
Narration Notes| How did the mosquito repellent fan cost three lives?

author:The Paper

Hu Yanyun

In the last issue of "Narrative Notes", the author mentioned the flies that "the camp stops at thorns, or red or black, Hao Hao is stained with dirt, adulterous souls and reckless", but when it comes to the annoying flying insects that disturb sentient beings in summer, there is also a thing that often appears side by side with flies, that is, the mosquito that "can't blow the skin away, the sound of the around the ears, if the skin is cursed, the sores will become sores for a long time".

Although flies, like mosquitoes, have bad deeds of spreading diseases, but first, flies are easy to fight, and second, they do not directly invade the human body, so everyone's overall mood is "hate". Mosquitoes are not the case, not only directly suck blood, leaving sores, causing scratching and inhibiting the itch, but also extremely difficult to beat, so people's overall mood is "hate". This point is also clearly and clearly reflected in ancient notes.

Narration Notes| How did the mosquito repellent fan cost three lives?

First, the countryside has seen the "mosquito tree"

"There are mosquitoes in the world, and the night is waiting for people's skin." There are mosquitoes in the plains, and they come and slaughter each other during the day. Not sheltered from the wind and rain, the flock flew out of the pupa. Disturbing the darkness, thunder and thunder. Sharp mouth into human flesh, slightly red and wet. Zhen Peng is not afraid, and is greedy until death. The boat people dare to stop, and the land people are also rushing. For more than a hundred miles in the north and south, fear is like a tiger..."

This poem by the Tang Dynasty poet Wu Rong vividly wrote about the evil and evil of mosquitoes, whether it is day and night, rain and rain, land and water, north and south, east and west, there are traces of them, as long as there is an opportunity to bite people and suck blood.

Ancient vegetation is rich, dense water network, especially suitable for mosquito breeding, so in ancient notes can often see almost "terrible" related records: Ming Xie Zhaochun's note "Five Miscellaneous Tricks" recorded: "Mosquitoes cover water insects, so there are many near the water." From Wuyue to Jinling and Huai'an, there are all those who are not affected by its poison, especially Wuxing, Gaoyou, and Baimen. Covered by the water of hundreds of squares, feng hong kong countless reasons also. In Xie Zhaochun's view: "Jingshi has many flies, Qi and Jinduo scorpions, and three Wuduo mosquitoes." ”

In fact, mosquitoes are very arrogant everywhere, and the Qing Dynasty notes record "Guangdong mosquitoes" in particular. Qing chengzi's "Also So It Is" said that there is a folk proverb in Guangdong called "Guangzhou mosquito Huizhou fly": "Guangdong has many mosquitoes, all four times, and Guangdong and Chao'erfu are especially so, because mosquitoes are water bugs, and the second house is wet." It is said that there is a local tree, "the insects come out like maggots gather, and they do not grow into mosquitoes in the day", and the locals call it "mosquito tree". This kind of tree is also recorded in the book "Jiyi New Copy", not only in Guangdong, but also in the Jiangnan area. It is said that it "splits the skin in April and May, and mosquitoes come out of it". The author of "Jiyi New Copy" said that he did not believe in seeing the "mosquito tree" in the book before, and then one day walking in the wild, he saw a tree that was "not very large, the leaves were like loquats", "saw that there were bags on the tree like beans, cut it, and a mosquito flew out", he asked the nearby villagers what kind of tree it was, "they didn't know its name", and the author remembered that this was probably the so-called "mosquito tree".

However, if you want to say where the mosquitoes are the most powerful, I am afraid that it is still the "gaoyou" mentioned in the previous "Five Miscellaneous Tricks". The ming dynasty scholar Zhang Zai's notebook "Night Sailing Ship" is recorded in detail: "The old legend is that there are women who over-mail, go to Guo Thirty Miles, the sky is cloudy, and the mosquitoes are flourishing. "On the side of the road, there was a grass hut where the farmer who was ploughing the field rested, and the sister-in-law who was traveling with the woman wanted to drag her in to hide from mosquitoes, but the woman said: I would rather die than live in the house where other men have lived. His sister-in-law had no choice but to hide in the farmhouse herself. The next morning, the woman had been bitten alive by mosquitoes.

