
The fierce star of the coral reef, the Red Sea Knight Hanging


Red Sea spiny tailfish

English name: Sohal surgeonfish

Scientific name: Acanthurus sohal.

The Red Sea spinytail is a species of the family Spinytails of the family Spinytails of the order Rayfin fishes. It is found in the Western Indian Ocean, from the Persian Gulf to the Red Sea. It inhabits coral reef areas, is aggressive and territorial, herbivorous, and feeds on algae. Body length up to 40 cm. Red Sea spiny tail fish can reach a length of up to 40 cm.

The fierce star of the coral reef, the Red Sea Knight Hanging

Acanthurus leucosternon, also known as Red Sea Knights, belongs to the order Perch, Spiny tails, and Spiny Tails, and is a class of tropical marine fish swimming in groups in pan-coral reef areas. Red Sea stingrays are found in the red sea to the Persian Gulf, and although they also feed and hide on coral reefs, they have stronger swimming ability and more space than pure reef fish. It is a famous class of ornamental fish

The fierce star of the coral reef, the Red Sea Knight Hanging

Chinese scientific name: Red Sea stingray

Latin scientific name: Acanthurus sohal

Nickname: Knight of the Red Sea

Realm: Animal kingdom

Phylum: Phylum Chordata

Subphylum: Vertebrate subphylum

Order: Rayfin fish

Suborder: Eugenic subskeletal

Order: Perciformes

Family: Spiny tailfish

Genus: Spiny tailfish

Species: Spiny tailfish

The fierce star of the coral reef, the Red Sea Knight Hanging


Realm: Animal kingdom Animalia

Phylum: Phylum Chordata

Order: Actinopterygii

Order: Perciformes

Suborder: Suborder Acanthuridae

Family: Spiny-tailed snapper Family Siganidae

Genus: Acanthurus

Species: Red Sea stingray A. sohal

The fierce star of the coral reef, the Red Sea Knight Hanging

Appearance characteristics

The body is oval and flattened. The head is small, and the contour of the back of the head protrudes slightly as it grows. The mouth is small, the end is positioned, and the upper and lower jaws each have a column of flat teeth, the teeth are immobile, and the tooth edges are missing. The body is bluish-grey , with a darker color in the posterior half of the body , slightly triangular in shape. The body has fine white longitudinal stripes, and the fins, except for the pectoral fins, are black with royal blue edges, and the pectoral fins are gray with black edges. The base of the pectoral fin and the hard spines of the caudal stalk are yellow.

The fierce star of the coral reef, the Red Sea Knight Hanging

Distribution range

Red Sea stingrays are found in the western Indian Ocean, from the Persian Gulf to the Red Sea.

Habits of life

Red Sea stingrays inhabit tropical coral reef areas with a water depth of 0-20 m. Aggressive and territorial, herbivorous, feeding on algae.

Protection level

The IUCN Red List is listed as: Not assessed

The fierce star of the coral reef, the Red Sea Knight Hanging

Variety profile

The Red Sea Knight is an inverted hanging species native to the Red Sea, and is the largest in the entire genus Ofs. Due to the trade protection of the origin, the annual trade volume is not very large, and the price is not cheap. They have a crescent-shaped caudal fin that differs from other cranes, making them one of the fastest swimters in their class. Moreover, the knight hanging is a rare "lone ranger" in the hanging class, rarely group activities, and the sense of territory is very strong.

The fierce star of the coral reef, the Red Sea Knight Hanging

Feeding methods

Except in a large aquarium, any family aquarium is limited to raising a Red Sea Knight. They are not outstanding in color, but they are particularly eye-catching in the aquarium. Because the Red Sea region is relatively closed to other seas, the salinity of its seawater is higher than elsewhere, generally 38‰-40‰, while the seawater in other seas is generally 33‰-35‰. Therefore, we should try to allocate artificial seawater with a specific gravity of 1.025-1.028 to raise this fish, of course, the lower proportion can also be adapted, as long as it is not less than 1.018 This fish is completely acceptable. Just as the pink-blue crane fades when the water is too hard, too low a weight of sea water will make the Red Sea Knight look less vivid. I think it also prefers higher temperatures, at least at 27°C, which are significantly healthier than 25°C. In order to prevent excessive infestation of white-spotted insects, if you do not consider raising corals, it is recommended to set the water temperature at 27-28 ° C, so that the fish are more active.

The fierce star of the coral reef, the Red Sea Knight Hanging

Their food should be more coarse fiber of plants, and spirulina flakes are best. Some of the comprehensive marine ornamental fish feed on the market is mixed with corn or soybean meal in production, and it is rich in a large amount of plant fibers that are very suitable for this fish to eat. Although it is relatively expensive, it is not difficult to keep, as long as the water quality that other cranes can accept, it can be accepted. When he was full, he swam around in the aquarium all day long, fanning the two triangular pectoral fins. It's not so much a swim as a fly, and that posture is really like a swift skimming the farmland, falling together, hurrying past but not forgetting to leave a trace.

The fierce star of the coral reef, the Red Sea Knight Hanging


Red Sea Knights like to attack Acanthuruslineatus and Acanthurusolivaceous that have the same large crescent tail as it does, so when breeding should be avoided as much as possible, you can also use body shape differences to eliminate the smell of gunpowder between each other, such as: Raising 500 px Red Sea Knights, you can mix and breed below 250 px, and the big Red Sea Knights never despise bullying the aliens whose body shape difference is too large. They also don't harm corals or invertebrates, and in a reef ecological aquarium with a complex pile of rocks, their massive bodies can still dodge any obstacles as lightly as swallows. However, the feeding aquarium must be large enough, the minimum length should be 4500px, and the water capacity is more than 800L. If this fish is not provided with enough room to move, it will often lead to hunger strikes and even death caused by urgency. Although it is large, it is very small, and if you move the lamp on the aquarium or wipe the glass wall, the Red Sea Knight will immediately find a stone cave or a dark corner to hide, and look at your movements. Therefore, do not mix with fish with some fish with too fierce temperament (such as clown shells, etc.).

The fierce star of the coral reef, the Red Sea Knight Hanging

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