
When you are bored, you will find that boredom is also an advantage

author:Drawer movies

Does life make sense? Many times it seems that there is none, but why do so many people have ups and downs in their lives? The answer may be simple, life is life, even if it feels boring in life, people will find some different meanings from boredom. People will always find a reason for themselves to live, which may be the essence of life.

When you are bored, you will find that boredom is also an advantage

The above is not to look very tragic, but the film recommended to you today is not tragic, on the contrary, this film is still quite cheerful in a certain sense. However, cheerfulness and sadness are not enough to describe the true core of this film, behind such joy and tragedy, this film represents an attitude to life, from meaninglessness to find meaning, from boredom to feel funny, from a lot of other things, to find their own exclusive things and so on. These trivial stories are connected to "Crazy Clerk".

When you are bored, you will find that boredom is also an advantage

Is Crazy Clerk crazy? It doesn't seem to be crazy, two good partners, one is a convenience store clerk, the other is a video store clerk, two people are engaged in ordinary work, said to be ordinary, in fact another kind of gilding, the work of two people is actually trivial and boring. Work is repeated day after day, and the trivial things in life are staged one by one, and slowly, the two people gradually become numb, and their only pleasure is to get together and chat, and it doesn't matter what they talk about, as long as they talk.

When you are bored, you will find that boredom is also an advantage

The convenience store clerk started his ups and downs on a day off, but this day seemed to be the same as before, but in fact it was unusually sad, the rest day was disturbed, and then he met many, many "strange" people in succession. Of course, this "strangeness" stems from the clerk's own cognition, he feels extremely irritable because of the interruption of the rest day, so the original ordinary customer has become strange in his eyes at this moment, but this is only the beginning.

When you are bored, you will find that boredom is also an advantage

Next, the clerk had an argument when talking to his girlfriend about a certain issue, and during the dispute, he inadvertently penetrated his girlfriend's love history, which was a bit unacceptable to the clerk. After the argument, the two men parted ways. But the troubled day didn't end there. Then, he met a customer who was more troublesome than "strange", which was even worse for his already irritable mood. At this time, his former good friend, the clerk of the video store, did not send him charcoal in the snow.

When you are bored, you will find that boredom is also an advantage

This film focuses on the irritable life of two good friends one day, which is a small-cost movie, so when constructing the lives of two people, the creators chose a few fixed scenes, with excellent line skills, so that this already monotonous movie glows with a different charm. Of course, this is largely a compliment, or an encouragement for such small-budget films.

When you are bored, you will find that boredom is also an advantage

After all, in front of commercial films to fight for effects, fight for scale, many small creators will feel weak, but from another point of view, if their own scale does not reach a certain height, then how to use existing means to completely tell their own stories, this is the core point. At the same time, it is also a breakthrough for many small-budget films. When creators do not have a variety of sharp tools to express their creative desires, it is a good way to choose to use the tools at hand to the extreme. In this method, many creators who do not have much capital can learn from.

When you are bored, you will find that boredom is also an advantage

Where is the shining point of this film? Lines, of course, are the first shining points. If you carefully taste the lines of this film, you will find that the original slightly irritable lines are just a collection of daily life. When two good friends discuss a specific matter, they are more discussing the problem behind the matter than the matter itself. This is a result of the presentation of film and television, seemingly chatting casually, but actually saying something, making some choices, and finally leading the audience to the path that the creator envisioned.

When you are bored, you will find that boredom is also an advantage

In addition to the lines, there is another highlight of this film, that is, the borrowing of scenes. For small-budget films, the borrowing of scenes can set off the background of the story in a certain sense. The scene of this film is not too much, just a convenience store and a video store, and to a large extent, the two stores may also be two doors of a store. However, it is such a monotonous scene that the creator has found, or bred more possibilities from it. This possibility may be able to ignore the monotony of the scene in this film in the eyes of the audience, so that all attention can be focused on the two actors and the lines they tell, so that the scene just becomes a foil.

When you are bored, you will find that boredom is also an advantage

This is the highlight of the film, but in addition to the highlights, the core of this film is also very simple, that is, a kind of comfort in a boring life, life is originally boring, but in boredom people need to learn how to solve it. This kind of elimination is nothing more than finding some parts of boredom that are not so boring, and decorating the already very boring life.

When you are bored, you will find that boredom is also an advantage

The days pass day by day, but the heart of living a life is constantly changing, and the people I meet in life are also new every day. Therefore, we seem to repeat a simple life, in fact, this life is not simple at all, ordinary days can see the extraordinary, boring life can look for less boring experiences, this may be the true meaning of life.

Above, "Crazy Clerk" may be a revelation and experience, when you are bored you will find that boredom also has a variety of manifestations.


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