Narration Notes| How did the mosquito repellent fan cost three lives?

"Five Miscellaneous Tricks"

In addition, according to the "Qing Barnyard Banknotes", the mosquitoes in Qinghai are also very powerful, "the pain is painful, and after the rain, they are clustered and endless." There is also a mosquito in Hunan called the "dumb mosquito": "Those who quietly snort people, their poisonous stings are especially unaware." Yuyao County ordered Xie Xiaoyu to go on a business trip to the local area and made a poem: "The former birth of the widow quietly contains the fetus, and the phantom degenerates for no reason." The front is not as good as the kiss, and the skin can be darkly stripped of the yin. Companion flies are not exempt from camp thorns, and shy birds are difficult to prevent from shining. Naked but suspicious of deafness, without harsh pain and no guessing..." It seems that it is tormented by this silent poisonous mosquito.

Also suffering from mosquitoes is the Qing Dynasty great Confucian Yu Fan, who recalled in the "Notes of the Right Terrace Xianguan" that his wife died of illness, and he was sad and very nostalgic. "In the year of Gengchen, Yu stayed alone in the Right Terrace Xianguan and did not sleep at night. If you want to cross your eyelashes, you will be disturbed by a mosquito. Yu Fan felt miserable, at that time he was old, his family had many changes, his diet was reduced, his spirit was weak, he could sleep well at night, and the next day he could support himself to do things, "If he does not sleep tonight, tomorrow he will be a big commission." At this moment, the hateful mosquito came again, and the sharp and piercing voice made him irritable, "Yu Zheng is not how, the mosquito suddenly hisses, if it is hit, it will be silent from now on." Yu Fan sighed, "This must be The Lady has the spirit to kill this mosquito for me!" ”

Second, the inscription on the fan caused disaster

In the previous issue of "Narrative Notes", the author wrote that flies have helped ancient criminal investigators solve several strange cases, and in this regard, mosquitoes are "inferior" to flies, because it not only does not help solve the case, but also "creates" a tragic murder.

Narration Notes| How did the mosquito repellent fan cost three lives?

"Fluorescent Window Grass"

According to the Qing Dynasty notebook "Fluorescent Window Strange Grass", some places in ancient Fujian had a good male color, so those "shili houses" were often more guarded than boudoirs if they gave birth to handsome boys. A gentleman, one child each, the girl is beautiful, the boy is handsome, this gentleman also advocates famous religion, so the discipline is strict. The children are all grown up and have not even taken a step out of the house. One day the gentleman went out and saw a young servant holding a fan to cool off at the door, and he did not take it seriously, and after a few days, after passing through his daughter's room, he found that the desk was suitable for this object, and took a look at it, on which was written a five-word poem, and the words were ridiculous. The gentleman was so amazed that he called his daughter to ask where the fan came from, and the daughter said that her brother had brought it from a servant, but she did not know who had written the poem on it, and it was a sensation to read. Jin Sheng frowned and thought: According to the rules, the male servant is not allowed to enter the inner house, how could his fan fall into the hands of his son, and he couldn't help but be vigilant in his heart, but he thought again, the servant's wife was also doing things in the house, maybe she brought it into the inner house, so she was relieved, so she did not investigate.

After Jin Sheng left, the sister told her brother about this matter, and both of them laughed. The sister let the younger brother simply write a poem on the fan, the younger brother refused at first, and then thought of himself as a man, and also trapped at home like everyone's boudoir, unable to go out, after sighing, he washed the original poem on the fan with water, and re-inscribed a poem on the fan: "Male fly original zhi, female Fu Gu is harmless." If you take advantage of the spring wind, you will shake out of the painting hall. After writing, the sisters and brothers laughed for a long time and threw the fan in a cold place.

