
Yang Wenfeng: Coral shrouded in the sunset

author:East China Language Lecture Hall

 There used to be more than 7,000 species of coral, but today there are only 2,000 species. Coral reefs off the coast of the mainland have also shrunk by 80 percent. As for the reef-building corals in the ocean, there are only more than 500 species of corals left today, and this kind of reef-building corals all live in shallow sea waters of no more than 50 meters, the sea water is cold and warm, and the corals are suitable for living in the sea water of 22-32 degrees Celsius; Once the water is cold below 18 degrees, the coral will have to die in Hades.

  Sango, can you escape that funeral home timeline? That is, the moment when scientists predict that all the world's corals will die will become a reality, this moment is not only a problem of corals, but also a sign of the great ecological deterioration of the global village - how can we escape reflection

Yang Wenfeng: Coral shrouded in the sunset

Corals shrouded in the setting sun

- Nature Notes

▓ Yang Wenfeng

(Reprinted by China Writers Network)

Coral death is a metaphor for all the extinct species in the global village.

It is also a mirror image of human beings in the sea.          

- Notes     


  You have been paying attention to the "coral house" for many years, and the coral house in front of you looks like a house, a shelter for people.

  In broad daylight, people will cut a piece of coral stone arbitrarily, shape, stack, without any adhesive, as soon as the water is poured, the coral stone has been bonded, build a hard wall, the coral house is towering, warm in winter and cool in summer, the typhoon cannot blow down, and the thunder is difficult to blast - but in your opinion, it is the thing that has ended life, it is the scenery and legend of death...... Let it still be in the rising sun and the sinking of the moon, facing the sea, and listening to the groaning of the sea......

Yang Wenfeng: Coral shrouded in the sunset

  Recently, you have been even more horrified to discover that the coral huts that allow people with capital letters to come and go as if nothing happened, and even the dead coral reefs in the ocean, even if they are not suitable for the monument, are 100% like bunkers - "coral forts"!

  Of course, it is not a bunker in the unconventional sense! It's an anti-life, internal burial of dead micro-creatures - a bunker of polyp bones!

  Think about it, is there any bunker in this world that is not a bullet hole in history, scarred by blood and rain? Which one doesn't shoot hatred bullets at the world?

  The Great Barrier Reef that also contains the word "fort", as a symbol of Queensland, Australia's famous Great Barrier Reef, you have been to many years ago, under the sunset, you are amazed, the boundless Great Barrier Reef, which was selected as a world natural heritage, with a total length of 2011 kilometers and a maximum width of 161 kilometers, running through the Great Barrier Reef on the east coast of Australia - a coral reef where small life is still moving, for the world's largest coral colony, not long ago, marine biologists unceremoniously predicted: If the ecological deterioration does not brake sharply, in another 70 years, The Great Barrier Reef will be completely dead!

  In other words, the Great Barrier Reef will become the world's largest "coral fort" at that time!

Yang Wenfeng: Coral shrouded in the sunset

  Obviously, the current Great Barrier Reef is not exactly a "coral fort", because there are still polyps on it; Only corals that have completely lost their life are considered "coral forts".

  The world often seems to forget that the corals of this global village are equal living species to us humans, and that corals are mainly scattered on both sides of the equator of the Pacific-Indian Ocean, within 30 degrees of north and south latitude, and the Atlantic Ocean is confined to the Caribbean. There used to be more than 7,000 species of coral, but today there are only 2,000 species. Coral reefs off the coast of the mainland have also shrunk by 80 percent. As for the reef-building corals in the ocean, there are only more than 500 species of corals left today, and this kind of reef-building corals all live in shallow sea waters of no more than 50 meters, the sea water is cold and warm, and the corals are suitable for living in the sea water of 22-32 degrees Celsius; Once the water is cold below 18 degrees, the coral will have to die in Hades.

  Through the microscope, we can clearly see that there are countless polyps gathered on the coral, the polyps given by God, without flowers and moons, the image is not very eye-catching: only brown polyid-shaped individuals, cylindrical pocket-shaped bodies, the longest is only 3 mm, the size of the tip of the needle, the head and the trunk are not distinguished, the middle of the body is the famous coelenterum with unique digestion and absorption functions, the coral is all rectal and straight, most of them are dioecious.

