
Known as South Korea's "most handsome" killer: specially picked the stocking women to start, women also love to follow him 8 lives Kang Haochun's killing mode "do not execute Kang Haochun, we will not give up" - South Korea made a change conclusion:

author:Purple Star Weichen

The heart under the dough may be red or black.

This Korean uncle who is smiling happily with a husky, looks warm, and is easy to get close to, who can expect that he is a murderous demon who does not blink, and his hands are stained with the blood of 8 innocent women?

Known as South Korea's "most handsome" killer: specially picked the stocking women to start, women also love to follow him 8 lives Kang Haochun's killing mode "do not execute Kang Haochun, we will not give up" - South Korea made a change conclusion:

Today I want to talk about a serial murder case in South Korea, the murderer is named Kang Hao-soon. His killing methods are more strange, most of the time like to choose women wearing stockings to start, and what is even more bizarre is that after investigation, it was found that the women who were killed were willing when they got into Jiang Haochun's car.

So, why did those women take the initiative to send them to the door and let Jiang Haochun's killing plan succeed frequently? How did the police later investigate the case?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > 8 lives</h1>

Hell is empty, and demons are on earth.

On Wednesday, January 27, 2010, the Police of Junpo, South Korea, after several days of investigation, successfully cracked a case of the disappearance of a young woman that occurred three months ago, and the suspect was Kang Ho-soon, who was 38 years old.

At first, when they saw Kang Haochun, the police could not connect him with the murderer, but before the absolute truth, the police officers had to believe it.

Immediately after that, the police realized a big problem: this person was certainly not the first time to commit the crime, and some of the unsolved missing documents from previous years were probably his doing.

Known as South Korea's "most handsome" killer: specially picked the stocking women to start, women also love to follow him 8 lives Kang Haochun's killing mode "do not execute Kang Haochun, we will not give up" - South Korea made a change conclusion:

After Kang Hao-soon was arrested, the South Korean police immediately mobilized a large number of police forces, and brought several experts from the identification department to conduct a large-scale search of Kang Hao-soon's residence, ranging from the farm where he usually worked, to the trucks and cars he usually took, to the equipment in Kang Hao-chun's house.

It has to be said that the police's intuition is reliable. After almost three feet of digging, the police found dozens of suspicious objects in Jiang Haochun's residence alone.

These dozens of suspicious objects were immediately sent to the identification section for emergency identification. As soon as the appraisal was made, the police found that the identification results were the same as the DNA of a housewife surnamed Jin, who had been filed as a missing person on November 9, 2009. What attracted the attention of the police even more was that the place where the woman disappeared was exactly 1.5 kilometers away from Jiang Haochun's home.

The place of disappearance is 1.5 kilometers away, so close, there is still the blood of the missing woman in the home, the police immediately noticed that this Jiang Haochun is estimated to have committed more than one crime.

Subsequently, they launched a round of high-intensity interrogation of Jiang Haochun, and the information provided by Jiang Haochun made the police officers who were accustomed to seeing the "world" feel frightened: he smiled and said that he had killed a total of 9 women.

Known as South Korea's "most handsome" killer: specially picked the stocking women to start, women also love to follow him 8 lives Kang Haochun's killing mode "do not execute Kang Haochun, we will not give up" - South Korea made a change conclusion:

According to himself, among all the women killed were KTV staff, student sisters who were still in college, working women who worked at companies, and even housewives. Their ages also vary widely, with the oldest being 52 years old and the youngest only 20 years old.

The 8 women all have one thing in common, having sex with Kang After being seduced.

After Jiang Haochun was arrested, the police, under his designation, found the bodies of women who had been buried for several months, or even a year or two. When the women's bodies were exhumed, the police found that their clothes had all been ripped open, looking extremely unsightly, and the most notable feature was that the women were wrapped in stockings around their necks.

In just two years, Jiang Haochun extended the magic grip to 8 women of different ages, different looks, different personalities, and different identities, and after having sex with them, he also brutally killed them. It is reasonable to guess that if the South Korean police had not solved the case at that time, perhaps they would have welcomed female missing persons again soon...

What is it that makes Jiang Haochun such a perverted murderous maniac?

Known as South Korea's "most handsome" killer: specially picked the stocking women to start, women also love to follow him 8 lives Kang Haochun's killing mode "do not execute Kang Haochun, we will not give up" - South Korea made a change conclusion:

According to his own account, after his wife's unfortunate death in the fire in 2005, he was devastated and had no hope for life, and then he had the urge to kill as soon as he saw a woman. But the police did not want to believe Jiang Haochun's statement.

Before arresting him, the police had already made a big investigation into his life experience for 38 years, and three generations of ancestors could dig it up, not to mention the broken things that happened to him?

In this investigation, the police found that Jiang Haochun's marriage was too "worried". And he himself is a true "sea king", the wife who died in the fire, and the cause of death is also revealed everywhere.

