
In this yellow land, the red feeling will be passed on forever

author:China Youth Daily
In this yellow land, the red feeling will be passed on forever

Former site of the Suide Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China. Bright pictures

In this yellow land, the red feeling will be passed on forever

The former site of the Yangjiagou Revolution in Mizhi County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. Xinhua News Agency


Editor's Note

From September 13 to 14, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected and investigated in Yulin, Shaanxi Province. At many inspection points, he carefully watched and earnestly entrusted, and the emphasis on "inheritance" ran through the whole process. "We have to continue to do this good job. If you take a good road, you must not forget the road. Look at the past ditches and bumps, we have come from here, and its beginning is simple, and its will be great. The words of the general secretary revealed his deep concern for the hot land of northern Shaanxi and the great importance he attached to carrying forward the party's glorious traditions and fine work style.

We invited several witnesses and representatives from all walks of life to discuss their feelings and confidence in the spirit of the general secretary's important instructions, and asked experts to analyze and explain, in order to effectively make full use of red resources, deepen the study and education of party history, continue the red blood, and gather the spiritual strength of unremitting struggle.

Let the red old site pass on the blood and rejuvenate

Narrator: Chang Tianmin, curator of the Yangjiagou Revolution Memorial Hall in Mizhi County, Shaanxi Province

The other day, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Yangjiagou. I had the privilege of listening to the General Secretary's important speech at the scene, and whenever I think of the scene at that time, there is a heat wave in my heart that surges up, which is particularly exciting.

Although Yangjiagou, hidden in the mountains and beams, is an ordinary small mountain village, it has witnessed a major turning point in the Chinese revolution. At the end of 1947, Comrade Mao Zedong led the Party Central Committee to Yangjiagou Village, where the "December Conference" was held, at which comrade Mao Zedong submitted and adopted the written report "The Present Situation and Our Tasks." This meeting led the Chinese revolution to national victory with accurate foresight and scientific decision-making, and "commanded the largest people's liberation war in the smallest command in the world."

Over the years, I have received many visitors, and one of them has impressed me particularly. His name was Zhang Haijun, and before he came, he and I talked on the phone several times, inquiring about the installation of the memorial, discussing the historical details of the "December Conference", and talking about the characters in that period of history... I could feel that he had deep feelings for Yang Jiagou. Later, as soon as we met, he held my hand tightly. It turned out that he was a descendant of Zhang Desheng, then deputy director of the Political Department of the Northwest Field Army, and Comrade Zhang Desheng was one of only two people in Yulin City to attend the "December Conference." On the same day, Zhang Haijun handed me a book called "Zhang Desheng", and with tears in his eyes, he solemnly wrote "Archive for the Yangjiagou Revolution Memorial Hall - Zhang Desheng's grandson Zhang Haijun".

The general secretary's arrival this time left an important entrustment. In order to live up to the high expectations, we must hurry up and take action: start the project of protecting and repairing the old revolutionary sites, upgrade and transform the basic exhibition; bring out a group of explainers who are proficient in business, use young language and thinking to integrate the atmosphere of the new era into it, let the red story spread among the youth, let the red spirit grow stronger among the youth, and let our "heirlooms" never fade and bloom in the new era.

The story here is full of people's feelings

Narrator: Ma Hang, a cadre of the Party History Research Office of the Yulin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and a docent of the former site of the Suide Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China

On September 14, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the former site of the Suide Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China, and I had the honor of serving as a docent. The general secretary whispered the two lines in the exhibition hall: "Stand on the side of the overwhelming majority of the working people" and "Sit on the side of the common people with your ass up to your head," and stressed that the CPC led the people to victory in the revolution, won the hearts and minds of the people, and firmly chose to side with hundreds of millions of people on our side.

This scene deeply touched me. I think of some moving historical facts that are full of people's feelings when I consult the literature. In 1941, Suide Subdistrict was still a new district with many people and few land and poor living. Zhang Xianguo, the nephew of Zhang Xiushan, one of the founders of the former Northwest Revolutionary Base Area, recalled the situation in Suide at that time: he could only drink three meals of porridge a day, wore clothes sewn from sacks of pieces, and was barefoot. Although Zhang Xiushan already had a leadership position at that time, he also fell ill due to lack of nutrition and overwork. Even with such hardships, communists have always shared weal and woe with the people and struggled hard for the people.

