
Laugh to the point of exploding! Each university is nicknamed the strongest inventory, and Sun Yat-sen University is called Shuangyashan University! It's so earthy!

author:Big college entrance examination

For a long time, there has been a compendium of Chinese college nicknames circulating on the Internet, and most of these nicknames are based on the school's geographical location, professional characteristics, and male-female ratio. Have you all understood? If you don't understand, let's take a look at it today!

Sun Yat-sen University

Nickname: Shuangyashan University

The reason why Sun Yat-sen University is called "Shuangyashan University" by everyone is not casually taken. In fact, this title comes from the English name of Sun Yat-sen University, "Sun Yat-sen University", if pronounced it resembles "Double Duck Mountain". Many people may wonder why the English name of Sun Yat-sen University is so. Because the English of Sun Yat-sen University is the Cantonese transliteration of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Chinese name (Sun Rixin).

After the name of "Shuangyashan University" was on fire, everyone designed various school emblems for the school.

Laugh to the point of exploding! Each university is nicknamed the strongest inventory, and Sun Yat-sen University is called Shuangyashan University! It's so earthy!

Zhejiang University

Nickname: Sandun Town People's Park

The major campuses of Zhejiang University have always been unrestricted by outsiders, even taxis can enter the school, so Zhejiang University has become a good place for Hangzhou citizens to walk in the green, eat open-air hot pot, barbecue, set up tents, so unhappy, the school is also known as "Sandun Town People's Park". But this also breeds a lot of problems: littering, destroying flowers and trees, picking fruit trees...

This made countless Zhejiang university students feel helpless and funny.

Laugh to the point of exploding! Each university is nicknamed the strongest inventory, and Sun Yat-sen University is called Shuangyashan University! It's so earthy!

Wuhan University

Nickname: Luojiashan Comprehensive Vocational and Technical Training Institute

Located in front of Luojia Mountain, under the Cherry Blossom Fort, by the East Lake Pool... It is not an exaggeration to describe Wuhan University as "the most beautiful university in China". However, the students of the school do not like to call their school "the most beautiful university in China", but they like to call the school "Luojiashan Comprehensive Vocational and Technical Training College", and if they want to pretend to be forced, they are called "a branch of the Central Party School of the Cpc Central Committee".

In fact, all the universities in the Wuhan area have nicknames and hills, such as Huazhong University of Science and Technology in "Guankoushan Vocational and Technical College", China University of Geosciences in "Nanwangshan Men's Geology Training School"...

Laugh to the point of exploding! Each university is nicknamed the strongest inventory, and Sun Yat-sen University is called Shuangyashan University! It's so earthy!

Tongji University

Nickname: Shanghai No. 1 Building Construction Team

The Department of Architecture of Tongji University can be said to be famous at home and abroad, so everyone likes to call it "Shanghai First Building Construction Team".

The Department of Architecture of Tongji University has far-reaching roots, and it was in 1952 that it integrated the Department of Civil Engineering of Tongji University, the Department of Architecture of St. John's University, the Department of Architecture of Zhijiang University, and the faculty of some universities such as the Department of Civil Engineering of Fudan University and the Department of Civil Engineering of Shanghai Jiaotong University, and became the Department of Architecture of Tongji University.

How powerful is the Department of Architecture of Tongji University? It is tied for first place in the country with Tsinghua University. At the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, professors and alumni of Tongji University joined a large number of engineering projects.

Laugh to the point of exploding! Each university is nicknamed the strongest inventory, and Sun Yat-sen University is called Shuangyashan University! It's so earthy!

Tsinghua University

Nickname: Wudaokou (Men's) Vocational and Technical College

Wudaokou Men's Vocational and Technical College is currently the most famous "vocational college" in the country, you search the Internet, its other name can scare you: Tsinghua University!

Why is it called Wudaokou Men's Vocational and Technical College? It is because Tsinghua University is a traditional science and engineering university, and the proportion of men and women is very different. The most unbalanced major is the electronic information major, so everyone likes to complain about their own school: men's vocational and technical college.