Soon, Jin Sheng went out to run errands, asked a doorman to help with foreign affairs, and stayed in his house. At this time, it was a hot summer weather, "mosquitoes gathered into thunder", and groups of nuisance and bites, making the doormen cry bitterly, so they asked the inner house for something to expel. The gentleman's son casually gave him the fan—he had long forgotten the inscription on the fan. The doorman used a fan to drive away mosquitoes all night, and the next morning he found the poem on the fan, and he couldn't help but be ashamed and angry! It turned out that when he was young, he had invited a certain official to favor a man, so he suspected that the son of the gentleman was satirizing himself and secretly resolved to take revenge. When the gentleman returned, the doorman handed him the fan, pretended to be ashamed, and said: "This fan was specially given to me by the prince, I don't know what it means..." When the gentleman saw the above poem, he thought that the son had seduced the doorman, and he was angry and frustrated, and called his son to whip him with a whip. Thanks to the daughter who stepped forward and vigorously defended herself, explaining clearly the time and reason for the inscription on the fan, the gentleman knew that it was the guest who caused the damage, "instead ordered the eviction of the guest." The guest was faceless, and the rat flew away."

A few years later, the gentleman concluded a family affair with an official eunuch on behalf of his son, and the marriage was decided, and when the doorman heard about it, he took the fan to the official eunuch's house, which was another rumor and slander. The official eunuch was pedantic and suspicious, and in the name of asking for calligraphy, asked his future son-in-law to write some words. Jin Gentry did not know, let the son write and send it over. The official eunuch compared the words on the fan, "The handwriting is consistent, and it is even sent to the matchmaker to refuse his marriage." The gentry was very angry, and it was useless to argue at the door, so he went to the official government to file a lawsuit, and went all the way to the inspector, the envoy, and the envoy, and finally ruled that the gentleman lost the case, and humiliated his son: "The character of his people can be known, and the wedding of his people should be extinguished." But the eunuch body, leaning on is broken. "The gentleman was ashamed of this, and tarted his son bitterly. The son was unable to defend himself and committed suicide, while the sister cried bitterly and said, "I let my brother write the poem back then, so it can be said that I killed him." "He also hanged himself. The gentleman lost his children bitterly, and ended up with hatred...

In this "tragedy of extinction caused by a group of mosquitoes", perhaps the really vicious and sinister mosquito who sucks blood silently and kills is the vile and shameless doorman.

Third, mosquito-dwelling bamboo leaf characters

For mosquitoes, the ancients had no good feelings, but the deeper they were hurt since ancient times, the more they realized, so many poetry articles about mosquitoes are quite reasonable, such as Pi Rixiu's "Hidden Gathering, Skin Is Not Satisfied." If the emperor is uneven, the micro-creature teaches meat. The poor man has no yarn, and endures the hardships of sleeping in the hut. What is the anointing, the abdomen is not Taicang millet", Wei Yingwu's "fluttering wings and red belly, the riverside night rises like thunder, please ask greedy a little heart, stinky rot to fill the abdomen a few feet", and Pu Songling's "Ande bat is full of nature, a poison tribe Anqun people", most of them compare this thing to a corrupt official who expropriates and extorts marrow from bone.

The conversation between two mosquitoes inside and outside the mosquito net is written in "Also", which is vivid and interesting to read. The author " tasted a night of being disturbed by mosquitoes, tossing and turning, sleepy for a long time", was in the middle of the light, will be asleep between sleep, he suddenly heard a voice from outside the mosquito net: "How can you be so blessed, actually drilled inside?" Then a voice came from the mosquito net and said, "Do you think this is a place of happiness?" Although it is easy to eat, but it is very bad to get, in the face of the anointing current, who does not starve and make a fire? But between the bites, once it is slapped by someone, it can instantly burst into a cracked intestine, rotting into a mess, and even if you are aware of the danger, it is difficult to escape the dense net formed by this account... You only see us outside the tent with plenty of food and clothing, and try to do everything, where do you know that if the danger is so great, in fact, those of us who look at you in the tent are really free to move forward and backward, which is nothing more than hoping that if the gods and immortals are ah! ”

A dialogue vividly portrayed the doomsday mentality of those corrupt officials who knew that the legal net was inevitable and had no way to do anything.

