
U18 women's volleyball South Korea loses to China! Korean netizens: If the players who are not so tall, China would have been eliminated long ago

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Last night's U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup semi-finals were a thrilling game!

The Chinese women's basketball team beat the South Korean women's basketball team 79-61, hey, it was a big win of 18 points and easily advanced to the finals!

Today, I have to play a trick with the Australian women's basketball team and compete for that championship!

U18 women's volleyball South Korea loses to China! Korean netizens: If the players who are not so tall, China would have been eliminated long ago

Speaking of this game, we have to sigh first about our Zhang Ziyu, hey, she is simply the overlord of the inner line!

With a height of 2.26 meters, she is like a mountain falling from the sky for the Korean women's basketball team, and she is insurmountable there.

Whether the South Korean team is three or four people up to attack, it is useless, and Zhang Ziyu's dominance under the basket is simply staggering!

U18 women's volleyball South Korea loses to China! Korean netizens: If the players who are not so tall, China would have been eliminated long ago

It is said that at the beginning of the game, Zhang Ziyu was like a hanger, shooting 6 of 7 in the first quarter and scoring 12 points.

The Korean players can be described as watching the basketball fly into the basket and sigh again and again, how depressed this must be!

In the second quarter, Zhang Ziyu gave the South Korean team a slap in the face!

U18 women's volleyball South Korea loses to China! Korean netizens: If the players who are not so tall, China would have been eliminated long ago

She led the team to a 21-3 attack climax, and the difference instantly stretched to 22 points!

I watched from the sidelines and thought that if this were me, I would definitely cry and faint in the toilet!

The South Korean team only scored 24 points in the entire first half, and Zhang Ziyu scored 24 points alone, which is simply the rhythm of beating the opponent's whole team down by one person!

U18 women's volleyball South Korea loses to China! Korean netizens: If the players who are not so tall, China would have been eliminated long ago

The absolute hegemon in the basketball world, I have to obey!

In the second half, although the coach deliberately reduced Zhang Ziyu's playing time, she still shined on the field.

He scored 34 points and 16 rebounds on 17-of-25 shooting from the field, and this kind of dominance is like a hegemon in the basketball world!

U18 women's volleyball South Korea loses to China! Korean netizens: If the players who are not so tall, China would have been eliminated long ago

Zhang Ziyu's performance not only allowed the Chinese team to win the game, but also gave all fans a vivid basketball lesson, showing what is called real court control ability and offensive firepower.

Korean netizens commented: Although they lost, the Korean team played the best.

Thanks to the great competition, I learned a lot from my sisters.

U18 women's volleyball South Korea loses to China! Korean netizens: If the players who are not so tall, China would have been eliminated long ago

Although he lost, his performance was still good, and if it weren't for that tall player, the Chinese player would have been eliminated by the South Korean team a long time ago, but I don't know if he would have been able to maintain this height.

With a 196 like Park Ji-so, you can be the best player in the world, but if you're 220, to be honest, it's hard to stay in good shape for a long time if you don't take care of your body.

Don't put too much faith in that player, no matter how good a Chinese woman she is.

U18 women's volleyball South Korea loses to China! Korean netizens: If the players who are not so tall, China would have been eliminated long ago

This is a complete defeat, Zhang Ziyu is very merciful.

Because she wants to save her energy for tomorrow's final

"Even though they lost, the South Korean team was the one who played the best," they said.

U18 women's volleyball South Korea loses to China! Korean netizens: If the players who are not so tall, China would have been eliminated long ago

"Ouch, what does that mean? Lost or played best? Isn't this the state of mind that feels sorry for yourself? But then again, you can learn from the game if you lose, which is quite positive, at least not scolding the world when you lose, and the learning spirit is good!

Then there was this comment: "Don't put too much faith in that player, no matter how good a Chinese woman she is."

"Oh, that's a hit the nail on the head!

U18 women's volleyball South Korea loses to China! Korean netizens: If the players who are not so tall, China would have been eliminated long ago

That is to say, don't treat Zhang Ziyu as a god-like existence, she is also a human being, and there are times when she is tired.

But then again, we still have to believe it, after all, she is also trying her best to win, which is really not easy.

Finally, he also said: "Zhang Ziyu is very kind.

U18 women's volleyball South Korea loses to China! Korean netizens: If the players who are not so tall, China would have been eliminated long ago

Because she wants to save her energy for tomorrow's final.

"Ouch, this netizen really saw through Zhang Ziyu's thoughts!

However, it is also necessary to save physical strength in order to save energy in the finals, and we can't kill all the games in one game, after all, there are still finals waiting for us!

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