
He Chaoying, the daughter of the gambling king: married her husband in the Northeast with 1.4 billion yuan upside down, and was spoiled as a baby by her husband after marriage

author:Delightful lark K
He Chaoying, the daughter of the gambling king: married her husband in the Northeast with 1.4 billion yuan upside down, and was spoiled as a baby by her husband after marriage

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The gorgeous metamorphosis of the canary: from a rebellious daughter to a happy wife

He Chaoying, the daughter of gambling king Stanley Ho, was born with the halo of "daughter of a wealthy family", but she was also under unimaginable pressure from ordinary people, her growth was not all smooth sailing, and the rebellion and confusion when she was young have become an indelible mark in her life

He Chaoying, the daughter of the gambling king: married her husband in the Northeast with 1.4 billion yuan upside down, and was spoiled as a baby by her husband after marriage

He Chaoying, who was born with a golden spoon, should have had a carefree childhood, but the reality is not the case, her mother Liang Anqi is busy with her career, and she has very little time to accompany her

She refused to take the luxury car arranged by her family, and insisted on squeezing the bus to school like ordinary students; She frequents bars and other entertainment venues, surrounded by all kinds of friends, trying to get her parents' attention in this way

Lost in the drunken gold fantaze: the struggle and awakening of the daughter of a wealthy family

The adolescent He Chaoying seems to be lost in the whirlpool of drunkenness and gold and can't extricate herself, and the lens of the media captures all kinds of negative news about her: intimate with friends on the street, mental trance and suspected drug abuse...... "problem girl", "wealthy rebel girl" and other labels, deeply imprinted on her body

He Chaoying, the daughter of the gambling king: married her husband in the Northeast with 1.4 billion yuan upside down, and was spoiled as a baby by her husband after marriage

In the face of her daughter's rebellious behavior, Liang Anqi chose a strong way of discipline, but it backfired, and the conflict between mother and daughter continued to escalate, and the conflict intensified

The experience of studying abroad gave He Chaoying greater freedom, but it also made her fall into a deeper confusion, frequently changing boyfriends, lingering in various social occasions, and behind the seemingly chic and uninhibited is a heart that longs to be loved and understood

The prodigal son turned back and did not change his money: the gambling king woke up after he was critically ill

The turning point of fate appeared when the news of the gambling king Stanley Ho was seriously ill came, looking at her father who was getting weaker and weaker on the sickbed, He Chaoying's heart was deeply touched, and she realized for the first time that she could no longer be so willful and reckless, and she had to take on the responsibility of being a daughter

He Chaoying, the daughter of the gambling king: married her husband in the Northeast with 1.4 billion yuan upside down, and was spoiled as a baby by her husband after marriage

Stanley Ho said to his daughter earnestly: "Dad is old, my greatest wish is to see you find happiness and marry someone who truly loves you," his father's words deeply touched He Chaoying's heart and became the direction of her efforts in the future

In order to fulfill her father's last wish, He Chaoying was determined to change herself, bid farewell to the past, and began to study and manage the company's business, and strive to improve her ability, hoping to be recognized by her family

Phoenix Nirvana is reborn from the ashes: from a rebellious girl to a strong woman in the business world

With the help of her mother, Angela Leung, Pansy Ho began to take over the management of the family business, integrating her unique creativity and ideas into the company's operations, showing an amazing business talent

He Chaoying, the daughter of the gambling king: married her husband in the Northeast with 1.4 billion yuan upside down, and was spoiled as a baby by her husband after marriage

Career success can't make up for the emotional gap, and He Chaoying also longed for ordinary love, but the aura of a wealthy family is like an invisible barrier, making it difficult for her to find true love

The love affair with the rich son G finally ended without a problem because of the difference in each other's identity and background, and this relationship experience made He Chaoying more understand that true love has nothing to do with identity and status, but about the fit of the heart and mutual understanding

A fateful encounter: a spark of love with her eight-year-old boyfriend

Perhaps it was God's arrangement, at a party, He Chaoying met Kimchi Long, who was eight years younger than herself, a young boy from the northeast who deeply attracted her attention with his unique charm and talent

He Chaoying, the daughter of the gambling king: married her husband in the Northeast with 1.4 billion yuan upside down, and was spoiled as a baby by her husband after marriage

Kimchi Long graduated from Harvard University and is a young and promising entrepreneur, he does not have the arrogance of a wealthy child, treats people sincerely and humblely, and does not feel inferior or afraid because of He Chaoying's family background

The two started as friends, and gradually discovered each other's shining points in the process of getting along, and Kimchi Long's maturity and stability made He Chaoying feel at ease; And He Chaoying's kindness and sincerity also made Kimchi Long fall in love

Age is not an issue in the face of true love: a declaration of love that breaks down the prejudices of the world

He Chaoying, the daughter of the gambling king: married her husband in the Northeast with 1.4 billion yuan upside down, and was spoiled as a baby by her husband after marriage

Although the age gap once made He Chaoying worried, Kimchi Long proved with practical actions that age is not a reason to hinder love, he does not care about the gossip of the outside world, and always stands firmly by He Chaoying's side, giving her support and encouragement

In 2018, He Chaoying was unexpectedly pregnant, and the sudden news made the lovers go through a severe test

Kimchi Long was always by her side, giving her meticulous care and encouragement, and he told He Chaoying: "No matter what you become, I love you, and I will always be by your side"

1.4 billion sky-high dowry: the wedding of the century between the gambling king's daughter and the guy from the Northeast

He Chaoying, the daughter of the gambling king: married her husband in the Northeast with 1.4 billion yuan upside down, and was spoiled as a baby by her husband after marriage

In order to give He Chaoying a stable future, Kimchi Long desperately raised the bride price, and even did not hesitate to sell the family's real estate, his sincerity and determination deeply touched He Chaoying and her family

In 2018, Ho Chaoying and Kimchi held a grand engagement ceremony, and Liang Anqi prepared a rich dowry worth HK$1.4 billion for her daughter, including real estate, company shares and valuable jewelry

This wedding of "a wealthy family marrying a guy from the Northeast" caused a huge sensation at the time, some people questioned Kimchi Long as "climbing high branches", and some people ridiculed He Chaoying as a "love brain"

Five-year marriage is as sweet as ever: break the doubts of the outside world with a happy life

In the face of doubts and criticism from the outside world, He Chaoying and Kimchi Long did not explain too much, but chose to use practical actions to prove their love, after marriage, Kimchi Long took great care of He Chaoying, and the two jointly gave birth to the crystallization of love, and the life of a family of three was happy

He Chaoying, the daughter of the gambling king: married her husband in the Northeast with 1.4 billion yuan upside down, and was spoiled as a baby by her husband after marriage

Now, five years later, the love story of He Chaoying and Kimchi Long is still talked about, and they have proved with practical actions that true love can cross the gap of age, identity and status, as long as they truly love each other, they can create their own happiness

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