
Talking about recycling changes, the insurance manager was silent

author:1818 GoldenEye

Mr. Shi reflected that more than a month ago, his Audi car was parked on the side of the road and was rear-ended by a Land Rover, and the other party was fully responsible. After negotiations, the other party's insurance company agreed to recycle the Audi car for 190,000 yuan, and recently the other party has changed its mind again.

"On September 16th, in Tai'an West Road, Nanxun District, Huzhou City, my car was parked on the side of the road, and there was an accident that was rear-ended by the female driver Land Rover, which directly caused me to deform this car, and the entire driver's roof was deformed, and the plan they gave at that time was to let him repair and cut, I did not agree (that is, after cutting this piece) Yes, cut it and put it together, then I said I could not accept it. ”

Talking about recycling changes, the insurance manager was silent

At present, Mr. Shi's Audi Q5 has been parked in huzhou Aotong 4S store for more than a month, and the 4S shop suggests cutting the deformation parts and splicing them, which is equivalent to putting a big patch on the car, and the maintenance quotation given is about 50,000, mr. Shi does not agree with this plan. He introduced that at that time, the traffic police decided that the Land Rover driver was fully responsible, and the other party bought piccupy car insurance, and the insurance company had promised to recycle his Own Audi.

Talking about recycling changes, the insurance manager was silent

"Residual value I called people outside to see, crashed not maintenance, they said 150,000, can be taken away (that fixed loss is how much it is) fixed loss is forty-nine thousand pieces, piccup is not a special platform (used car) anyway they collected, plus maintenance fees, nineteen thousand, can not be exceeded, a week ago they said nineteen thousand, the process has gone down, according to the 4S shop ticket price, all seven seven eight eight to you to get rid of, nineteen thousand is definitely there, but I called again the day before yesterday, They say they can't pay for it (how much is it) I don't know. ”

Talking about recycling changes, the insurance manager was silent

Mr. Shi introduced that his Audi Q5 was bought in June 2016, when it cost 340,000 yuan, the car is in good condition, at least it can be driven for another five or six years, and the total loss of this car is currently a little more than two hundred thousand. Mr. Shi wondered how the people's car insurance could go against the grain? The reporter accompanied him to the Huzhou branch of PICC, and Mr. Shi introduced that it was the Qiu manager of the claim center who connected with him before, but the manager Qiu was busy operating the computer and ignored Mr. Shi.

"You don't talk to me at all, I'm talking to you all, you insurance company I've been here a few times, I call you a lot, I don't know how to solve this problem ( who promised you nineteen thousand, at the beginning ) they (is him) Yes, they went up the system." 」 ”

Talking about recycling changes, the insurance manager was silent

"(: Then why not?) )”

No matter what Mr. Shi said and how the reporter asked, the manager of PICC, Qiu, always ignored it, and did not even have a slight expression.

Talking about recycling changes, the insurance manager was silent

"In fact, my request is not excessive, really not too much, if you pay me the full amount according to the policy, it is not excessive, Manager Qiu, you are right." ”

Talking about recycling changes, the insurance manager was silent

"It is impossible according to the insurance policy, your loss is here (: you explain the principle to me, I can also understand, you say it is impossible to lose this number, you say this salvage value, what are we going to go) (: Since we came, listen to your explanation, you explain it reasonably, explain it, Manager Qiu)"

Talking about recycling changes, the insurance manager was silent

Manager Qiu said a word, and then he was always calm and silent, and Mr. Shi left angrily. Before the program was broadcast, Mr. Shi gave feedback that the leader of the Huzhou branch of The People's Insurance Company called him and asked him to go to the interview next Tuesday.

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