  Polyps also have no nerve center, only have a diffuse nervous system - stimulated by the outside world, will be the wind and the sound of the crane, the spirit of the whole body reaction, the top of the insect mouth, around the ring of 8 stretching and flexing feather-like tentacles, the tentacles are symmetrical growth, open branches, also like Dunhuang flying double soft dancers, thousands of moods, you only see the "dancers" up forward and backward, and then left and right, "dancing hands" with stinging cells, spiked sacs can paralyze the prey. Plankton are brought by the water waves, which can be regarded as a meeting in the water, and the polyps will instantly show the true character of the big hero who will shoot when they should shoot, and quickly shoot, and the prey caught alive will be stuffed into the digestive cavity, and the excreted from the lower part is, of course, the digested thing.

Yang Wenfeng: Coral shrouded in the sunset

  Do polyps have backbones? No, because it has no backbone, but the bones of the insects are like countless and lotus, intimately, closely united, the coral world should also advocate "people take food as the sky", insects always share a "stomach", just like the pocket company also has different functions, the gastric circulation cavity of the insects is always divided into 8 diaphragms, the cilia in the 6 diaphragms will flow water into the gastric circulation cavity, and the other 2 diaphragms can remove water from the body.

  As long as the sea water is clean and the environment is good and wide, they can live freely and dutyily, swallow the sun and the moon, and be born on the bones of their ancestors in the way of bud base development, and reproduce from generation to generation.

  It is worth mentioning that the bones of polyps, the central axis is hard, moist and crystalline, and the chemical composition is mainly CaCO3, which has never been as ambitious as human beings, and has been living a slow life, with a volume of only 0.5-2.8 cm per year, which can be described as "slow growth" - this is what the world calls "coral". The "hard goods" that grew up in the sea in this sea can also be called bones, the early "glorious" bones, connected and accumulated, constitute the bottom layer of the coral, according to the fashionable saying or platform, more accurately called laying the foundation - to lay the foundation for life and death, take on the mission, and let the outer and upper layers live......


  Before the Song Dynasty, before the Tang Dynasty, and before the Xia and Shang Zhou dynasties, corals had been targeted by humans, forcibly taken out of the water, and given knives and axes, however, human mutilation of corals was only partial for a long time.

  Coral is covered with a thick mystery. The gorgon in Greek mythology and the flower ornaments of the hero Bossus are all ruby corals. The ancient Romans regarded the red coral as "red gold", which is particularly mysterious, and is regarded as the treasure of the psychic town, believing that it can drive away evil spirits, bless peace, prevent lightning, and prevent hurricanes. Sailors often wear red coral. Native Indians have long been protected by red coral.

  In India and Tibet, coral is also a religious ritual ornament. The red coral, which is as red as fire, is carved into a warm, bright, and crystal clear Buddha bead. Red coral was called "fire tree" in ancient China, and was carved into "candle red", "chili red" and "Guan Gong face".

  Coral is endowed with a controllable illusion by the world, but it is also used as a Chinese painting pigment, silk dye, glaze of the kiln, and is also used in medicine, saying that it can be used to maintain beauty and health care, invigorate blood and eyes, clear heat and detoxify, invigorate blood and dispel stasis, brighten eyes and calm the heart, can promote blood circulation, coral seems to be an observation station of human spirit, qi and spirit.

  Owning coral is seen as a symbol of prestige. At that time, the top bead worn on the head of the Tibetan prince was red coral, and only first- and second-grade officials in the Qing Dynasty had the qualification to wear red coral pearls.

Yang Wenfeng: Coral shrouded in the sunset

  It is rumored that the Northern Song Dynasty calligrapher and painter Mi Fu received a copper base of the coral pen holder, overjoyed, and wrote "Coral Post" with a wave, and endowed with a poem:

Three branches of vermilion grass out of the golden sand, from the Tianzhi Festival phase family.

On the day of the grace pre-named watch, there is no five-color pen flower.