Laugh to the point of exploding! Each university is nicknamed the strongest inventory, and Sun Yat-sen University is called Shuangyashan University! It's so earthy!

Communication University of China

Nickname: Haidilao University

Is it a surprise, the Communication University of China is called Haidilao University, not that there is Haidilao in the school, but the service of the school is too good.

If students complain that there are too few women's toilets in the school, the school will change half of the men's toilets in the teaching building to women's toilets the next day; students just say that the school network is poor, the school immediately develops a Wi-Fi coverage plan, so that students can access the Internet anytime and anywhere in the school; students just said that it is inconvenient to go back to the Zijing dormitory across the road at night, and the school immediately built a skybridge for the students.

Laugh to the point of exploding! Each university is nicknamed the strongest inventory, and Sun Yat-sen University is called Shuangyashan University! It's so earthy!

Peking university

Nickname: Yuanmingyuan Vocational and Technical College

Where is another famous university in China? Just 300 meters east of The West Gate of Tsinghua, the Yuanmingyuan Vocational and Technical College.

There is also a Yuanmingyuan Vocational and Technical College next to Tsinghua University? I didn't see this college when I filled out the volunteer form! In fact, this school is the famous Peking University! Why did it become the Yuanmingyuan Vocational and Technical College? It is because opposite the south gate of the Old Summer Palace is the north wall of Peking University... In addition, Zhongguancun North Avenue is also very close to the school, so it has another nickname: Zhongguancun College of Applied Arts and Sciences.

Laugh to the point of exploding! Each university is nicknamed the strongest inventory, and Sun Yat-sen University is called Shuangyashan University! It's so earthy!

Fudan University

Nickname: Pentagon Field Secretarial Vocational and Technical College

This nickname is a bit awkward to call, I heard that this name was not taken by Fudan students themselves, but by Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Wujiaochang is the geographical location of Fudan University, and the School of Secretarial Affairs is a tribute to Fudan, who is known for its humanities. How powerful are Fudan's humanities? If the journalism department of Fudan University claims to be the second in China, no university will dare to call itself the first.

In fact, Fudan University also has a nickname - Wujiaochang Community Vocational Education Center, because there are many students who do part-time tutoring in the school, and many parents will personally name Fudan students as tutors.

Laugh to the point of exploding! Each university is nicknamed the strongest inventory, and Sun Yat-sen University is called Shuangyashan University! It's so earthy!

Chinese Min University

Nickname: The Second Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

In Mr. Yang Dai's novel "After the Bath", there is a passage: "The highest institutions of learning cultivate students, but Renmin University is a cadre who trains and disciplines students." In fact, this is true, Chinese University seems to have really been established for the country to send socialist talents, so the school is also known as the Second Party School of the CPC Central Committee.

The NPC has such a nickname, starting from the historical origin. The predecessor of the National People's Congress was the Northern Shaanxi Public School established in Yan'an in 1937, when the position of the public school was a "cadre school", dedicated to sending revolutionary cadres to the outside world. In 1950, after the founding of the National People's Congress, it has always followed the original line and developed into a comprehensive university for training financial and economic, political and legal cadres and Marxist teachers.

However, with the passage of time, the "party school" color of the people's congress has gradually faded. Regarding the speech of the Second Party School, in fact, some people think that it is because there is a large stone at the east gate of the National People's Congress that reads "Seek Truth from Facts" and the inscription on the stone outside the door of the Party School of the CENTRAL Central Committee is exactly the same, so it also has this elegant name.

Laugh to the point of exploding! Each university is nicknamed the strongest inventory, and Sun Yat-sen University is called Shuangyashan University! It's so earthy!

Source: univs

In addition to these universities, what are the nicknames of other universities in China? Xiaoyuan found this "Chinese College Jianghu Nickname" on the Internet.

Laugh to the point of exploding! Each university is nicknamed the strongest inventory, and Sun Yat-sen University is called Shuangyashan University! It's so earthy!
Laugh to the point of exploding! Each university is nicknamed the strongest inventory, and Sun Yat-sen University is called Shuangyashan University! It's so earthy!

Does your school have a nickname? If so, what is it called? Welcome to leave a message!