
This little worm is invisible to the naked eye, and Arbor is dead for 8 days after being bitten! Be careful when you go out into the wild in the summer

author:Shenzhen Health Commission

In the summer

Meadows in the park

In the field

There is a kind of bug that is difficult to see with the naked eye

Its name is Scrub!

It's a deadly bug!

This little worm is invisible to the naked eye, and Arbor is dead for 8 days after being bitten! Be careful when you go out into the wild in the summer

Image source: Network

The hot season is from June to September every year

It is the peak of scrub activity


More and more cases of scrubs "biting" dead people are reported in the media!

This little worm is invisible to the naked eye, and Arbor is dead for 8 days after being bitten! Be careful when you go out into the wild in the summer

In mid-July, Zheng Laobo, who was working in Guangzhou, began to have a high fever repeatedly.

At first, he did not care, and after two days of examination and treatment in Guangzhou, he returned to his hometown in Hunan with his fellow villagers.

The family saw that Zheng Laobo's face was very bad, and sent him to the local hospital, but his condition took a sharp turn for the worse, and he died after 8 days.

According to the diagnosis of the local hospital, Zheng Laobo was infected with "scrub worm disease" before his death.

This little worm is invisible to the naked eye, and Arbor is dead for 8 days after being bitten! Be careful when you go out into the wild in the summer

Zheng Laobo's family cried and said:

"We've never heard of this bug being so powerful before, and we hope more people will pay attention and stop taking their lives from it!"

So what exactly is this scrub disease?

This little worm is invisible to the naked eye, and Arbor is dead for 8 days after being bitten! Be careful when you go out into the wild in the summer

The vector of scrub disease is chigger mites, which belong to a type of mite, also known as sand mites, sand lice, and scrub worms.

The "scrub photos" we see on weekdays are all teeth and claws, and the face is vicious, in fact, this cargo is super pocket-sized, less than 1 mm.

This little worm is invisible to the naked eye, and Arbor is dead for 8 days after being bitten! Be careful when you go out into the wild in the summer

However, it is annoying in that it bites people very insidiously, always biting some soft skin and not easy to find places, such as armpits, waist, groin, perineum and other parts.

Chigger mites are a vector of scrub worm disease and can also transmit other diseases such as epidemic haemorrhagic fever, and are an important class of medical mites. At present, the number of known species of chigger mites in the world is more than 3,000 species, and more than 500 species have been found in China.

This little worm is invisible to the naked eye, and Arbor is dead for 8 days after being bitten! Be careful when you go out into the wild in the summer

The causative agent of scrub worm disease is the oriental body of scrub worm disease, a microorganism that lies between bacteria and viruses and is often found in rodents.

So the question is, isn't it scrub worm disease? Why are you pulling on a rat again?

Take a look at the image below

This little worm is invisible to the naked eye, and Arbor is dead for 8 days after being bitten! Be careful when you go out into the wild in the summer

Scrubs bite only once in their larval stages, either by the host animal (rat) or by "biting". When biting, there are two situations:

(1) Being bitten by a "healthy" scrub

After being bitten by a scrub worm that does not carry the oriental body of scrub worm disease, some minor symptoms will appear, such as rashes, dermatitis, etc. on the skin of the bitten site, which can be cured by anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, etc.

This little worm is invisible to the naked eye, and Arbor is dead for 8 days after being bitten! Be careful when you go out into the wild in the summer

(2) Bitten by a "diseased" scrub

After being bitten by a scrub worm carrying the oriental body of scrub worm disease, the patient will develop scrub worm disease and will have the following symptoms -


After the infection of scrub worm disease, the pathogenesis characteristics are very similar to ordinary fevers and colds, and many people have not paid attention to this disease and treated this disease as an ordinary repeated fever.

Eschar and ulceration occur

In addition to fever, scrub worm disease will also produce eschar or ulcers after the onset of the disease, but it is not painful or itchy, which is also an important factor in determining scrub worm disease.

This little worm is invisible to the naked eye, and Arbor is dead for 8 days after being bitten! Be careful when you go out into the wild in the summer

▲ Eschar after the bite of the scrub worm, picture source: Southern Metropolis Daily

Swollen lymph nodes, rash

At the same time, the lymph nodes near the eschar will also appear swollen, and a rash will appear on the trunk and even the limbs.

Severe can cause death

In severe cases, there will be complications such as encephalitis, meningitis, myocarditis, infectious shock, and even death.

This little worm is invisible to the naked eye, and Arbor is dead for 8 days after being bitten! Be careful when you go out into the wild in the summer

Although scrub worm disease is very vicious, everyone does not have to be too nervous. Because scrub worm disease is preventable, treatable, and does not infect with scrub worm disease because of contact with scrub patients.

The high incidence of scrub worm disease in the south is from June to August, but because the scrub worms in Shenzhen are in a warm environment all year round, there are not a few scrubs that can overcome cold autumn and winter attacks, so everyone should pay attention to protecting themselves!

(1) Kill the rats! Snuff out scrub worm disease at its source

Chigger mites parasitize on animals such as rodents, and once the rodents carry pathogens, chig mites can easily spread the pathogen to humans by biting the parasitic rats. Therefore, strengthening rat control is the most effective way to control scrub worm disease.

Practice personal hygiene and try to avoid bare skin contact with rodents such as pet mice.

This little worm is invisible to the naked eye, and Arbor is dead for 8 days after being bitten! Be careful when you go out into the wild in the summer

(2) Go to the wild and play as long as possible

The edges of bushes, grass and riverbanks, which are common when going out, are popular places for scrubbers. Therefore, try to avoid sitting and resting in such environments or drying clothes.

When citizens go to the wild, they should wear long-sleeved clothes and pants, and tie the cuffs, necklines and trouser cuffs, and the exposed parts of the body should be less to the places where rats are concentrated and in the grass, and they should apply mosquito repellent.

When moving in the "danger zone", it is necessary to pat the clothes from time to time to shake off the attached chiggers.

This little worm is invisible to the naked eye, and Arbor is dead for 8 days after being bitten! Be careful when you go out into the wild in the summer

▲Notice board of a park in Guangzhou, picture source: Network

(3) Go home and take a shower! See a doctor right away if you have discomfort

After going out to go home, it is necessary to change clothes and take a bath in time, especially paying attention to washing the more hidden parts of the body; if you find a chigger mite larva bite, you can immediately pick it with a needle.

If you have fever after going out, as well as skin rashes, eschars and other symptoms, you should seek medical treatment in time and take the initiative to tell the doctor about the history of outings.

This little worm is invisible to the naked eye, and Arbor is dead for 8 days after being bitten! Be careful when you go out into the wild in the summer

Image source: Screenshot of "Ode to Joy"

Scrub worm disease is not a new disease, there is a specific drug treatment, early detection and treatment can be recovered, we do not have to worry too much, but we must pay attention to prevention.

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This little worm is invisible to the naked eye, and Arbor is dead for 8 days after being bitten! Be careful when you go out into the wild in the summer


Source: "Disease Control Online" WeChat public account

This little worm is invisible to the naked eye, and Arbor is dead for 8 days after being bitten! Be careful when you go out into the wild in the summer

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