  This post is Mi Fu's work in his later years, it seems to be an essay, but it is strange and super-mai, wide and sparse, full of charm, Shi Guangyuan of the Yuan Dynasty called it "when it is a masterpiece in the rice book, the first post in the world", the "ink emperor" of rice. But as a person today, I see it as a vain to have some different tastes, people, whether with artistic or utilitarian intentions, to elevate the "status" of coral, to put it bluntly, behind the joy, are either hidden or obvious to the coral life and death of the seawater home into the price of zombies; Moreover, the world's harm to coral is nothing more than self-interest, but under the banner of beauty.

  A few years ago, in the autumn, I visited the Qili Coral Museum in Taitung, Taiwan Province, and as soon as I entered the museum, I had a photo with a giant "Buddha's hand", which was really shocking!

  At that time, the giant in front of me was said to be the Aka red coral, which was nearly one meter high and weighed more than 20 kilograms.

  This "coral tree" that "landed" from the northeast sea of Taiwan is encased in a vacuum glass box, with gentle and introverted branches, and the main branches are thick and silent, and has become a "monument...... But its pair of hands, which were wrapped in mud-yellow protective skin like living coral, were thin and weak, and they were still silently extended......

Yang Wenfeng: Coral shrouded in the sunset

  I couldn't bear to look at it for a long time, but I had a thought: "Buddha's hand", do you still have the temperature of compassion?

  It is said that salvaging red coral in the deep sea is no less than looking for a needle in the sea...... The oldest and most popular is the fishing nets with heavy hammers towed by boats, dragging along the current in the deep sea, and it is conceivable that no matter which coral tree encounters the purse seine net, it will be separated by yin and yang.

  On May 5, 1985, the "Buddha's hand" had just "landed" and was privately collected by a Japanese collector at a high price, and after 16 years of changing hands, it changed hands and entered Taiwan, before it was "promoted" to the "treasure" of this private museum.

  Do corals have natural predators? Yes, there are seaweeds that compete with them for territory, parrot fish, drupe snails, and long-thorned starfish that use it as rations, as well as typhoons and tsunamis. However, before the Industrial Revolution, corals were not in danger of being "wiped out", and the corals that encountered a deep and shallow "trauma" could basically be repaired, and they could bear it on the whole - the entire species would never be reduced to a "coral castle"!

  The only thing that really leads to the global catastrophe of corals and slides towards the destroyer is the human beings who have become more and more in control of the "god of technology" since the Industrial Revolution. In addition to coastal development and ocean pollution, the most terrible thing is that a large amount of carbon dioxide is still being emitted out of control around the world, so that the "ball temperature" is still rising day by day!

  The United Nations' "Climate Change 2021: The Natural Science Basis" warns that the global surface temperature has risen by 1.09°C over the past decade compared with 1850-1900. The five years that have not been seen since the Ice Age 50,000 years ago have been the hottest on record. Today, another 6 metres of sea level rise would require just another 2°C of warming...... The consequences are unimaginable!

  Human beings regard the sea as the most natural, deepest, most expansive, most convenient and costless place for carbon dioxide. Over the past 200 years, the acidity of seawater has increased by 30% due to the absorption of carbon dioxide, like sesame seeds!

  It's really a "sea of acid" for sustainable development! How can corals survive? ……


  Billions of years, clouds and waves, coral with a firm faith, with tenacious vitality, to withstand the impact of hurricanes, rain, volcanic eruptions, if there is no industrial revolution since the "great deeds" of human beings, how can coral show the phenomenon of the waning mountains? What's more, the corals and algae in the shallow sea have long established a symbiotic relationship with extreme iron.

  "It's the green light of the coral that illuminates the way home for the symbiotic algae!" He found that the protein of live coral is "green fluorescent protein", which is irradiated by short-wave light, that is, pan-fluorescent green light, and it is this green light that acts as a "signpost" for symbiotic algae to enter the jade body of the polyp in the vast seawater.

  The peach, crimson, pink and ruby corals, which are mainly distributed in Taiwan, Japan, the Mediterranean Sea and Midway, all live in the sea area of 110-1800 meters, and there can be no symbiotic algae in their bodies - because there is no sunlight in such a deep sea, and it is a long night all year round...... The red glow of the morning sun is caused by the absorption of iron oxide in the seawater, and they can only wave their tentacles to hunt for food, and if the sea water is deeply acidified, it will also sink into a "coral fort".

