
A must-see film for parents – Captain Marvel

author:Chen Feng said movies
A must-see film for parents – Captain Marvel

It's not a movie about superpowers, and it doesn't have flashy scenes and cool action

But if you're a parent of a child, then this movie must not be missed

In order to cure his wife's depression, the male protagonist took his wife to live in seclusion in the depths of the forest

They have 6 children, and the family lives a pristine life equivalent to Ru Mao drinking blood

A must-see film for parents – Captain Marvel

They planted, harvested, trained, hunted, debated, and read

Parents and the whole mountain forest are their teachers

They don't have electronics and they don't go shopping at the supermarket

Everything comes from nature, except for books and only clothes

They are happy and harmonious, they sing and dance

A must-see film for parents – Captain Marvel

Until one day, all this was broken by the suicide of the mother

They had to enter the real world to attend their mother's funeral

Face the reality

That's when the problem arises

Children are full of money but do not communicate with others in this world

A must-see film for parents – Captain Marvel

They are not understood by their loved ones and are not accepted by the world

In various incidents, the male protagonist loses himself, blames himself, doubts, regrets, and thinks

Eventually he was able to find out

Although the eldest son was admitted to top universities such as Yale, Stanford, MIT, Brown, Harvard, and so on

But knowledge, only when applied, can be transformed into ability

A must-see film for parents – Captain Marvel

No one can exist independently of reality, more knowledge, in the world

This movie really makes people think about it during the process of watching it

What makes education a reasonable way?

How do you live with the world?

A must-see film for parents – Captain Marvel

Well, I personally really love this movie too much

Maybe it's because I'm a father who loves the outdoors

Because of the subject matter, this movie can be said to be very unpopular and the rating is not high

But I'm basically a casual Amway

Look at another attitude towards life with a critical mindset

You, you're sure to be inspired— Captain Marvel

A must-see film for parents – Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel

Director: Matt Ross

Year: 2016

Genre: Drama/Comedy/Family

Starring: Vigo Mortensen / George McKay / Samantha Isle

Rating: 7.9 (definitely undervalued)

A must-see film for parents – Captain Marvel

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