
Popular Science: How to feed newborn lamb cubs? 5 breeding essentials new and old breeding friends to know

author:Henan Zhengqian agricultural and animal husbandry equipment

  Recently, some netizens left a message, how to raise lambs after birth? It can be said that this is a technical work, many sheep breeding masters know that the newborn sheep have the characteristics of body weight, rapid development, meat production, and more hair production, however, if it is winter, the lack of spring feed, then the development of the sheep is very affected, so the farmer must take precautions to do possible countermeasures, of course, if the sheep are born in other seasons, do not have to worry about this.

Popular Science: How to feed newborn lamb cubs? 5 breeding essentials new and old breeding friends to know

  For the newborn lambs, the editors have compiled 4 breeding techniques to share with you.

  1. Preparation near the production period:

Popular Science: How to feed newborn lamb cubs? 5 breeding essentials new and old breeding friends to know

  Timely observe the state of the ewe before childbirth, do a good job in the disposal of pre-birth and post-birth work, timely remove the mucus around the mouth and nose of the newborn lamb and the fetal stool of the anus, and disinfect the umbilical cord with 5% iodine tincture. On the day after the lamb is born, be sure to breastfeed it to facilitate the removal of fetal stool. If the ewe dies or lacks milk, try to feed on the colostrum of other ewes.

  2. In the initial feeding:

Popular Science: How to feed newborn lamb cubs? 5 breeding essentials new and old breeding friends to know

  Newborn lambs, strong can carry out their own pumping, if the weak lamb, or the newborn ewe, then need to be artificially fed, first of all, the ewe pen in the mother's nest, the lamb to the breast in front, the lamb will pump, the weak should be fed every 1 to 3 hours, generally after several times of passive feeding, the lamb will find the ewe to suck. When the ewe feeds the lamb, she will sniff the tail of the lamb to identify her own lamb, so when other ewes are needed to breastfeed for lack of milk, multiple births and other reasons, the ewe can be urine coated with lambs to make it recognize the lamb.

  3. In the middle of feeding:

  Within 3 to 7 days after the birth of the lamb, the mother lamb is best to live with the newborn lamb, which can ensure that the lamb can eat the colostrum and also make the mother and child affinity; It should be noted here that the ewe should be looked after when resting and sleeping, so as to avoid pressing the lamb.

Popular Science: How to feed newborn lamb cubs? 5 breeding essentials new and old breeding friends to know

  On the 7th day after the birth of the ewe, it is appropriate to eat grass outside the sheep pen, and then at noon the ewe can return to the house to feed the lambs. When the comes back in the evening, to allow each lamb to find its own ewe, it should be noted here that if there is a condition, the best ewe raises lambs for 15 to 20 days. When the lamb is 15 to 20 days, slowly train to eat grass, the half-month-old lamb can supplement the mixture 50 to 75 grams per day, from January to February, the lamb supplement feed is added to 100 grams, and from February to March, 200 grams of mixture is added, which can be bean cake, corn, beans, etc.; If you feed the sheep hay, remember to chop the hay and put it in the groove. At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure that the lamb has enough water to drink, and if possible, it is even better for the lamb to go out and move.

  4. On weaning:

  In general, when the lambs are 3 to 4 months old, they can be forcibly weaned, and then the ewes and the baby lambs are isolated separately. However, according to the different situations of each sheep, specific subdivisions can be managed.

  5, about castration, broken tail

  Non-breed lambs can be castrated at about 4 weeks of age, and the common surgical method is ligation.

Popular Science: How to feed newborn lamb cubs? 5 breeding essentials new and old breeding friends to know

  In addition, in the daily management, to ensure the drying and hygiene of the sheep pen, the feces must be cleaned up in a timely manner; In the summer, it is necessary to do a good job of effective cooling, and in the winter, we must do a good job of keeping warm in time.

  The above is about the relevant introduction to herd management, if you still have any questions about breeding or breeding equipment, you can leave a message in the comment area or chat with me privately, I hope to help you!

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