  Only the shallow sea where the sun can shine in, and the algae that live in symbiosis with corals are called "symbiotic algae". "Symbiotic algae", which can be called the "tenant" who shares the sun and moon with corals, can be called "solar" generators, and the sugar converted by photosynthesis can solve 90% of the "rice sorghum" of polyps, and as for the excrement of polyps, of course, it should be their exclusive delicacies.

  - Isn't this symbiotic relationship worthy of our celebration and singing?

  In this earthly world, the anemone and the clownfish, the probiotics (intestinal bacteria) in the intestines and the human being, are actually symbiotic. Some "co-hosts" will also accept symbiotic objects into the cell to live.

  In my opinion, the relationship between two or more creatures, raising their eyebrows, keeping each other warm, relying on each other, and being grateful to each other, is a rare symbiotic relationship in the global village, which has surpassed "one hero and three gangs", and is also higher than teamwork, and has become light, color, and poetry, constituting a sustainable development of the community of life!

  If you ask: Is the most perfect ecological relationship between heaven and earth a symbiotic relationship?

  To answer this question, it is necessary to examine the ecological relationships that exist in nature.

  In my opinion, in addition to the symbiotic relationship, there are also "relational relationships" and "parasitic relationships" that human beings should respect in addition to the symbiotic relationship.

  The so-called association is the relationship between non-living things. For example, the relationship between the planets in the universe, based on gravity or energy connection, coexists, coexists, coexists, and works hand in hand to compose a beautiful melody, which is the most magnificent symphony of nature.

  And the relationship between all living things, including humans, and nature, I think is mainly parasitic. Human beings are nurtured and nurtured by nature to adulthood, however, only when human beings go from childhood to adulthood day by day, nature is truly the mother of human beings - which crying baby in the world can be nurtured without the "mother"? However, when human beings become adults, the relationship between man and nature is immediately a "coup d'état", and the relationship between mother and child immediately degenerates into a relationship in which man is a parasite of nature.

  "Man is a parasite of nature" is indeed not a good thing for me to say, but the "mantra" is an objective fact. Think about it, if the relationship between man and nature is still mother and child, how can the "son" be so common, day and night, to harm its "mother"? Only the parasitic "worms" can cross the river and tear down the bridge, and only without gratitude can they dare to cross the "ecological niche" and want to dominate...... Think about it, we, human beings, can have its vastness in the "blood-light" behavior of the "host" and the broad scourge that goes forward and follows one another? Isn't it "biased towards the Tiger Mountain" to let human beings become the "sons" of nature again?

  Biologists from the Queensland University of Technology have done an experiment: ask long-bearded frisbee corals to enter an aquarium filled with 10 liters of seawater, and within 12 hours, heat the water temperature from 26 degrees Celsius to 32 degrees Celsius, and maintain the water temperature at 32 degrees Celsius for 8 days. When the coral's body suddenly expands to 340% larger than usual, it produces an explosive force like a festive firework, and the symbiotic algae are ejected from the body with a "bang......

  The facts of this experiment nakedly present a conclusion: in this "human world", in the global village where the "ball temperature" is still rising, the so-called "symbiotic relationship", even if it is still prosperous, there is still the possibility of "falling apart"!

  The symbiosis between corals and symbiotic algae is just a small "double subject" symbiosis, which is only a local "small symbiotic relationship". If a coral with a "small symbiotic relationship" wants to spend time with the symbiotic algae for a long time, if it wants to escape the life and death disaster of the whole becoming a "coral fortress", and discordantly enter the "total symbiosis circle" of all living and non-living things, including humans, is it feasible?

  Woof! Any "small symbiosis" can only be harmonious with the "overall symbiosis" of the global village, and the beauty can be coexisted, the beauty is shared, each is beautiful, and all things prosper!


  Coral is the oldest sea creature on earth, a strange and supernatural creature born on this earth about 500 million years ago, surrounded by fear in the turbulent sea, and I think it should also be aware of its own situation.