In order to win the war, the people preferred to swallow chaff and swallow vegetables, but also to save grain for the soldiers to eat. The party's leading cadres and fighters also actively participate in production and do their best to reduce the burden on the people. There is an administrator named Yang Shengyu in the organ gang room, who has a very close relationship with the masses, and many people will send their own grain and vegetables to the gang house, and he insists on paying every time. In the large-scale production movement, he took the production tasks of everyone on himself and helped the masses from time to time.

There are many similar stories waiting for us to dig up and spread. These days, the old site welcomes more tourists from the south and north of the sky. We must do our utmost to turn this place into a big classroom for inheriting and carrying forward the revolutionary traditions and fine work style, and inspire more Communist Party members to cherish the people in their hearts and always stand with the people, think together, and work together. Only in this way can we inspire more people to strive for a more brilliant future.

Relying on good traditions, the ravine went out of the way to riches

Narrator: Liu Zhenxi, secretary of the party branch of Haojiaqiao Village, Zhangjiading Town, Suide County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province

A few days ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into Haojiaqiao Village, and the villagers were happier than the festival. As the secretary of the village party committee, my heart is also full of joy and warmth. In particular, the general secretary praised us for winning the honorary title of "National Poverty Alleviation Model". This excited the whole village. Everyone said that we must polish this "golden signboard" and make concerted efforts to build the village well.

Haojiaqiao Village has today, what does it rely on? It's inheritance. When outsiders come to Haojiaqiao Village, I always have to take him to the village history museum first. There is a painting hanging there, showing That on May 2, 1943, Liu Yuhou, a labor hero named by Suide County, was walking joyfully to the village with a big yellow cow rewarded by the county party committee and the county government.

During the Period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, we Haojiaqiao people carried forward the spirit of Yan'an, relied on production to get rid of poverty, and became a "model village in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region." Today's Haojiaqiao people are not far behind, continue to follow the party to drum up full strength to work and produce, leave the hard days behind, and do a good job of getting richer and richer.

No, autumn has arrived, and the village is full of melons and fruits. In 2018, we established the village collective economic shareholding cooperative, transferred 6672 mu of wasteland and slope land to the village collective, leveled more than 2800 mu of land, and built 40 arch sheds and 20 solar greenhouses. The arch shed mainly grows grapes, peaches, melons and other fruits, and the average annual income of each shed is more than 18,000 yuan. Most of the greenhouses are organic vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, and eggplants, and the average annual income of each shed is more than 20,000 yuan.

We also adopt the method of "villagers' self-financing, village-level subsidies, and higher-level struggles" to support contracted households, and contact the Agricultural Bureau to provide them with technical support and business guidance. Many villagers, especially young people, see this situation and want to return to their hometowns to develop.

Looking back, I really faced the loess with my back to the sky! Like many villages in northern Shaanxi, our villages have no resources, and it is difficult to develop. In 2015, when I became the secretary of the village party branch, I made up my mind: "When Liu Yuhou relied on the spirit of hardship to make the large-scale production movement sound and colorful, we must also carry forward this spirit and gnaw down the hard bone of the task of poverty alleviation." "Everyone has worked together with this momentum and made good use of the good policies given by the party, which has led to today's good days."

Continue the red bloodline and continue to write the chapter of serving the country

Narrator: Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Asia-Pacific Federation of Engineering Organizations, Deputy Director of the Academic Committee and Director of the Academic Committee of Northwestern Polytechnical University Huang Wei

"It is necessary to make full use of red resources, deepen the study and education of party history, and continue the red bloodline." General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions during his inspection in Yulin filled my heart with emotion. Since its birth, Northwestern Polytechnical University has been closely linked to the security of its home country. Generations of Western workers have listened to the party, followed the party, bowed down in the places where the motherland needs it most, and integrated red culture into their bloodlines.

I am also deeply influenced by this red tradition. In the early 1990s, I went to the National University of Singapore for postdoctoral research. At the beginning of this century, I gave up my academic development in Singapore and led the team back to China to start a business. "Taking the ancient Silk Road as the base for innovation and entrepreneurship, establishing a world-class flexible electronics research and development platform and industrial incubation base" has become the direction of my commitment. In recent years, a large number of outstanding young scholars have returned from overseas studies and returned to China, and they have continuously gathered in the flexible electronics research team of Xi'an University of Technology led by me.

