
Everybody says I love you: a life of $10,000 in GDP per capita

author:Uncle Bing

Lao She a drama "Tea House",

Written before 1949,

From the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, from the Republic to the Liberation,

The daily life of ordinary people.

At that time, China's per capita GDP was only $23.

Fast forward to 2020,

China's per capita GDP exceeds $10,000.

What is the daily life of Chinese like?

Everyone, look at the mask they wear, Whether it is N95, KN95, or disposable, you can understand.

What I don't understand is that the per capita GDP has reached 10,000 US dollars, how can life be different from the movie?

Everybody says I love you: a life of $10,000 in GDP per capita

In 1996, Woody Allen made an absolutely middle-class advertising film.

Everyone Says I Love You.

That is, the daily life of Americans with a GDP of ten thousand dollars per capita.

Every shot,

Every love,

In ice cream, $8,000, 1.5 ct diamond proposal ring,

In the maple leaf forest, the robber who only loves and does not rape,

By the Seine, the night of ex-wives and ex-husbands dancing.

All nakedly flaunted, a value.

As long as you know how to work, you will not be short of money.

As long as you know how to live, you will not be unable to enjoy the happiness of life.

As long as the director is happy, the parents' short and roadside gossip can be compiled into a song and a song, accompanied by dance.

Our Country flows with the Golden River,

Old man can also make love with Julia Roberts, not threatened by the temptation of fame and fortune, purely touching her with heart and culture, and volunteering to bed.

Everybody says I love you: a life of $10,000 in GDP per capita


Everyone Says I Love You (1996)

Everybody says I love you: a life of $10,000 in GDP per capita

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