
Why has the clown's face always been white? Are clowns really happy too?

author:Uncle Mei

From the ugly grandfather in the epic masterpiece "Batman: The Dark Knight"; or the Joker in the horror movie; each Joker is vividly interpreted by the actors, each with its own characteristics. But for the Joker, whether it is a movie or real life, the base color of their face is white, what is the matter? Let's follow the watermelon video creator "Hi Koopla".

Why has the clown's face always been white? Are clowns really happy too?

In DC Comics, the character of Ugly Grandpa has many origins, but most versions have one thing in common — Ugly Grandpa became Ugly Because of classic chemical changes. The Original Ugly Is a thug named Redhead Hat who accidentally falls into the chemical plant's potion to escape Batman's pursuit, and his skin becomes snow-white. The misfortune of all this made her twisted, always with a strange smile on her face, and eventually became a classic character.

Why has the clown's face always been white? Are clowns really happy too?

In the real world, the clown's white-collar workers can be traced back to comedians in the dramas of ancient Greek times. In grand theatrical performances of that period, actors with white faces could contrast strongly with other characters, thus amplifying their own facial features. In this way, even spectators who are some distance from the stage in the theater can see his eyes, mouth and nose.

Why has the clown's face always been white? Are clowns really happy too?

The ugly grandfather's white face is very popular in today's circus, and the exaggerated facial features can add to the fun of the performance, and it is easier for the audience to appreciate their feelings, so that the effect of the performance is more brilliant. But the word clown has a pejorative connotation in many usages, with a comical, ridiculous, and difficult to elegant connotation, and is not a friendly title, such as the jumping beam clown , a satire of small people who are difficult to become a climate.

Why has the clown's face always been white? Are clowns really happy too?

In addition, historians have such a statement: whether in modern times or in ancient times, when clowns perform comedy, their white faces only represent one expression, and the shell is only a mask, which is convenient for distinguishing between clowns and normal people, highlighting the roles that need to be expressed, so that the audience can more clearly see the differences between different personalities and different identities.

Why has the clown's face always been white? Are clowns really happy too?

In the movie "Joker" played by Jacqueline Phoenix, he chose to use his white face to cover up his inner sadness and darkness, forcing himself to put on a smile and bring joy to people.

In fact, from a psychological and spiritual point of view, white face also has a certain psychological effect - clowns paint it as if they are wearing a mask, they can interpret themselves with a new role, being ridiculed or self-deprecating by people, is a kind of role that withdraws from themselves. When the role is interpreted, the white mask is removed and returned to normal life.

Why has the clown's face always been white? Are clowns really happy too?

Clown performances and costumes are an art form in which the actors try to make everyone laugh with their humorous words and comical and exaggerated expressions. There was a passage before that "a man went to the doctor and said that he was very unhappy and did not know how to be happy!" The doctor said you could go and see the clown in town and you would be happy. The man replied: "But I am the clown!" ”。

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