  Biologist Leggett believes that human beings have always thought that coral is very simple, in fact, it is quite complicated, coral and human beings are still "relatives" in ancient times, coral's genes and proteins, in terms of quantity, and human beings are also indistinguishable, and even many genes have evolved at the beginning of the earth's living organisms, although there are no eyes, but it does not mean that corals will not have the ability to feel light.

  On that day, as soon as Levi stepped into the Goldbil laboratory at the University of Queensland, he had a soft spot for and was interested in a protein called "cryptochrome". It is important to know that the "cryptochrome", which belongs to the blue light receptor, although it does not achieve the advanced function of the eye, but it responds to the blue light in the sun's light waves - in the early days when organisms do not have eyes, they feel the changes of light, relying on cryptochrome cells. "Cryptochrome is in a sense a visual messenger", a "body alarm clock" that regulates metabolism, triggers alert responses, and so on. Levi must have known this, but what inspired him more that day was the sea full of corals, why the sea water is always very blue, very blue, bluer than the blue forget-me-not - Levi is the blue of the sea, the "cryptochrome" and the coral edge.

  As a result, Levi continued to advance his research on porous staghorn corals, and found that there were thousands of species of polyps living on this kind of coral, and he illuminated the exposed polyps with light waves of different intensities and colors, and sure enough, the most active one was the Cry2 gene of the coral—from which he deduced: Lushan, which is cryptochrome, is hidden in the Cry2 gene; It is this subtle "cryptochrome" that sensitively perceives blue light waves.

  This research is no small feat: it proves that corals do have a great ability to feel blue light sensitively.

  Coral, it is precisely by relying on this bizarre ability that it can unite, play the fantasy reproductive card in unison, and hold high the banner of life first and training successors!

  It turns out that the reproductive season and reproduction mode of corals are different, and a few corals are only one sex, which can only be asexual "clones" like rice tillers - "new shoots" grow close to mature polyps, because they are close relatives, it is easy to cause species degradation.

  Therefore, the vast majority of corals are completely "sprayed" with sperm and eggs into the blue ocean "night union", who is this "old man under the moon"? It is the moonlight that contains blue light waves!

Yang Wenfeng: Coral shrouded in the sunset

  It's a quiet and full moon night, and the tide is high, or more precisely, the tide is receding, and under your feet is the Great Barrier Reef, and in the vast sea, billions of corals, suddenly seem to have received an oracle, and without shouting at all, they will shoot bunches, batches, waves, and boundless pink eggs and sperm towards the surface of the sea under the moonlight—"This cannot but be a miracle!" Even if you sit in front of a piece of coral and watch these pink sperm squirt straight out of the coral's body and drift around, it's ecstatic to watch! I am convinced that this is one of nature's most spectacular scenes. Although corals have always done this, until the 80s of the 20th century, humans did not understand this. Professor Leggett said with emotion.

  Looking at these small balls of light that spurt to the surface of the sea, and soon they are all crowded with heroic little light balls on the surface of the silver light - what Professor Leggett describes as "the spawning symphony of corals in the moonlight", you will hallucinate that you are facing a red blizzard blowing from the waves, and you feel that the sea in front of you contains thousands of thunder! The surging and completely unbridled sperm and eggs that open themselves to the limitless, sexually treacherous, rain and clouds, and eventually become a good thing...... These fertilized eggs, singing and crying, are just like dandelion seeds that happen to be spread by the wind, taking advantage of the low tide, carrying floats and sinks, swinging and swinging, and are taken to a wider sea area, farther away, and only after they develop into ciliated floating wave larvae can they concentrate on diving to "root" the coral reef and emerge into a new generation of polyps.

  Such a great symphony on the sea under a full moon is a strange manifestation of the great gnosis of corals!

  This is the greatest and most shameful sex card played by coral, the sex that hides the world from the depths, and presents it naked in broad daylight in the most beautiful and open form! This great symphony is the way of survival of coral, light, beauty and "symbiotic relationship", and it is also the infrastructure strategy and life philosophy of purple.

  However, there is a hidden question: why does the "spawning symphony" always appear on the night of the full moon?

