
Everyone says I love you and the old man has no one to rely on, and the addictive black humor film and television drama recommends the seventh bullet

Everybody Says I Love You from the perspective of Juna (Natasha Natasha Lyonne) shows the happiness of a member of a extended family pursuing true love. Brother-in-law Holden (Edward Norton) has been looking for an opportunity to propose to his romantic cousin Skyler (Drew Barrymore), who seems to be hooked on a criminal with a previous conviction, Fili (Tim Rose Tim Roth).

Everyone says I love you and the old man has no one to rely on, and the addictive black humor film and television drama recommends the seventh bullet

"The Purple Rose of Cairo" in the 1930s, the United States economy was in the Great Depression, and the market was deserted. Housewife Cecilia (Mia Farrow) deals with dull job as a waitress during the day (which was soon lost due to the financial collapse) and an uninteresting husband at night. As an avid film fan, she walked into the theater every day to watch a movie called "Cairo Violet", so familiar that she could even remember the expression of the lines, there was no economic depression in the movie, and the movie was a feast and entertainment of high society.

Everyone says I love you and the old man has no one to rely on, and the addictive black humor film and television drama recommends the seventh bullet

Miles (Woody Allen) is the owner of a food store who accidentally freezes during a visit to the hospital for two hundred years. Two hundred years later, Miles woke up from his slumber, the world has already undergone earth-shaking changes, the brutal and centralized rulers have controlled his people's lives and died of old age, and the "born" Miles has obviously become a very unstable factor in this society.

Everyone says I love you and the old man has no one to rely on, and the addictive black humor film and television drama recommends the seventh bullet

In rural Texas, old cowboy Moss (Josh Brolin) finds several bodies, several packets of heroin, and $2 million in cash while hunting an antelope. Moss decides to change his life by taking drugs and cash for himself, but is followed and hunted down by cold-blooded killer Chigurh (Javier Baden) and is in danger of fleeing.

Everyone says I love you and the old man has no one to rely on, and the addictive black humor film and television drama recommends the seventh bullet

"Silly Mio and Juliet" is another classic nonsense and perverted work of the American Troma Company in 1997! Shakespeare's famous book with salt and vinegar and dog blood, nonsense big play, the most people spray rice, blood spoof movie.

Everyone says I love you and the old man has no one to rely on, and the addictive black humor film and television drama recommends the seventh bullet

"Garbage Street" is a poor street hidden in the bustling metropolis of New York, if the positive, positive, and bright side belongs to New York, then the negative, negative, and dark everything belongs to this garbage street. Every year, countless tramps gather here, fight, and then die and are thoroughly cleaned up, and our protagonist Fred (Mike Lackey) is one of them.

Everyone says I love you and the old man has no one to rely on, and the addictive black humor film and television drama recommends the seventh bullet

Ghostbusters 2 young Ash (Bruce Campbell) drives his girlfriend Linda (Denise Bixler) out on a ride, while they settle in an uninhabited wooden house in the woods. Ash finds a book and recording device in the study room, during which nobby (John Pixar John Peakes), a professor of ancient history, visits Condah Castle and discovers the book of the dead, which has been missing for thousands of years.

Everyone says I love you and the old man has no one to rely on, and the addictive black humor film and television drama recommends the seventh bullet

Kill Kebbs Kebbs is a ruthless, domineering businessman. Recently, he was angry that his daughter was having an affair with her boyfriend, one of his employees, Jake. One night, Jacques and his partner Mudo encounter Cabbers and end up a little awkwardly lying in the trunk of a car unconscious. Meanwhile, The friend who accompanied Kebbs throughout his life, Botcha, now his low-paid janitor's son, was furious at his father for being treated so pitifully.

Everyone says I love you and the old man has no one to rely on, and the addictive black humor film and television drama recommends the seventh bullet

In "Lawlessness" in London, England, violent crimes grow in the city like mold of corruption. Danny Dyer, a newly married white-collar employee of the company, is inexplicably harassed by several hooligans on the road, and Dirk, who is beaten by the other party, has no way to recover his lost dignity; Danny (Sean Bean), a retired soldier, returns home and is greeted by his wife and another man; the lawyer Manlo threatens his family because of the trial of a prisoner, and finally his pregnant wife is killed in the home...

Everyone says I love you and the old man has no one to rely on, and the addictive black humor film and television drama recommends the seventh bullet

"Kill Me" Due to alcoholism, Frank (Ben Kingsley) once again screws up the task assigned to him by the organization, and as a professional killer, it is an unforgivable mistake, and in order for Frank to "get back on the right track", his uncle Roman (Philip Baker Hall) has to send him to San Francisco for compulsory abstinence.

Everyone says I love you and the old man has no one to rely on, and the addictive black humor film and television drama recommends the seventh bullet

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