
Daughter of the Party Tao Wanrong: Xu Xiangqian called her a tomboy, and Chairman Mao called her a yellow haired


In May 1954, Zhu De and Kang Keqing passed through Shenyang, and deliberately got off the bus to visit a "yellow haired lady" and her family, eating and walking together, talking about yesterday's past, and the two families also dug up wild vegetables together and dug up a large bag.

In August 1958, Chairman Mao passed through Shenyang, and the Shenyang Military Region had already prepared lunch, but the chairman did not eat it, and he proposed to meet the "yellow haired lady" who had not been seen for many years and eat the meal she had cooked. The "yellow-haired lady" came and became a chef and cooked a few dishes for the chairman that he liked.

The chairman ate a delicious meal made by the "yellow haired lady" and couldn't help but think of the bitterness of the Long March Road. The "yellow haired girl" was even more excited, and the wind and rain journey that came all the way through was presented in front of her eyes.

The "yellow haired girl" that the chairman remembers is Tao Wanrong (also known as Su Feng), the protagonist of episode 39 of Mango TV's hit documentary "The Party's Daughter". The name "Yellow Haired Lady" was given to her by the chairman that year.

Daughter of the Party Tao Wanrong: Xu Xiangqian called her a tomboy, and Chairman Mao called her a yellow haired

In Hubei Macheng, the general county of the jute uprising, there is a place called Chengmagang, which is the source of the jute uprising and is known as the "first township of the generals in the country". During the revolutionary war years, more than 20,000 outstanding sons and daughters sacrificed their precious lives, 5,900 martyrs were registered, and 26 founding generals were awarded the title in 1955 alone.

In May 1916, Tao Wanrong was born in Chengmagang Victory Village, and the famous general Wang Shusheng, the generals Wang Hongkun and Chen Zaidao, and the lieutenant generals Li Chengfang and Wang Bicheng were all her compatriots. In order to live, Xiao Wanrong became a child bride of someone else's family.

In 1926, Wang Shusheng established a peasant association in Chengmagang, his father, brother, and sister all joined the peasant association and joined the revolution, and his uncle was beheaded by the enemy in the jute uprising, all of which were imprinted in Tao Wanrong's mind.

In 1929, the 13-year-old adopted daughter-in-law boldly unwrapped the shroud and entered the revolutionary ranks and became the leader of the children's regiment. In 1930, Tao Wanrong became a member of the Red Fourth Front, studied as a telegraph operator, and joined the Communist Party of China the following year.

Daughter of the Party Tao Wanrong: Xu Xiangqian called her a tomboy, and Chairman Mao called her a yellow haired

In 1932, the fourth anti-encirclement and suppression failed, the Red Fourth Front withdrew from Eyuwan, and Tao Wanrong followed the troops to the west to conquer Sichuan and Shaanxi and left his hometown. His father, brother, and sister had already died one after another, and Tao Wanrong understood that he must continue the revolution and strive for victory, so that his relatives would not sacrifice in vain.

Wading through the Han River and Yueba Mountain, a 16-year-old yellow haired man followed the Red Fourth Front from eastern Hubei to southern Shaanxi and northern Sichuan, and hammered steel into steel in the furnace of revolution. In February 1933, the Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet District centered on Tongjiang, Nanjiang, and Bazhong was established, and more and more enthusiastic young people entered the revolutionary camp.

Tao Wanrong's beautiful singing voice, the strength not to be afraid of suffering, and the propaganda of his appearance led a large number of working women to actively participate in the army and participate in the war. In March 1934, the first women's armed force of our Party, the Women's Independent Battalion of the Red Fourth Front, was established in Tongjiang County.

Tao Wanrong, 17, was appointed commander of the Women's Independent Battalion, and Zeng Guanglan, 31, was appointed political commissar. Tao Wanrong's momentum of not accepting defeat made the independent battalion full of vitality, and Qin Jiwei, who was the military instructor of the independent battalion at the time, recognized this "small battalion commander" very much.

