
Yin and Yang Division: The Sea of Immortals 1-4 layers of customs clearance lineup recommended, low-end lineup easy to take the Soul Sea Seal 1-3 layer lineup 4-layer lineup

author:No two esports said

Recently the game to the long grass period, I believe that many small partners are brushed off the line every day, in fact, in the long grass period is still more suitable for the liver royal soul, like the immortal sea copy, the practicality of the imperial soul produced is relatively high, like the sea moon fire jade is more suitable for pve, the memorial fire and co-dive is more suitable for pvp, it is recommended that you still brush the number of times a week, here is to recommend a set of stable clearance of the sea of immortality lineup, easy to get the imprint of the sea of immortality.

Yin and Yang Division: The Sea of Immortals 1-4 layers of customs clearance lineup recommended, low-end lineup easy to take the Soul Sea Seal 1-3 layer lineup 4-layer lineup

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > 1-3 layer lineup</h1>

First of all, the lineup of the first three layers can use the same set, the lineup of P1 Hai Yong Dao is configured as Lu Maru, with crazy bones + wild skeletons; Zashiki Boy, with a fire spirit four-piece set, need to be full of passivity; the remaining with any three dog food can be, yin and yang division with eight hundred.

Bring The Best Wild Explosion Damage Set for the whole family, and if the panel is not enough, you can replace the Zashiki Boy with a ghost swallow to increase the injury.

Yin and Yang Division: The Sea of Immortals 1-4 layers of customs clearance lineup recommended, low-end lineup easy to take the Soul Sea Seal 1-3 layer lineup 4-layer lineup

The lineup of the P2 Requiem Tomb is configured as a one-speed mountain rabbit, with a four-piece set of zhao cai or the relic fire, the speed is greater than 240; the two-speed ghost swallow, with the four-piece set of zhao cai or the will fire, the speed card is between 200-240; the three-speed cloud outer mirror, with the breaking of the four-piece set of speed \ attack and attack violent injury, the speed is around 155; the four-speed sp gu bird, with the heart eye + the wild skeleton speed \ attack storm, the speed is around 155; the tail speed Hui Ye Ji, with the fire spirit four-piece set, the yin and yang division at will.

The output number two position is best with speed, which can ensure that the mountain rabbit can be pulled up, where the sp gu bird can be replaced with the second cloud mirror or the sp cimu.

Yin and Yang Division: The Sea of Immortals 1-4 layers of customs clearance lineup recommended, low-end lineup easy to take the Soul Sea Seal 1-3 layer lineup 4-layer lineup

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > 4-tier lineup</h1>

First recommend a set of lineups with lower configuration requirements, Hai YongDao is configured to chase the moon god at one speed, with a four-piece set of fire spirits, the speed is greater than 233; the daughter of the two-speed ugly time, with the breaking momentum + desolate skeleton X life X, the speed card is between 130-233; the three-speed fireweed, with the tree demon or the scattered attack violent injury, if the tree demon does not have a violent damage set, the speed is stuck between the ugly woman and 130; the four-speed emperor releases the heavens, with scattered parts to attack and attack, the fifth position is best without the royal soul or with the unreimported; tail speed Asura, with the breakthrough attack violent injury, The best burst set for the whole family is enough.

Hotaru's panel needs to lift the debuff of the Ugly Girl, Emperor Shi Tian, and Asura, and the amount of healing needs to be greater than 150% of the health of the God of Styles, and the health of all members is low.

Yin and Yang Division: The Sea of Immortals 1-4 layers of customs clearance lineup recommended, low-end lineup easy to take the Soul Sea Seal 1-3 layer lineup 4-layer lineup

The Requiem Tomb is configured as a speed Chihime, with a fire spirit four-piece set, with a speed greater than 240; two-speed mountain rabbit, with a four-piece set of tricks, with a speed greater than 240; three-speed edge god, with a four-piece set of fortune, the speed needs to be greater than the speed of the mountain rabbit×0.7; the four-speed ghost makes black, with yin Moro speed attack violent injury, the critical hit heap can be 50, the speed needs to be greater than the mountain rabbit speed × 0.7; the tail speed sp cimu, with wild bones + wild skeletons, the speed is greater than 125, the yin and yang division with Qingming, the skill lock is extinguished.

The lineup is fully automatic, and the sp Cimu takes the best wild of the whole family.

Yin and Yang Division: The Sea of Immortals 1-4 layers of customs clearance lineup recommended, low-end lineup easy to take the Soul Sea Seal 1-3 layer lineup 4-layer lineup

Another set of configuration requirements is a little higher, but a faster lineup, the configuration of the Hai Yong Dao is a one-speed fireweed, with a tree demon or a scattered attack, speed super star; two speed Emperor Shi Tian, with scattered pieces to attack and attack, the fifth position does not bring the imperial soul or with the unreforced imperial soul, speed super star; three speed constellation Shiki boy, with fire spirit attack attack, speed superstar; four-speed Asura, with breaking momentum + kabuki attack violent injury, speed superstar; tail speed sp tamagotchi front, with heart eye + kabuki or needle girl + kaoki attack violent injury, speed superstar.

This lineup configuration is difficult to configure in the pace and output of the Soul, the output must be with a violent damage set, if the panel is not enough, you can try to output the star.

Yin and Yang Division: The Sea of Immortals 1-4 layers of customs clearance lineup recommended, low-end lineup easy to take the Soul Sea Seal 1-3 layer lineup 4-layer lineup

The Requiem Tomb is configured as a one-speed sp green light with a four-piece set of Tufo, with a speed greater than 240; a two-speed edge knot god, with a fire spirit four-piece set, with a speed greater than 240; a three-speed seated boy with loose parts, with a speed greater than 240; a four-speed green light, with a broken momentum + a wild skeleton speed attack, can also be a pure breaking set, speed greater than 240; tail speed sp cimu, with crazy bones + wild skeleton attack, speed greater than 125, Yin and Yang division with Qingming, skill locking out.

This lineup is more demanding on the panel, and the sp cimu needs to trigger the light when shooting, and the clearance speed will be faster.

Conclusion: The above is about the sea of immortality lineup recommendation, everyone choose the right lineup according to their own configuration on the line, if there is a better lineup to share, you are also welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share.

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