Among such notes, the most profound metaphor is a story recorded in the Rio.

Narration Notes| How did the mosquito repellent fan cost three lives?


"In a certain temple in Guangdong, an old man, poor and clean-cut, holds very strict discipline." In the summer of this year, in the sweltering heat, a taoist monk came to the temple at dusk to ask for lodging. The old monk frowned and said, "There are many evil mosquitoes in this place, and the people are the most poisonous, and there are often those who are wounded and corrupt and cannot be paralyzed." How is it good for a poor monk to cover mosquitoes with only one cloth? The Taoist priest said, "The master is merciful, and he is willing to leave me to live temporarily, which is enough, fortunately!" Nothing else. The old monk saw that his words were earnest, deeply moved, and willing to give his cloth to the Taoist priest to cover the mosquito. The Taoist priest insisted on not accepting it. After pushing each other for a long time, the old monk finally resolutely gave up the cloth to the Taoist. Who knew that after a night, the old monk who originally thought that he must have been bitten by mosquitoes was unscathed, and he didn't even hear a mosquito barking! He was very shocked, and came to ask the Daoist what was going on, and the Daoist priest smiled: "With a little skill, drive all the mosquitoes away from the bamboo leaves in the back garden." Please remember that all the leaves inhabited by mosquitoes and the words have been translated, and they can avoid mosquitoes, and they should not be taken lightly. The old monk was very surprised, and when he came to the back garden, he saw that there were hundreds of bamboo leaves in the garden, each inhabited by a mosquito, and the words were all changed. The old monk was overjoyed and came out to thank him, but the Taoist priest did not know where to go. Since then, there have been no mosquitoes in the temple. Later, it was known by good people near and far, "Smelling bamboo leaves can avoid mosquitoes, scrambling to buy them, dozens of dollars per leaf, not more than a year, the garden bamboo is empty, and the monks are rich." ”

In this note, hidden is the ridiculous, pitiful and pathetic expectation of the ancient literati, using "words" to eliminate mosquitoes and avoid their harm completely. In the past, the philosophers who wrote books and said that they were nothing more than eager to build a peaceful and prosperous world without corruption, justice and honesty, and always thought that a book, a sentence, and an article could clean up the world and "open up peace for all the worlds", but such fantasies can only exist on paper...

On the contrary, Shen Fu's approach in the "Six Records of Floating Life" is more "pragmatic", that is, he can't change the reality, so he changes his mentality: "Summer mosquitoes become thunder, privately intend to make a group of cranes dance in the air, the direction of the heart, or a thousand or a hundred, and sure enough, the crane is also; looking up, the item is strong." And left the mosquito in the tent, Xu sprayed with smoke, so that it flushed the smoke and flew, as a green cloud white crane view, and the fruit was like a crane in the clouds, and it was pleasantly praised. ”

Of course, Shen Fu's spiritual victory method is not something that everyone can do. In real life, for those dark and corrupt phenomena, young people always want to change, middle-aged people always love to compromise, probably the former thinks that there is no way to get rid of evil, and the latter feels that the ecological balance still needs this thing, and the two have their own reasons, and there is no need to argue about which is right and wrong. The progress of society is always gradually moving forward in the struggle against the "tolerance" and "intolerance" of ugly phenomena, but the practice of taking mosquitoes as cranes and enjoying pleasure is always inappropriate, after all, cranes and mosquitoes, no matter how similar they are confused, but the results after waking up have essential differences, one is white clouds, one is full of bags.

Editor-in-Charge: Gu Ming

Proofreader: Ding Xiao

The Surging News shall not be reproduced without authorization. News Report: 4009-20-4009

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