
Thriller! A neighborhood dispute led to a bloody murder in which a man drove a car and then broke into the house with a knife after deliberately hitting someone

author:Xiao Li loves gossip 228

Today I want to share with you a shocking story. A few days ago, in a small village in Baoding, Hebei Province, on a country road that should have been calm and peaceful, a thrilling chase and killing drama was staged!

Thriller! A neighborhood dispute led to a bloody murder in which a man drove a car and then broke into the house with a knife after deliberately hitting someone

According to eyewitness accounts, on the afternoon of the incident, a man dressed in black was about to go home on a battery car, when suddenly, a black sedan accelerated like crazy and was about to hit the man. At the last moment, the man in black jumped hard, and while the battery car was smashed into pieces, he himself was thrown far away, and his knees fell heavily to the ground.

Thriller! A neighborhood dispute led to a bloody murder in which a man drove a car and then broke into the house with a knife after deliberately hitting someone

Just when everyone thought it was over, the situation took a turn for the worse. I saw that the driver who caused the accident not only did not get out of the car to check the condition of the injured, but took out a bright kitchen knife from the car and ran towards the injured man in black! Seeing this, the man in black quickly got up and limped home.

Thriller! A neighborhood dispute led to a bloody murder in which a man drove a car and then broke into the house with a knife after deliberately hitting someone

But because the injury affected his speed, the driver quickly caught up. In a hurry, the man in black rushed into the house, trying to close the door quickly, but it was too late! Hearing a loud "bang", the driver kicked the door open and rushed in with a knife.

Thriller! A neighborhood dispute led to a bloody murder in which a man drove a car and then broke into the house with a knife after deliberately hitting someone

Fortunately, the man in black wittily hid in the bedroom and locked the door, so he escaped. But judging from the description of his family, the driver looked like a red-eyed madman at that time, fierce and vicious, with a posture of not tearing people apart and vowing not to give up.

Thriller! A neighborhood dispute led to a bloody murder in which a man drove a car and then broke into the house with a knife after deliberately hitting someone

After the incident, the police arrived to arrest the driver, and after investigation, the perpetrator turned out to be a person who had just been discharged from a psychiatric hospital. According to local villagers, the driver has always behaved strangely, has a short temper, and chases people with a knife at every turn. Even his family had to look at his face and act, otherwise it would be too late to escape.

Thriller! A neighborhood dispute led to a bloody murder in which a man drove a car and then broke into the house with a knife after deliberately hitting someone

What's going on in this crazy chase case? And what is the reason for the driver to be so frustrated? The investigation found that it all started with a neighborhood dispute caused by a garbage can.

Thriller! A neighborhood dispute led to a bloody murder in which a man drove a car and then broke into the house with a knife after deliberately hitting someone

It is reported that before the incident, the two families had a dispute over the placement of a garbage can, and the man in black seemed to say a few words to the driver, which completely angered him. He was so resentful that he was crazy enough to premeditate murder!

Thriller! A neighborhood dispute led to a bloody murder in which a man drove a car and then broke into the house with a knife after deliberately hitting someone

The man in black was recuperating at home, but fortunately, he only suffered some skin injuries to his knees and was fine. But this case is also a wake-up call for us: if some small conflicts in life are not handled properly, the consequences may be unimaginable.

Thriller! A neighborhood dispute led to a bloody murder in which a man drove a car and then broke into the house with a knife after deliberately hitting someone

Especially for people with mental illness, family members should be sent to the hospital as soon as possible to strengthen care to avoid greater tragedy. After all, everyone only has one life, and there is no room for sloppiness!

Thriller! A neighborhood dispute led to a bloody murder in which a man drove a car and then broke into the house with a knife after deliberately hitting someone

Especially in some remote rural areas, due to the relatively low level of education and the weak awareness of the rule of law, many people do not solve problems through legitimate means, but resort to violence at every turn, making the originally uncomplicated contradictions worse and worse.

Thriller! A neighborhood dispute led to a bloody murder in which a man drove a car and then broke into the house with a knife after deliberately hitting someone

In addition, some people are influenced by traditional concepts, lack a correct understanding of mental illness, and always avoid medical treatment, putting off curable diseases again and again, and eventually causing irreparable tragedies.

Thriller! A neighborhood dispute led to a bloody murder in which a man drove a car and then broke into the house with a knife after deliberately hitting someone

I believe that resolving contradictions and maintaining social stability is the unshirkable responsibility of every citizen. Each of us should start with ourselves, learn to deal with problems in a rational and peaceful way, with more tolerance and kindness, and less prejudice and hostility. When encountering irreconcilable contradictions, we must learn to use legal weapons to protect our rights and interests, instead of taking extreme retaliatory actions.

Thriller! A neighborhood dispute led to a bloody murder in which a man drove a car and then broke into the house with a knife after deliberately hitting someone

We also call on relevant departments to intensify efforts to popularize the law, vigorously carry forward the spirit of the rule of law, guide the masses to consciously abide by the law, seek the law when encountering problems, and create a social atmosphere of "respecting the law and doing good". For people suffering from mental illness, it is even more necessary to strengthen care and assistance, improve the relevant medical security system, provide them with timely and effective diagnosis and treatment services, and minimize the occurrence of tragedies.

Thriller! A neighborhood dispute led to a bloody murder in which a man drove a car and then broke into the house with a knife after deliberately hitting someone

The construction of a harmonious society requires everyone's participation and efforts. Let us join hands, start from the small things around us, resolve contradictions with love and wisdom, build harmony with the rule of law and civilization, and jointly create a better tomorrow!

Thriller! A neighborhood dispute led to a bloody murder in which a man drove a car and then broke into the house with a knife after deliberately hitting someone

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