  In this regard, I have consulted a lot of information, although it is said that there is a way in the book mountain, but the answer is not very much. I can only logically infer now: Lang Lang moonlight, doesn't it contain blue light? On a full moon night, isn't the moon the brightest, brightest, biggest, and roundest? On this good night, it is clear that the moon reflects the most sunlight to the ocean—and the corresponding blue light reflected to the sea is also the most. - Since blue light is the most "abundant" on the night of the full moon, can the corals who are oriented to the light and pursue blue light not be full of sexual interest and resonance? Alack! Isn't it natural to stage the "Spawning Symphony" and choose the Spring Festival Gala with a full moon and a mellow autumn night with a jade plate?

  It should be said that for hundreds of millions of years, corals have been playing the earth-shaking "multi-son blessing and disaster avoidance card", but the nature and significance of this "card" before and after the emergence of human beings have been very different: the "spawning symphony" before the emergence of human beings, although the surging publicity and red-red-white romance, but more for the reproduction of species. After the emergence of human beings, in today's "human society", this kind of "card" is still played, and the most important and important thing has been transformed into a straw that pins hopes on the scale of the "insect mouth"; It is a desperate struggle with the number of lives in the face of deep fear and desperation - even if 99% of the children and grandchildren die in a desperate situation, there is still 1% of the descendants who are expected to remain independent under the sun, and the species can continue for as long as possible......

  The sea is vast, the shore is stormy, and how much helplessness, sorrow and tragedy are mixed with corals!


  In the global village, coral is the oldest and most colorful "Great Wall of the Sea", the most precious "marine rainforest", especially the indispensable ecological chain in marine ecology, the most beautiful ecosystem, and the barometer of marine ecology.

coral shore attenuation waves,

Fish frolic in the shallow sea,

coral reef breeding grounds,

The corals are at ease and beautiful.

  A tree of red flowers shines on the blue sea, a flame comes out of the water, the coral tree is always in the red spring, and the flowers bloom in the wind and waves. Ay! The clouds come to cover, the fog comes to cover, and the clouds shine in the fog. The wind blows, the waves come, and the flowers bloom when the wind blows. Ay! This opera "Red Coral" interlude has spread since the early 60s of the 20th century, and the situation and beauty of coral have been lingering in our memory.

  Three years ago, I was at the Zurich Zoo and saw the beauty of corals up close, those corals that are "living freely" in the huge glass box of the aquarium, in a variety of shapes, like a thousand years of Ganoderma lucidum, like fungus, like antlers, like branches, like rubies, like spring grass, like straws, like moss, like beehives, like brain striae...... Colorful, some are still with the water waves, the ribbons flickered left and right, and danced unwillingly...... Someone once wrote that she wore a white periscope to dive into the sea, and shouted "change" at the coral in front of her, which must be the effect of sound waves, and the brilliant brown coral changed color in an instant like a chameleon, and replied shyly, just like the young girl in Xu Zhimo's pen who bowed her head and was as shy as a water lotus......

  Indeed, who can recognize the beauty of bizarre and magical corals?

  The lagoon is a lake surrounded by ring coral and dam coral in the ocean, which is quasi-circular, faintly up and down the waves, and only then reveals the face of Lushan when the tide falls. The lagoons are shallower than the open seas, green and green, and are a paradise for diving enthusiasts.

  Think about it, in the undulating ocean, just like the Hakka "Wailong House" in my hometown, how does this quasi-circular well-like "coral fence" grow at the same speed in a group? - Coral, born with a magical circular aesthetic ability?

Yang Wenfeng: Coral shrouded in the sunset

  What's more, there are also round-crowned corals growing in the lagoon, one by one crystal huge, like in the middle of the water, the stamens, or green or sauce-colored, the petals show into a half-arc draped, like a beauty's skirt, in full bloom......

  This is already a big round set of small rounds, round and complete.


  However, the glorious tree that has been breeding for thousands of years, the mysterious flame hidden under the waves, the nobility in the sea, the combination of gorgeous beauty, magical beauty and irreplaceable ecological functions, how can such a magical and beautiful coral suffer for a long time? It is right to always enjoy the most unharmed and beautiful treatment......