Known as South Korea's "most handsome" killer: specially picked the stocking women to start, women also love to follow him 8 lives Kang Haochun's killing mode "do not execute Kang Haochun, we will not give up" - South Korea made a change conclusion:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="106" > Jiang Haochun's killing pattern</h1>

Kang Ho-soon was born in Suwon, South Korea, and of his five children, he is the third eldest. Although the family is not a family of great wealth and nobility, the parents have never treated several children badly. When he was a teenager, Jiang Haochun's performance was no different from other children, and even in the eyes of neighbors and teachers, it was a polite and honest child.

To say that he "derailed" for the first time in his life, it was when he was called into the army after graduating from high school, and somehow, he ran outside with a soldier of the same period to steal cattle, and was caught by the police and then deported home. This matter seems to have opened a gap, and since then, Jiang Haochun has embarked on a different path.

After leaving the army, Jiang Haochun returned to his hometown to marry his girlfriend. When they first got married, the young couple was also very loving, and within a few years, they had two lovely sons, but in the end, the marriage still came to an end six years later.

As for why the author said that Jiang Haochun is like Aquaman? He was handsome, and even though he was divorced and had two sons, he was still very popular among women.

In 1999, Jiang Haochun married a second wife, but divorced half a year later;

In 2003, Jiang Haochun married a third wife, but this time the marriage lasted even shorter, only two months;

The funny thing is that before the end of the third marriage, Jiang Haochun has already secretly chen cang with his future fourth wife, and the third marriage has just ended, and the seamless connection of the fourth marriage has been realized immediately.

Known as South Korea's "most handsome" killer: specially picked the stocking women to start, women also love to follow him 8 lives Kang Haochun's killing mode "do not execute Kang Haochun, we will not give up" - South Korea made a change conclusion:

But the life of this fourth wife was not good. In the third year of marriage, in 2005, there was a fire in the family, and she was unfortunately buried in the fire. It was an accident, but it unexpectedly attracted the attention of the police - Kang Haochun bought his wife an insurance, and on the fifth day after buying this insurance, her wife died in a fire.

What is even more strange is that at that time, Jiang Haochun took his wife to live in his mother's house, and the room where his wife and mother-in-law slept was the back room, while Jiang Haochun and his children slept in the outhouse. Therefore, when the fire broke out, Jiang Haochun broke the window with his child and flipped out, while his wife and mother-in-law were burned to death in the fire.

Afterwards, the fire police at the scene said they saw a very strange phenomenon. He has been a fire alarm for so many years and has seen many similar situations, but when the people who escaped found that their families were still in the fire, they generally wanted to rush in to save people. But after Jiang Haochun escaped from the fire, he did not act at all, watching his wife and mother-in-law being swallowed up by the sea of fire.

If I bought insurance for my wife because I was worried about her, and I was indifferent to my wife's death after the fire because I was greedy and afraid of death, then what caused the South Korean police to suspect afterwards was that according to in-depth investigation, it was found that Kang Haochun had received about 64 million won in compensation for an accidental fire in his own decoction soup shop from 1999 to 2000.

This makes people can't help but doubt Jiang Haochun's motives for buying insurance for his wife, although after the incident, Jiang Haochun's brother said that his brother and sister-in-law have a good relationship, and his brother is also very good to his mother-in-law, but the police are not trustworthy at all, and the police are more "subjective" to feel that Jiang Haochun is Ming Haochun's wife-killing fraud.

However, the police suspected it, but could not find evidence, and eventually had to acquit Jiang Haochun. At this point, as a citizen with no evidence of guilt, the insurance company's insurance must be settled, and Jiang Haochun naturally got 480 million yuan of compensation insurance money, saying that it was not wrong to get rich overnight.

However, from the time they got the money, it also meant that the nightmares of countless women also began.

Known as South Korea's "most handsome" killer: specially picked the stocking women to start, women also love to follow him 8 lives Kang Haochun's killing mode "do not execute Kang Haochun, we will not give up" - South Korea made a change conclusion:

After getting the compensation, why did Jiang Haochun go? He bought two cars for 220 million won, close to half of the compensation. According to Jiang Haochun, since the death of his fourth wife, his heart has also died, and when he sees a woman, he wants to take revenge on society and wants to kill the other party.

He did.

On September 7, 2006, Jiang Haochun drove the limousine he bought with compensation for his wife's burning, and wandered down the road. At this time, a young white-collar worker with outstanding looks and sexy stockings caught his attention. This is Jiang Haochun's first target, 23-year-old female employee of the company, Yin Mou.

