
Marine Fish (45) - ButterflyFish (14): Yellow twill butterfly

Yellow twill butterfly, it is estimated that it is the name of Hong Kong people, Cantonese people call it very smoothly, it is estimated that northerners speak well.

Marine Fish (45) - ButterflyFish (14): Yellow twill butterfly

Of course, it can also be called windmill butterfly, gorgeous butterfly, orange ribbon butterfly, six-belt butterfly...

Marine Fish (45) - ButterflyFish (14): Yellow twill butterfly

The first three photos, taken on December 16, 2018, in the Dunagai Doñín Waters, Philippines.

Marine Fish (45) - ButterflyFish (14): Yellow twill butterfly

The last three photos, taken on February 26, 2016, off the coast of Sleeping Beauty Island in Semporna, Malaysia

Marine Fish (45) - ButterflyFish (14): Yellow twill butterfly

Yellow twill butterfly, Southeast Asian recreational diving is still relatively easy to see.

Marine Fish (45) - ButterflyFish (14): Yellow twill butterfly

Disclaimer: Copyrighted photos, do not infringe.

Marine Fish (45) - ButterflyFish (14): Yellow twill butterfly

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