
The yellow land of 3 years ago is now a verdant land, and it can also get rich by generating green electricity, and Shanghai energy companies use photovoltaic power plants to help rural revitalization
The yellow land of 3 years ago is now a verdant land, and it can also get rich by generating green electricity, and Shanghai energy companies use photovoltaic power plants to help rural revitalization

In Lingshou County, Hebei Province, which was once a state-level poverty county, in order to alleviate poverty, it has tried to promote a variety of photovoltaic poverty alleviation models, including centralized power stations, village-level photovoltaic power plants, household photovoltaic power plants, etc. In Tashang Town, Tashang Village, Lingshou County, since 2018, The Shanghai energy company, Huantai Energy, has invested in the construction of a photovoltaic poverty alleviation power station, undertaking the task of helping 1168 local poor households get rid of poverty.

Three years ago, the location of the power station was still a barren yellow land, but now it is a green life at a glance. The relevant person in charge of Mannatech Energy told reporters that since the grid connection, the power station has used solar energy to generate electricity, providing clean, reliable, green and sustainable energy supply for local residents, and continuing to inject vitality into local poverty alleviation through the form of poverty alleviation that shares the income from power generation with the poor population. It is understood that the power station pays 3,000 yuan to each poor family every year, and has been helping for 20 consecutive years, with a total of 70.08 million yuan of poverty alleviation funds, and 10.512 million yuan has been paid so far.

The yellow land of 3 years ago is now a verdant land, and it can also get rich by generating green electricity, and Shanghai energy companies use photovoltaic power plants to help rural revitalization

Three years ago, the site of the power station was a barren yellow land.

The yellow land of 3 years ago is now a verdant land, and it can also get rich by generating green electricity, and Shanghai energy companies use photovoltaic power plants to help rural revitalization

Nowadays, the photovoltaic poverty alleviation project area that carries out the "agricultural and optical complementary" project is already a green area

The relevant person in charge said that because it is a precision poverty alleviation project, the company mobilized as many resources as possible to fully support, and the entire project took more than 2 months from the start of construction to grid-connected power generation, and was officially completed and operated at the end of December of that year.

It is not enough to rely on the income of the power station alone, how to transform the driving force of poverty alleviation into sustained vitality, and effectively link the consolidation of the results of poverty alleviation with rural revitalization? The reporter learned that since last year, the power station has also introduced the "photovoltaic power generation + agricultural planting" model, truly carried out the "agricultural light complementary" project according to local conditions, using the idle land in the photovoltaic field area to cultivate and plant crops such as sweet potatoes, peanuts, peppers, cereals and Chinese medicinal materials, and the current crop planting coverage area has reached 90%, which has greatly improved the output efficiency of the land and promoted the development of the agricultural industry. In addition, crop planting, daily maintenance of power stations give priority to absorbing nearby labor, and it is expected to generate about 3,000 labors per year, which has driven farmers' employment, achieved a double harvest of photovoltaic development and agricultural production, and promoted poverty alleviation from "blood transfusion" to "hematopoiesis", adding impetus to rural revitalization.

Education to alleviate poverty has put wings on dreams

At the end of 2020, the First Middle School of Mengla County, Yunnan Province, held the "Huantai Scholarship" awarding ceremony, commending the teachers and students who achieved excellent results in the middle school entrance examination and college entrance examination this year, and the award-winning students were awarded between 1,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan respectively, and the teacher group was rewarded with 98,500 yuan. "It was an unexpected surprise to receive this award, and it is also a great affirmation of my learning, so as long as I work hard, I will definitely be able to get recognition." Aided student Jiang Xuesong said.

According to reports, since 2017, Mannatech Energy has inserted the wings of dreams for poor students in Yunnan and Guangxi by donating funds to set up scholarships and helping new schools open.

The scholarship makes up for the lack of teaching equipment in Mengla County No. 1 Middle School, and also encourages the morale of all teachers and students, which has a beneficial impact on students' learning initiative and healthy competition in the teaching team. "When we were teaching in our third year of high school last year, we knew that this scholarship existed, and we definitely wanted to work harder and use better teaching methods to teach well." Liang Jingjing, a high-central Chinese language teacher who won the Mannatech Teachers' Scholarship in 2019, said. The school's 2019 senior year's promotion rate exceeded the previous year's record, and all the senior high school teachers who taught received the Mannatech Teacher Bonus.

Nanyi, chairman of Mannatech Energy, said that it is both a responsibility and an honor to help the country fight against poverty, and what is more exciting than this for a company to participate in such a great cause.

Helping the poor and helping the weak transmits positive energy towards goodness

It is reported that the company also regularly purchases agricultural products produced by poor households in paired villages in Yunnan every year, and realizes poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation through stable purchase and sales relations.

At the beginning of 2020, the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, the company donated 1 million yuan for the first time through the Songjiang District Guangcai Program Promotion Association, which was specially used for the procurement of drugs, medical supplies and other epidemic prevention materials to provide support to Wuhan.

Nowadays, Mannatech Energy's photovoltaic, wind power and other new energy power stations are distributed in many parts of the country, and with the expansion of business territory, the tradition of "where the project is done, where the charity is done" has gradually formed. In January 2018, Anhui Bengbu Project Company donated more than 200,000 yuan to the local nursing home to transform the living environment of the rural nursing home and improve the quality of life of the five elderly; in 2018, the project company in southern Anhui purchased ankang insurance for the local 1,000 elderly people over the age of 50 and received a letter of thanks from the township government; in June 2020, Hebei Baixiang Project Company donated love to the local poor households, and then added bricks and tiles to win the battle against poverty. Nanyi said: "Enterprises are not only economic organizations for profit," Nanyi said, "But also the cells of society, and should make their own contributions to the harmonious development of society." ”

According to incomplete statistics, Mannatech Energy has donated more than 79.8 million yuan to photovoltaic poverty alleviation, education poverty alleviation, helping the elderly, fighting the epidemic, etc.

Author: Zhang Tianchi

EDIT: Zhu Yue

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