
The October Celestial Phenomenon series "Blockbuster" is coming, which one are you most looking forward to?

author:Sichuan Observation

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In the golden autumn of October, the sky is high and cloudy, which is a good season for stargazing. The National Day holiday has just ended, many friends are also having fun, especially to the west of Sichuan Plateau travel friends, many have returned a lot of scenery films, green mountains and water, starry sky Galaxy, that is called a beauty! The night sky in October is also much more exciting, and then, Guan Guan will give everyone a forecast of this month's wonderful weather.

The October Celestial Phenomenon series "Blockbuster" is coming, which one are you most looking forward to?

From 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. on October 9, the Draco meteor shower is coming! Liu Chang, director of the Sichuan Astronomical Science Popularization Society, introduced that the Draco meteor shower usually has a small flow, but there is a small probability of outbreak, in case of a big outbreak, the Draco meteor shower will definitely burst into the night sky that day. So interested friends may wish to be prepared, to try to try, maybe really catch up?

The October Celestial Phenomenon series "Blockbuster" is coming, which one are you most looking forward to?

October 10th Venus Heart, Sudo 2nd Moon. Heart 2, the main star of Scorpio, is located at the tail of Scorpio and is the brightest star in the Scorpio region. In ancient China, also known as the Great Fire, it belonged to the heart of the Seven Houses of the Eastern Dragon, that is, the Dragon Star, which was used to determine the season. Heartland II is a famous red supergiant star that emits a fiery red light. On the night of October 10, it will merge with the earth's sister star Venus, which is naturally spectacular.

The October Celestial Phenomenon series "Blockbuster" is coming, which one are you most looking forward to?

On October 21, we will also have the Orion Meteor Shower, the mother of this meteor shower from the famous Halley's Comet, but the conditions for this observation may be limited because the Moon is too large.

The following October 25, Mercury will usher in the western distance. This time, The Great Distance is the third and last time to observe Mercury this year. According to reports, because Mercury is too close to the sun, it can only be observed by us when it is at a large distance in the east and a large distance in the west.

The October Celestial Phenomenon series "Blockbuster" is coming, which one are you most looking forward to?

In addition to Mercury's west distance, on October 30, Venus will also usher in the eastern distance. At that time, Venus will be very bright, up to -4.6 magnitude, like a bright lamp hanging low in the southwest, proud of the stars. Liu Chang said: "With the help of small astronomical telescopes, the public can enjoy the charming figure of Venus like a small moon. ”

The October Celestial Phenomenon series "Blockbuster" is coming, which one are you most looking forward to?

How about seeing so much which one do you expect? Guan Guan here also reminds you astronomy enthusiasts that the weather is cooler, while watching the beautiful starry sky, you must also pay attention to the cold and keep warm.