Although Jiang Haochun was already in his thirties at that time, because of his handsome appearance and very marketable, some little girls liked his style. Coupled with the fact that Jiang Haochun is driving a luxury car and can speak sweet words, the girl and are easily coaxed into the car by him. And next, what is the fate of the girl? First it was a rape, then it was strangled alive by Jiang Haochun with silk stockings, and finally the body was casually discarded under a deserted cliff.

There are one and two, killing the first woman is so easy, and in the next period of time, Jiang Haochun's coverage began to expand continuously. In the karaoke, he pretended to be a guest, once again used sweet words, coaxed the three waiters into bed, and then used the same method to kill the three people and throw the corpses into the wilderness.

Killing more people, Jiang Haochun began to challenge the high difficulty. Once, at a bus stop in the city, he used such a "free ride" method to trick a housewife into a car, rape her on the bus, and then brutally kill the other party.

Known as South Korea's "most handsome" killer: specially picked the stocking women to start, women also love to follow him 8 lives Kang Haochun's killing mode "do not execute Kang Haochun, we will not give up" - South Korea made a change conclusion:

Jiang Haochun's killing pattern was so smooth that after each woman disappeared, the police did not realize that they had been killed by the same man.

Some people may wonder, are those women fools? A few sweet words from a stranger can get into the thief's car so easily? Just because he is good-looking and looks harmless to humans and animals, Svenven?

Of course, it's much more than that.

The top photo, everyone has also seen it, when Jiang Haochun used his appearance advantage, he also used that photo. He put the photo in a very conspicuous place in the car, which made people think at first glance: Well, this person has a dog, and he wants to be a loving, worthy trust.

Rich. Handsome, loving, and a combination of factors, it is not unusual for a woman with a soft nature to be deceived.

When Jiang Haochun poisoned the eighth woman, perhaps the excessive success rate created him extreme self-confidence and left him with clues.

Known as South Korea's "most handsome" killer: specially picked the stocking women to start, women also love to follow him 8 lives Kang Haochun's killing mode "do not execute Kang Haochun, we will not give up" - South Korea made a change conclusion:

The last woman killed was Ann, a college student in her early 20s. After the woman disappeared, the mobile phone was turned off, her parents could not be contacted for a long time, and they were anxious in their hearts, and they also chose to call the police. Subsequently, when the police intervened in the investigation, they found that An's mobile phone was turned off at about 3:40 p.m., but after 4 hours, the mobile phone prompted a withdrawal transaction.

Intuition told the police that this was a key element, and they immediately rushed to the bank and called for surveillance. Sure enough, the person who came to withdraw the money was not An Mou at all, but a masked figure who was well disguised.

Could this be a kidnapping case? But it didn't feel like it, and Ann's father and mother didn't get a call from the gangsters. So the police spent several days looking at the bank's external surveillance, trying to find out if the masked man had a connector.

The Emperor lived up to his heart, and with several police officers staring at the blind, they finally found a suspicious vehicle. He was suspicious because the masked man was parked outside shortly before he withdrew the money; the masked man took the money out of the bank and the car drove away immediately. The time the car stayed in front of the bank was exactly in line with the withdrawal time prompted by Ms. Ann's mobile phone text message.

The police continued to investigate and found that the car was owned by a woman surnamed Kim, but according to the records of that day, Ms. Jin did not drive, and the person driving the car was her son Kang Hao-soon!

Because of the money, Jiang Haochun carelessly lost Jingzhou and was caught by the police as the tail of the crime.

In the following period of time, the police conducted a round of interrogation of Jiang Haochun. At first, he refused to admit that he had killed female college student An Mou, and the police could not arrest Jiang Haochun for the time being due to insufficient evidence.

Known as South Korea's "most handsome" killer: specially picked the stocking women to start, women also love to follow him 8 lives Kang Haochun's killing mode "do not execute Kang Haochun, we will not give up" - South Korea made a change conclusion:

But Jiang Haochun forgot that in order to hide his eyes and ears, he put a car in his mother's name, and occasionally drove out to use it, and the police followed the car, and finally got the evidence, because if there was residual blood on the car, it could be verified by a special method, no matter how clean the car was later processed.

The evidence was conclusive, and at this time, Jiang Haochun finally stopped struggling and admitted that he had killed Ms. An.

For the South Korean police, however, this is not enough.

The same is missing, the same woman, the police quickly contacted Jiang Haochun with the earlier 7 missing women. However, jiang Haochun faced the police interrogation, but he bit to death and did not admit that the disappearance of the other 7 people was related to him. He was in a hurry, and he would even say sarcastically, "There is a kind of evidence that you will come up with!"

Of course, the police can produce evidence: the car that his mother drove before it was destroyed, the objects everywhere in their house, which will not become evidence. Once the tissue is extracted, the DNA is tested, what can't be figured out?

In the end, as the police judged, Jiang Haochun was the culprit who caused the disappearance of the previous 7 women.

