
Learning Japanese to lure wolves into the house? Indian politicians suggested that Modi invite U.S. troops to the Andaman and choke China's throat

author:Tayanagi Talk

In recent years, the United States and India have become closer and closer, and the two sides have not only held regular military exercises and meetings under the framework of the "four-country mechanism" of the United States, Japan, India and Australia, but also signed a series of agreements involving military and intelligence.

Since they are about to become "family", naturally there is nothing that cannot be said, and many Indian politicians have been brewing a blockbuster plan in recent days. The media reported on the 25th that some government officials proposed to Modi to allow the US Navy to provide military bases in India, and sources revealed that in order to better deal with China, this garrison location was selected in the Andaman Islands.

Learning Japanese to lure wolves into the house? Indian politicians suggested that Modi invite U.S. troops to the Andaman and choke China's throat

The reason for choosing this place is also after some deliberation, with the adjustment of the US global strategy, the future US military will deploy more than 60% of its naval forces to the Indo-Pacific region, in order to achieve this goal, it means that the US military must have enough bases in the Pacific and Indian Oceans at the same time.

Naturally, there is no need to worry about this side of the Pacific, the United States has been operating for decades, basically nothing is bad, and the ships are directly stationed. But the presence in the Indian Ocean is much lower, the current ARMed forces in the region are mainly concentrated near the Persian Gulf, the entire eastern Indian Ocean is almost in a vacuum, so the U.S. military has been hoping to get a base here since 2004, if India can agree, it is undoubtedly the best choice.

Learning Japanese to lure wolves into the house? Indian politicians suggested that Modi invite U.S. troops to the Andaman and choke China's throat

In addition, through the map can be found that the Andaman Islands geographical location is very superior, guarding the western export of the Strait of Malacca, every year Our country has a large number of merchant ships and cargo ships will pass through here, once the United States controls here, there is no doubt that it will pose a great threat to us, comprehensive reasons if the US military can really break through the restrictions and deploy to India, Biden is afraid that he will wake up in his dreams.

It is worth mentioning that this matter is not only a few officials speculating, many Indian media are also frantically advocating the necessity of US military stationing, which said that New Delhi should abandon the "non-alignment" national policy, seek a new foreign policy that keeps pace with the times, and take Australia and Japan as examples, claiming that cooperation with the US military is not equivalent to abandoning sovereignty.

Learning Japanese to lure wolves into the house? Indian politicians suggested that Modi invite U.S. troops to the Andaman and choke China's throat

It is true that most of the developed countries in the world have US troops stationed in their territories, but do not ignore that these countries belong to the same camp, India has aspired to be a sound and independent power since independence, so it will become one of the initiators of the "Non-Aligned Movement", in order not to become a vassal of the two major powers of the United States and the Soviet Union.

Although we often laugh at India, we have to say that it is still much more backbone than countries such as Japan, where its backbone has been broken, and Modi will not be willing to be Biden's little brother. Moreover, the reason why Indian politicians want to take the Thief Ship of the United States is nothing more than to try to use the United States to control China and rely on the power of Washington to suppress us.

Learning Japanese to lure wolves into the house? Indian politicians suggested that Modi invite U.S. troops to the Andaman and choke China's throat

However, Sino-Indian relations and U.S.-India relations are not static, and who can guarantee that China and India will not become friends in the future? Just as the so-called invitation to God is easy to send God, if the US military comes in and wants to let them go, I am afraid it will be more difficult than ascending to the sky, and if India wants to attract wolves into the house for a momentary gain or loss, it will only lift a stone and drop it on its own feet.

Finally, it should be pointed out that the United States is a country that is self-interested, never cares about the lives of allies, some time ago, the epidemic in India was out of control, the Biden administration actually planned to see death at the beginning, and this kind of country called brothers and brothers, careful to be chewed to the bone. Japan, Germany and other economic powers have American troops, but don't forget how much the local people hate these garrisons, and hope that Modi can take care of himself.

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