  Sango, can you escape that funeral home timeline? That is, the moment when scientists predict that all the world's corals will die and become a reality, this moment is not only a problem of corals, but also a sign of the great ecological deterioration of the global village - how can we escape reflection?

  Corals and human beings are both equal species in the global village, and no one has the right to deprive corals of the right to live in good waters, which is the basic right of corals to survive!

  But now, how many people are worried that corals are sliding towards the "coral fort" day by day? When have we ever really been kind to corals? When did the coral get in our way?

  Coral, riveted by life and death, lives in the land of death, increases the land, and even a country can be built on it...... Such a tiny creature, even if it has an end to life, how can it be willing to go extinct!?

  What's more, coral has always shaped itself according to the law of beauty. Everything in nature is inherently beautiful and must be beautiful. The fate of the coral has forced its life to no longer bloom "as expected" - the days when the coral was always born naturally, freely beautiful, and swaying happily in the vast ancient times, the idyllic days, are long gone like flowing water......

  However, the death of coral and the alienation of people are synchronized. The earth's ecology has slipped into the vast twilight, and the main thing is to blame on the alienation of people!

  "When-when!" The alarm bell of the ecological crisis in the global village rang for a long time, and the bell echoed a grand problem - how to "behave" human beings!

  Since the Industrial Revolution, a roller coaster of technology has strongly enveloped human beings, spinning into the "ecological era" day by day. Human beings are increasingly on the wrong path of "alienated people" who have both degraded their bodies and their minds have fallen...... Back then, the "natural man" integrated into nature, lived naturally, worked at sunrise and rested at sunset, with a single heart, revered nature, and like all living creatures, seemed to obey the ecological laws and accept the constraints of the natural laws. More importantly, it is possible to abide by the "ecological niche" and only obtain the necessary and limited living resources from nature.

  As for alienated people, as people shrouded in the shadow of anthropocentrism, they worship the god of science and technology while building a big tree, worshipping the god of science and technology, and relying on the god of science and technology, and plundering the majesty of nature without a bottom line; On the other hand, he tried to fully control and manipulate the god of science and technology, but he did not expect to fall into the "prison city of science and technology" and become a "double slave" of technology and desire......

  In today's global village, who denies that "ecological man" is the bearer of the ecological mission and the person who is really going towards the capital of the morning? Only ecological people will consciously conform to nature, respect nature, have a "new awe" for nature, scientifically revere the laws of nature, and revere the value of various lives, and will humbly bow their heads in front of nature, fulfill their ecological duties, be grateful to nature, and care for life. Ecological man is already a person who is beyond industrial civilization, commercial civilization and consumer civilization, and is the only person who can cross the threshold of ecological civilization, the highest civilization of the global village!

  Whether "alienated people" can be reborn into "ecological people" has risen to the universal question of whether the relationship between man and nature can move towards harmony and beauty, and whether the global village still has a future......


  At this point, I can only assume that the scene of the event will be on a certain day 70 years later, when the clouds are thick, and as a "coral man", you are standing on a once famous "coral fort".

  70 years ago, there was a middle-aged man surnamed Lin in Shuimen Township, Xiapu, Ningde, Fujian Province, when he was 13 years old, his hands and feet suddenly grew tumors, and soon his whole body was overgrown, and he was called "Coral Man". "At first, they were just small hard particles, but they grew more and more, and soon my arms, legs, back, and even my head were covered with 'hard shells,' and I felt like I was about to turn into stone and my body was hard to move," he said. ”

  On this day, the lime-like hard shell also wraps many parts of your body, the sea breeze is cold, standing on the "coral fort", are you alone? You look back behind you, and the "coral people" that have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain are staggering, approaching you one by one......

  On this day, the last polyp in the world went to the west, listening to the whimper of the sea breeze, you thought: today should be named "Global Coral Extinction Day"!

  In fact, 70 years ago, marine biologists issued a strong warning: if carbon dioxide emissions triple in the next 35 to 70 years, all the world's coral reefs will be bleached and the sea of acid will kill all the polyps!