Daughter of the Party Tao Wanrong: Xu Xiangqian called her a tomboy, and Chairman Mao called her a yellow haired

On the battlefield, Tao Wanrong was even more heroic, straddling a fast horse, with two guns at his waist, leading the independent battalion to defend the organs, clearing the bandits, transporting ammunition and wounded, and cooperating with the main forces to fight.

It has only been established for more than a month, and a direct battle with the enemy has greatly enhanced the reputation of the women's independent battalion and ushered in great development.

In May 1933, Tao Wanrong and Zeng Guanglan led women to independently operate grain through Yinglong Mountain in the north of the Tongjiang River, when they suddenly found that the enemy under the mountain was crushed by black pressure and was climbing up the mountain. Obedient! It was a whole regiment of Tian Songyao of the Chuan Army, and although it was defeated from the front, this number was still frightening enough compared to the women's independent battalion.

At that time, the women's independent battalion mostly had large knives and spears in their hands, and there were very few guns that could fire. When Tao Wanrong looked at the situation, there were so many enemies that it was impossible to hide, and the narrow road met the brave to win, and the wisdom of the enemy was the highest. Tao Wanrong and Zeng Guanglan decided to take advantage of the fact that the enemy had not yet discovered and hit him unprepared.

Daughter of the Party Tao Wanrong: Xu Xiangqian called her a tomboy, and Chairman Mao called her a yellow haired

Tian Songyao's soldiers were originally scattered soldiers and brave soldiers, and they were also the divisions of the defeated army, thinking that they had escaped from the predicament, so they rested in the mountains and smoked a big smoke to suppress the shock. Tao Wanrong saw this opportunity and led all the female soldiers together with Zeng Guanglan to quietly touch the enemy's side. Tao Wanrong fired a gunshot, and the enemy was surrounded by Red Army troops descending from the sky, and "Surrender your guns and don't kill!" "The earth-shaking sound.

The enemy who had just escaped was suddenly confused, obediently crouched on the ground, and raised his hand to surrender. In this way, the women's independent battalion of only three or two hundred people eliminated a regiment of the Sichuan Army, which was commended by the head of the headquarters, the influence of the Women's Army became more and more large, and the women's independent battalions in Guangyuan, Changchi and other counties were also established.

In November 1934, the growing Women's Independent Battalion of the Red Fourth Front was expanded into the Women's Independent Regiment; in 1935, the Women's Independent Regiment was renamed the Women's Independent Regiment, followed by the establishment of the Second Regiment, which had become a team of more than 2,000 people. In February 1935, the two regiments were reorganized into a women's independent division, and the division commander Zhang Qinqiu and political commissar Zeng Guanglan led this thousands of female soldiers to embark on the Long March.

In the spring of 1934, Tao Wanrong, the "first battalion commander", was transferred to the Women's Department of the Sichuan-Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee as a secretary. In March 1935, the 19-year-old Red Fourth Front began the Long March. On the evening of June 14, the 2nd Division of the First Army of the Red Army and the 25th Division of the Red Fourth Front held a grand victory celebration meeting at the Maogong Dawei Victory Division in Sichuan.

Daughter of the Party Tao Wanrong: Xu Xiangqian called her a tomboy, and Chairman Mao called her a yellow haired

At the party, a female soldier's "Red Army Division Song" was crisp and loud, which drove the atmosphere of the whole audience and also fascinated the chiefs and comrades in arms under the stage. At the end, Chairman Mao went backstage to comfort the actors, shook her hand affectionately, and said: "Little comrade, you sing really well!" ”

Xu Xiangqian, who was beside him, quickly introduced: "This yellow haired girl is a 'celebrity' of my four-front army, not only singing well, but also the battalion commander of the women's independent battalion, and leading the soldiers to fight is also a good hand Wow!" ”

Chairman Mao listened to this and said with a smile: Yellow haired, who can fight and sing, is it good! I'll call you Yellow Haired Bitch!" Since then, among the chiefs including Chairman Mao and Zhu Laozong, Tao Wanrong has a new name--The Yellow Haired Lady. Even at the beginning of the article, Chairman Mao saw Tao Wanrong, who was 42 years old, or called her "yellow haired girl."

