by Yu Xiuhua, who is physically disabled, and it is precisely because of this contrasting situation that we want to know more about her life, her experience, and her story.

Yu Xiuhua's poems are well written, but the shortcomings are also obvious, and they love to explode and swear, but this can also be understood, people are products of the environment, and it is also normal for women to live in the bottom environment. She loves to drink, which is more normal. All this is perfectly normal and real, if placed in the public platform, it is not necessarily that everyone thinks so.

Yu Xiuhua and Yang Chuce broke up: the "perfect love" of female poets is just "a place of chicken feathers"

I wonder why she, such an inner-fashioned poet, is willing to make her private life public, is it just for traffic? Or for love?

The appearance of Yang Chuce is undoubtedly a beam of light in her life. From her previous failed marriage, her desire for love does not seem to have stopped, but it has not ended, no matter how high her status is now, no matter how rich she is now, the gap in feelings has always been a beautiful dream for a Yu Xiuhua who loves to create, loves to write poetry, and is delicate and rich in emotions. And the appearance of this man who is 14 years younger than her, high school education, divorced, and beekeeping undoubtedly makes her rekindle her hope and yearning for love, immersed in the love fairy tale of the little girl, being sent flowers, being kissed, being hugged, these details they are willing to show, there are willing to share the audience. Two people, don't say that the door is right, even the basic emotional basis, many netizens feel that Yang does not really love her.

I don't know how they met and how they fell in love, and I don't have the right to write about it. But Yu Xiuhua's true feelings, it can be seen, is to go all out and devote herself wholeheartedly. For the sweet acquisition of love, she once had. There is no doubt about that. A person believes in love, it exists, if you do not believe, love is not related to him, this woman who has been hurt countless times by love can still be so involved in a relationship, and believe in love, you can see how idealized she is, sometimes how naïve, although from the poetry can feel her transparency of life, but from her feelings can feel her helplessness to life.

This perfect love is a chicken feather, not exaggerated at all.

Break up is not terrible, the terrible thing is that she actually met a domestic violence man, Yu Xiuhua said that the first time she was domestic violence was because of 520, someone confessed to Yang, she questioned him, and he was in a hurry to pinch Yu's neck, almost out of breath; The second domestic violence was because Yang's daughter, who was not very nice, was slapped in the face and her face was swollen. Yu said his domestic violence was getting heavier.

Yu Xiuhua and Yang Chuce broke up: the "perfect love" of female poets is just "a place of chicken feathers"

Yang actually broadcast their quarrel (really the face of Yang's family), and when the live broadcast was also revealed, saying that she drank after the ****, such a private thing was actually made public by her husband, and it can be seen how ill-intentioned this man is. Saying that he really loved Yu, this time Yu himself did not believe it.

Yu once said that many netizens are worried that Yang Chuce is to use her and bring traffic for him, saying that loving her is also loving her wealth, not loving her poetry, her people. But she said she wasn't worried, and it was because of her intentions that she came together. This is true at all, but can the feelings of this exchange of interests really go long?

This breakup seems to give us the answer. This happiness in the eyes instantly disappeared.

For Yu, I think she must have no regrets. It's just that she probably didn't expect that this love was so short.

Fortunately, she was smart, sober, and separated from Yang. Of course, what will happen to the two of them after that, I don't want to pay attention to it. I just feel that just ending it like this is the best outcome.

Whether it is perfect or unbearable, after all, it is a private feeling, Yu has not gone wrong, but sometimes, life or emotion only needs to be cold and warm self-aware, do not need to be displayed to the public, and melt it into the poetry work, good or bad, after all, it is their own business.

Listening to Yu openly cry about this relationship, contradictions, sensitivity, loneliness, all this, what is the value of the sympathy won?

For the rest of his life, he left seven points to live soberly, and kept three points of infatuation for himself. Give Yu.

Yu Xiuhua and Yang Chuce broke up: the "perfect love" of female poets is just "a place of chicken feathers"


Yang Chanchan, a senior media person, emotional self-media big V, has served as a radio night talk host, the operation director of the wedding edition of Dahe Newspaper, and the producer of henan TV's "Model" column.

Majoring in journalism at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, founder of Chanjuan Media and Starry Sky Dubbing Network, founder of the emotional self-media "Xiaochan listening" and the community "Kochi Happiness Club", 53W fans on the whole network.

Representative works: "Forty Not Confused", "Bittersweet Life" audiobook, "Fang Fei Collection"