I personally feel the school's unremitting exploration in the field of education to serve the country: strive to combine national defense needs with students' aspirations, combine original spirit with practical ability, and cultivate diversified, innovative and international national defense science and technology innovation talents. According to statistics, more than 80% of the topics selected for the university's graduate students' graduation thesis come from important national and industry scientific research projects such as large aircraft, manned spaceflight, and deep-sea exploration.

Looking back on the past, the development of Xigong University is closely linked to the take-off of the nation. In the future, my students and I will carry forward the glorious tradition, continue the red blood, take root in the western region, dedicate ourselves to national defense, and continue to write a timeless chapter of serving the country.

Young people are expected to carry on the tradition and move forward courageously

Narrator: Shi Weixiang, former president of Xi'an Jiaotong University

In the autumn of September, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Yulin, Shaanxi Province, to investigate and investigate, as a 93-year-old party member with 72 years of party experience, I felt extremely excited and excited.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly made important instructions on the spirit of westward migration, hoping that teachers and students of Xi'an Jiaotong University will inherit the spirit of westward migration and contribute wisdom and strength to the development of the western region and the construction of the country. In this regard, I and the old professors who moved west are very excited, and the feelings of "old Ji Futuo, determined to be in a thousand miles" are stirred in our chests.

I am a witness to the westward migration of Jiaotong University. In early 1949, I joined the Communist Party of China while studying in the Mechanical Department of Jiaotong University, and graduated in 1952. In January 1956, the Party Central Committee issued a call to the whole party and the whole country to "march toward science". I sat on the westbound train with thousands of teachers and students, and began the struggle to take root in the yellow land, develop the western region, and build a country.

Although the conditions for Jiaotong University to move westward were arduous, in that steaming era, contributing to the construction of the motherland was the highest ideal in the minds of all young people. At the heart of the westward migration spirit is patriotism. Patriotism means that wherever the party tells us to go, we will carry our bags and go where we go. Struggle, for the sake of the cause at all costs. Today, we are all old, and there is not much left for the party and the country. But we are very happy to see that the red tradition is being passed on – in the 65 years since the school was relocated, Xi'an Jiaotong University has trained more than 280,000 graduates, nearly half of whom have stayed in the west and grown into the backbone of various industries.

At the snap of a finger, a new journey toward the second centenary goal has begun, and the glorious historical task awaits the vast number of young people to roll up their sleeves and work hard. It is hoped that young people will inherit the red gene well, make contributions where the motherland needs it, and become excellent builders and successors.

There are people in the heart, and there are good things in the pen

Narrator: Qi Yali, Secretary of the Party Group and Executive Vice Chairman of the Shaanxi Writers Association

"Standing on the side of the largest majority of working people" and "sitting on the side of the common people with your ass upright", these words read softly by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the old site of the Suide Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China are like a thousand jun and full of affection.

During the revolutionary war years, a large number of literary scholars gathered and grew up under the pagoda mountain and had a resounding name - the Literary Shaanxi Army. With high revolutionary enthusiasm and infinite sincerity to the people, this red brigade has created a large number of outstanding works that are popular among the population.

When I was writing the film literary script "The Fool's Cause", I had a deeper understanding of the people's writer Liu Qing. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Qing was already a nine-level high-ranking cadre in Beijing, but he took the initiative to ask for the administrative level to be lowered to live in the countryside of Shaanxi, and his family moved to Huangfu Village in Chang'an County, where he settled as a farmer. In Huangfu Village, Liu Qing visited peasant households and talked with everyone about production and family routines. In order to solve the difficulties of the commune, he donated the entire manuscript fee of the first part of the "History of Entrepreneurship" for a total of 16,065 yuan. Others did not understand, but he sincerely said, "I am a member of the society, and the members of the society hand over the grain they grow as public grain to the state, and I should also hand over the manuscript fee to the state."

Liu Qing's "self-inflicted hardships" and in-depth life had a lasting impact on Shaanxi writers. Similarly, Du Pengcheng, Wang Wenshi, Li Ruobing, and other literary Shaanxi troops of the older generation have always stood with the people, wanted to be together, and worked together, and have also set an example for us.

As a member of Shaanxi's literary circles, we must inherit the glorious traditions of the Shaanxi Army of Literature, understand the people in the vast fields and fiery practice, praise the people, truly have great righteousness in our hearts, have the people in our hearts, have responsibilities on our shoulders, and have a clean slate in our writings, and create more spiritual food that lives up to the times and is worthy of the people.

Project team: Reporters Zhang Zhehao, Zhang Sheng, Li Xiao, Wang Simin

Source: Guangming Daily

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