After meeting the division, Tao Wanrong, director of the Party School Club, followed the Left Route Army and followed Mr. Zhu and Liu Bocheng across the meadow. In the harsh and harsh environment, Mr. Zhu and Kang Keqing took very good care of the 20-year-old yellow haired girl, and a serious illness almost killed her, and Sister Kang fed her medicine, let the soldiers carry her, carry her on their backs, and take her to the end of the Long March.

Daughter of the Party Tao Wanrong: Xu Xiangqian called her a tomboy, and Chairman Mao called her a yellow haired

Subsequently, the Red Army's West Route Army crossed the Yellow River in the west and fought a bloody battle in the Hexi Corridor, which was a tragic journey. More than 1,300 people in the Women's Vanguard Regiment, which was reorganized from the Independent Regiment of the Red Army, also became a fighting force, and only more than 300 people remained after the battles of Gulang Tumen, Yongchang and Liyuankou.

On March 14, 1937, after the Shiwo DivisionAl conference, due to the heavy casualties, Tao Wanrong was ordered to organize the women's engineering battalion and all the female comrades of the army, hospitals, and general supply departments to rebuild the women's independent regiment. As the regimental commander, Tao Wanrong led this 300-strong girl army to shoulder the arduous task of blocking the Ma family army behind them on the spot, covering the breakthrough of the left and right detachments and striving for their own breakthrough.

The warriors climbed over the cliff from the back mountain in the dark of night, and slid down with a tie, and more than 300 people gathered their names at dawn, leaving only more than 100. In March, Qilian Mountain reached minus twenty degrees at night, dripping water into ice, the girls in thin clothes were hungry and cold, and many people lay down and never got up again.

At the end of five days, there were only a dozen people left in the army, and the poor ones hugged together, their clothes all ice. In order to survive, they have no choice but to risk lighting a fire to warm up and bake clothes. The Ma family army looked at the smoke and flocked up to surround them.

Daughter of the Party Tao Wanrong: Xu Xiangqian called her a tomboy, and Chairman Mao called her a yellow haired

Tao Wanrong immediately asked everyone to burn their party cards and engage in a deadly struggle with the enemy, biting and kicking with their teeth, which was a desperate battle, and the battle flag of the women's independent regiment fell on the snowstorm-filled Qilian Mountain, and their tragic voices echoed on the Qilian Mountain.

More than a dozen people eventually fell into the hands of the enemy and were brutally tortured and persecuted by the enemy. Tao Wanrong, Zhang Qinqiu, and Wu Zhonglian, because they were Cadres of the Red Army, the enemy escorted them to Nanjing and imprisoned them in the Provincial Academy because they were Red Army cadres, and it was not until the end of August 1937 that they walked out of prison and returned to Yan'an.

During his studies at the Yan'an Marxist-Leninist College and the Central Party School, Tao Wanrong met and fell in love with his classmate Mou Zifang. In the spring of 1941, Kang Keqing was the witness of the marriage, and they were married in Yan'an. In the autumn of that year, the newlyweds and revolutionary couples joined hands and rushed to the front line in Shandong.

The road behind the enemy lines was not easy, and after more than half a year, they crossed the Pinghan Railway under the cover of the large troops of the 3 regiments of the Eighth Route Army, at which time their first child was born. In order not to delay her husband's work, Tao Wanrong, who had just given birth to a child, was transferred to a peasant family for recuperation, and Mu Zifang was transferred with the large army. Tao Wanrong was so anxious that he only rested for a few days before he painfully put his son Mu Jun in the homes of the masses and turned around to chase after the troops.

