
The relationship between men and women is a four-corner relationship that contains "the inner opposite sex"

author:Meet psychology
The relationship between men and women is a four-corner relationship that contains "the inner opposite sex"

Jung once said that the relationship between men and women is not just a relationship of "two people".

As a man, are you 100% a man? Of course not. Men will have feminine parts, and women will also have elements that are male traits. In this way, the relationship between men and women has always been a polyamorous relationship that includes "4 people". Inside each of our bodies is an "inner opposite sex."

The girls all seem to be looking forward to the arrival of their "Prince Charming". So far, they have been indoctrinated with the idea that if there is no 'girl', the prince will not come"; and boys, of course, must fight like heroes to be favored by girls. Therefore, the concept of "having to be a man" in the minds of boys is also very strong. In real life, people really suffer in order to make themselves have a "man-like" or "woman-like".

Simply being aware of the objective existence of the "inner opposite sex" within one's own body can create more space for relationships.

The same pair of men and women, at different times to meet, the part of the communication will naturally be different, so the relationship between the two sides will also show different appearances. There may be same-sex partnerships, but there will also be cases where men and women are reversed. For this kind of phenomenon, if both parties are mentally prepared, then the relationship will become very full and natural, and there will be fewer suspicions than in the past.

However, once in love, this wisdom of human beings will disappear without a trace, and it is long unknown where to fly.

Excerpt from Hayato Kawai

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