Known as South Korea's "most handsome" killer: specially picked the stocking women to start, women also love to follow him 8 lives Kang Haochun's killing mode "do not execute Kang Haochun, we will not give up" - South Korea made a change conclusion:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="112" > "We will not give up if You don't execute Kang Hae-soon" – a change that South Korea has made</h1>

In the face of ironclad evidence, Jiang Haochun finally stopped shouting.

After Kang Hao-soon's crimes were completely exposed, the entire Korean society was in an uproar. South Koreans have only now learned that this seemingly gentle and harmless man is a perverted murderer who specializes in picking women who like to wear stockings to rape and kill.

Those women who usually like to wear high heels, like to wear stockings, and dress themselves very sexy, at this time they are very afraid to think about it, they really can't be sure, in the case of uncertainty, they will not make the same choice as the eight missing women. If the police don't succeed in arresting him, maybe the next person to be raped and killed will be himself!

People in society are terrified of this matter, but Jiang Haochun, who is staying in prison, is relaxed, not like a prisoner, but like a vacation.

At that time, Jiang Haochun was imprisoned with a Pakistani prisoner, and he ate well and slept soundly every day. You can eat not a grain of rice left for three meals, you can snore beautifully when you sleep, and when you are bored, you can talk with the people in the same prison. Except for the two times when the police needed to go out to identify the original burial site, Jiang Haochun's life in prison was really a comfortable life.

He never apologized to the 8 women who were killed, as did his family. A well-known expert in South Korea analyzed Kang Hao-soon's psychology and said that he "enjoyed the pleasure of killing people." Perhaps this point hit Jiang Haochun's psychology.

Known as South Korea's "most handsome" killer: specially picked the stocking women to start, women also love to follow him 8 lives Kang Haochun's killing mode "do not execute Kang Haochun, we will not give up" - South Korea made a change conclusion:

At that time, South Korea had not seen the death penalty for more than a decade, but this time, fear made most people in South Korea, especially women, strongly hope to restart the death penalty. Only when Jiang Haochun died, the women would not worry about it all day.

Although changing the law is not a simple matter, when the resentment of the South Korean people reached the ceiling, claiming that "we will not give up if kang Ho-soon is not executed", then South Korean Prime Minister Han Seung-so had to convene a state council to discuss how to deal with this matter, and the people could be satisfied.

In the end, because of this big case, the South Korean government made changes:

Judicial police officers may disclose the appearance, name, and other personal information of suspects in serious cases who have committed crimes with cruel means and caused heavy losses.

This also means that when Kang Hao-soon goes out to face the media again, the right to "cover his face" is no longer in possession, and his evil face will be infinitely imprinted in the minds of all South Korean nationals.

However, such a man, who has always had no remorse for killing 8 innocent women, has a rare dissatisfaction with the release of the photo.

Known as South Korea's "most handsome" killer: specially picked the stocking women to start, women also love to follow him 8 lives Kang Haochun's killing mode "do not execute Kang Haochun, we will not give up" - South Korea made a change conclusion:

He said: "You have exposed my photos to the public, how will my son live in the future?" ”

Look, when the knife is always stuck in his body, he knows how much it hurts. When he wantonly killed 8 women, why didn't he think that their families would lose the courage to live because they missed their relatives too much? Why not think that the future son might have to bear the sins in his place?

In the eyes of others, Jiang Haochun is a good employee and works seriously; in the eyes of his son, he is a good father and four marriages, but he has never had the idea of abandoning his son. However, for those innocent women, this is a demonic level existence, and he is not sorry to die.

What will be the future of his two sons? At that time, the Korean people, whose whole minds were occupied by hatred and terror, no longer had the energy to think about this problem.....

Known as South Korea's "most handsome" killer: specially picked the stocking women to start, women also love to follow him 8 lives Kang Haochun's killing mode "do not execute Kang Haochun, we will not give up" - South Korea made a change conclusion:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="116" > Conclusion:</h1>

Because the sins committed by Jiang Haochun are too deep and have a very negative impact on society. In the end, in this wave of condemnation, the death penalty of 13 years was broken, and it was restarted on Jiang Haochun.

Those women who were innocently killed can be blinded, and those women who are still alive can finally stop worrying about it all the time.

However, the psychological shadow brought by Kang Haochun to Korean women can never be eliminated, and even once let Korean women suffer from "Kang Haochun syndrome". They no longer dared to go out alone at night, so they took off their stockings and high heels and changed into sweatpants and sneakers, hoping that if they were caught by the murderous maniacs, they would be able to win a glimmer of life for themselves.

In addition to not daring to wear high heels and not daring to wear stockings, in those years, objects such as anti-wolf spray and electric shock sticks in South Korea were sold particularly quickly; women were not so casual when they sat in the car....

In a way, Kang Ho-soon's perversion has made Korean women more vigilant. But it is also the consequence of the degeneration of social morality.

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