Daughter of the Party Tao Wanrong: Xu Xiangqian called her a tomboy, and Chairman Mao called her a yellow haired

Husband and wife reunite, they fight together, looking forward to the victory of the war one day earlier, to pick up their children. In the autumn of 1942, more than 15,000 Japanese troops carried out a "drag-net encirclement" sweep of the Shandong Eighth Route Army and its base areas. In November, Yishui County against Guyu, Shandong Military Region and other leading organs were besieged by the Japanese army, facing several times the enemy, the unity of the army and the people continuously repelled the enemy's charge more than a dozen times, the leading organs highlighted the enemy's encirclement, smashed the evil dreams of the Japanese army.

What is distressing is that Mou Zifang, then director of the secretariat of the Shandong Military Region Headquarters and combat staff officer, sacrificed himself heroically to cover the shandong sub-bureau secretary Li Yu. At this time, Tao Wanrong was pregnant with her second child, and when she heard about her husband's sacrifice, she burst into tears and cried bitterly. The husband was only 41 years old, and he said that he would wait for the victory of the War of Resistance to take back the child together, but he left like this, the eldest son he had never even seen, and the second son who was about to be born would never have a father.

In the midst of her grief, Tao Wanrong gave birth to her second son, Mou Yidong, and in order to continue her husband's unfinished career, she left her children to her fellow villagers and returned to her revolutionary post. Later, under the care of the organization, Tao Wanrong married Ruan Tu. It was not until the victory of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression that Tao Wanrong was transferred to the 115th Division and was about to go to the northeast, that the two children were taken to his side, and her husband and she decided to raise the two sons of the martyrs.

At that time, Mu Jun was 4 years old, Mou Yidong was 3 years old, the northeast was so cold, before leaving, Ruan Tuzheng was worried about the two children without cold cotton clothes. After Xu Shiyou knew, he immediately sent someone to buy two small leather coats and gave them to them, saving the family's emergency.

Daughter of the Party Tao Wanrong: Xu Xiangqian called her a tomboy, and Chairman Mao called her a yellow haired

In his later years, Tao Wanrong

Since then, Tao Wanrong and Ruan Tu have taken root in the northeast, and they and their seven sons and daughters are still working selflessly and selflessly in this black land. She has successively served as section chief, division chief and deputy director of the Public Security Department of Liaoning, Northern Liaoning and Western Liaoning Provinces, vice president of the High People's Court of Liaoning Province, and deputy chief procurator of the Dalian Municipal Procuratorate.

In 1980, the couple who returned to work were still so simple and dedicated, the state equipped them with cars, but they always walked to and from work. Tao Wanrong fell ill and had a high fever, and the couple helped themselves to take a ride to the hospital. The fifth son, Ruan Xiaohu, got married and rode a bicycle to pick up relatives, and the children got married, did not invite a foreign guest, and confiscated a gift.

In 1993, after Being seriously ill and rescuing her, Tao Wanrong wrote a paragraph recalling her revolutionary career, she said:

"I joined the revolution with my bare hands, and I passed away with a clean wind and two sleeves. Looking back on the decades of my life, I didn't waste my years... No regrets, no regrets. I am worthy of history, and I am even more worthy of the future. ”

Daughter of the Party Tao Wanrong: Xu Xiangqian called her a tomboy, and Chairman Mao called her a yellow haired

On December 30, 1995, Tao Wanrong died of illness in Dalian.

After leaving her hometown of Macheng for decades, after her death, Tao Wanrong chose to be buried in the Macheng Cemetery, returned to her hometown, and returned to Dabie Mountain, the red land that gave birth to her and led her to revolution.

References: "Yimeng History", "Liaoning Party History Network", "Remembering the Forerunner of the Chinese Women's Liberation Movement - My Mother Su Feng", "Shandong War History during the War of Resistance Against Japan", "Weifang Daily", etc

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