  In 1997, it was named the "International Year of Coral Reefs" by the United Nations, calling on all mankind to protect coral reefs that are on the verge of deterioration...... In March 2016, divers discovered that large swaths of coral on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia had bleached and died. In July 2021, UNESCO added the Great Barrier Reef to its list of endangered ......

  The sea breeze has been whimpering for 70 years, and now you are standing in the coral fort, and you turn to think: can coral be a forgetful life?

  You think of the story of "Lethe": it is said that Lethe is a river that bubbles in the world, washing the past and the present, but no one knows its source. In the Republic, Plato once described a group of spirits, sleeping in the open air, being driven across the plain of oblivion, where the grass was completely devoid, and the heat was like a fire, and in a tormented twilight, the thirsty souls finally threw themselves into the Lethe River, and after a burst of binge drinking, they forgot everything.

  There is also a Chinese myth that between Huangquan Road and Hades is the Lechuan River, if you don't drink Meng Po soup, you can't cross the Nai River Bridge, and if you drink Meng Po soup, those old smoke clouds, ups and downs, gains and losses, you will forget cleanly.

Yang Wenfeng: Coral shrouded in the sunset

  You suddenly realized: Isn't the sea in front of you the vast "Forgotten Sea"?

  Didn't the coral drink this "forgotten sea" water all the time?

  However, no matter how great a myth is, it can only be a myth in the end.

  Is it possible that corals, corals with great nincies, do not hold a grudge against humans? Is it possible not to hold a grudge against human beings for the fact that they know that corals are already dying, but still want to "develop" and endanger corals, instead of resolutely and truly joining hands to curb the development of the "sour sea"? ……

  Is it really possible for the frightened coral to completely forget the memory of its extinction day by day, the unforgettable memory that erodes the bones, in the moment before the collective cliff "goes to the western sky"? ……

  The heavens are above, where there is force, there is reaction, and if you do evil, you will give birth to evil, which has always been the law of cause and effect. Each of the various large and small revenge inflicted on human beings by coral is engraved with the name of "retribution"!

  Isn't the wave of ecological disasters that caused the wind in the ocean before the coral species "died" long ago as "retribution" for human beings?

  If human beings can achieve global "carbon neutrality" in time, how can coral be completely reduced to a "coral castle"?

  Who can stop the "Coral Fort" from stopping the "function" of the bunker?

Yang Wenfeng: Coral shrouded in the sunset

  Thinking about this, surrounded by fear, you subconsciously and mechanically squatted down, and your stiff fingers touched a dead coral the size of a skull, the thickness of the mirror, and the cold - the pocket "coral castle". You looked closely, only to see that the "ancient mirror" was full of holes like guns, all like mad eyes, staring at human beings......

Yang Wenfeng: Coral shrouded in the sunset

About the Author

  Yang Wenfeng, a native of Meizhou, Guangdong, holds a bachelor's degree in agricultural meteorology. Second-level Professor of Chinese at the University. He is a first-class writer and a member of the Chinese Writers Association.

  He is known as one of the most representative ecological prose writers at present.

  The prose has been selected into more than 10 kinds of high school textbooks such as "Chinese" and "University Language", and has been selected into the Chinese test papers of the middle school and college entrance examination and the "Selected Chinese and Foreign Ecological Literary Works" (a planning project of the Ministry of Education of the Department of Chinese of Zhejiang University).

  He has published a collection of ecological essays, such as "Nature Notes: Reflections on Scientific Ethics and Culture", "Why Butterflies Are So Beautiful", "Nature Book", "Sick Bonsai: Natural Ethics and Literary Feelings", etc.

  He has won the 7th Lao She Prose Award, the 4th Bingxin Prose Award, the 6th Presenceism Prose Award, the 5th National Outstanding Science Popularization Award, the first Lin Yutang Prose Award, the first "Best Chinese Prose Award" of Selected Prose, the Beijing Literature Award, the People's Literature Travelogue Award, the first International Ecological Literature Award, and the first National Textbook Award.

Yang Wenfeng: Coral shrouded in the sunset

Yang Wenfeng was photographed in Sanya, Hainan Province in the spring of 2023

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