
The courage behind "The Boy Who Rides the Wind", you have, you can also become the next Boy Who Rides the Wind

author:Cats catch tigers

"Quote: The other side of despair must be full of hope."

For people in despair, how can they get out of the predicament? Once upon a time, the whole society prayed for knowledge from top to bottom to change its destiny, but over time, these powerless prayers became a mess, and only a few people turned their lives around with actions.

The courage behind "The Boy Who Rides the Wind", you have, you can also become the next Boy Who Rides the Wind

Remember the male protagonist in the movie "The Boy Who Rides the Wind"? A prayer for the support of the elders, want to use their own hands to create a miracle, and finally use knowledge to change themselves, change their hometown, in the eyes of the elders may be fooling around, but his ideas are always arranged in an orderly manner, everything is to finally reach their own purpose.

Knowledge changes destiny, diligence achieves the future

Is it important for people at the bottom to learn?

For most people, study or work is only to solve the most basic food and clothing problems, only after solving the problem of food and clothing can continue to discuss learning, it is conceivable that you do not even know whether you can eat the next meal, "Do you still care about what learning can bring you?" "In the face of the most basic survival, learning is also a luxury, and the same is true for those at the bottom.

The courage behind "The Boy Who Rides the Wind", you have, you can also become the next Boy Who Rides the Wind

The movie "The Boy Who Rides the Wind" is a very vivid reality reaction, in the most basic social bottom, the villagers have been working hard to farm for food and clothing, the family, although not rich, but the parents of the male protagonist still let the boy learn knowledge, because they believe that knowledge can change the fate.

Since the ancient poor family has produced high talent, the 13-year-old boy Kankuwen is an example.

In spite of the family difficulties to do everything to let him go to school, and the child who knows the family situation is like a hungry man trying to absorb knowledge, even if there is no tuition fee for him to continue to go to school, he still runs to the teaching window to eavesdrop, in addition to often going to the library to find the books he wants, he is curious about everything, and it is for this reason that he has always maintained the heart of learning.

The courage behind "The Boy Who Rides the Wind", you have, you can also become the next Boy Who Rides the Wind

As the saying goes, "Learning must be active to be effective, blindly forcing has no meaning", this sentence is the same here, when a person takes learning as a habit, after mastering the true meaning of learning, they will extend the knowledge they have learned to real life, which is what everyone often calls "learning to apply".

Obviously, the male protagonist of the film has reached this realm, he is extremely curious about strange things, he knows how to study in depth, and more importantly, he can exchange knowledge for practical actions and let knowledge serve life, which also verifies the Qing Dynasty Li Yuan's "what is learned is what is used, and what is used is used".

The courage behind "The Boy Who Rides the Wind", you have, you can also become the next Boy Who Rides the Wind

The male protagonist who sees the family situation finally changes his life with his own knowledge, just like the movie reflects, the dry land has the water to continue life, and he has changed everyone's life with his own strength, and more is to inspire more people to learn.

Broad-minded and approximate, thick and thin

Everyone has a deep understanding of the importance of knowledge, and now we will expound on this courage to break the boat, which cannot be lacking.

I don't know if you have found such a problem, for poor people have always had a misunderstanding, they are worried all day long whether they will lose something, the understanding of new things is largely unacceptable, perhaps in response to the sentence, "poverty limits your imagination", more poverty, but from the brain.

The courage behind "The Boy Who Rides the Wind", you have, you can also become the next Boy Who Rides the Wind

Like the male protagonist in the movie, they have struggled with the subsistence line for the rest of their lives, and even starved to death like others, and they have nothing to lose in this case, even his father's bicycle.

When I first watched it, I also thought that the bicycle was the last bit of wealth left to them by my father, but in the end it was difficult to escape, because only by solving the problem of poverty from the root can it be possible to come back to life. Under the strong persuasion of the male protagonist's mother, his father finally donated the bicycle to his children, let him use his knowledge to find a turnaround, and finally the male protagonist also lived up to expectations, and the wind turbine was finally successfully developed, bringing a stream of clean water to the dry land, only knowledge can change fate, but only the courage to break the boat can make knowledge realize under specific conditions.

The courage behind "The Boy Who Rides the Wind", you have, you can also become the next Boy Who Rides the Wind

If we look at this matter from another angle, if his father just blindly guards what is inherent, it will eventually reproduce the tragedy like everyone else, but under the courage of the broken ship, they have changed all this, and all these achievements are naturally inseparable from this courage.

In addition to boys, more often than not, we should also learn from this father, for life, we can not always stick to the inherent things, look at things with great foresight, only by getting rid of the shackles, can we move towards a better future.

The courage behind "The Boy Who Rides the Wind", you have, you can also become the next Boy Who Rides the Wind

Everyone is saying that knowledge changes destiny, but how many people really get ahead with knowledge? Looking at the current reality in China, when the knowledge we all have is on the same level, there are a few who dare to practice, and only practical actions have a chance to succeed, and can we continue to walk with a sense of glory.

The courage behind "The Boy Who Rides the Wind", you have, you can also become the next Boy Who Rides the Wind

Like the male protagonist in the film, we also have a lot in real life, their success is step by step out, like Jackie Chan in the current entertainment industry, working in the drama class and finally stepping into the film and television circle after plucking up enough courage, Wang Baoqiang went to Shaolin to learn martial arts before his debut, and Liu Qiangdong, who was born in poverty, the whole village made up tuition for him to go to college, such characters are not uncommon around us, put the dream on the ground, look at the dream, always let the dream blossom and bear fruit.

Poor and strong, do not fall into the ambition of the clouds

Many people call this 13-year-old boy a genius, but according to xiaobian, this view is indeed inappropriate, we can't always use talent to cover all his efforts, diligent learning, practical truth-seeking, etc. are her efforts and attitudes towards knowledge, I believe that with such efforts, each of us may become the next wind-driven teenager, and even surpass him.

The courage behind "The Boy Who Rides the Wind", you have, you can also become the next Boy Who Rides the Wind

It can be seen from this that when there are excellent people in our lives, people will always say that they have talent at the first time, and this idea of using talent to cover the efforts of the other party has a wide range of aspects, so that it paralyzes ourselves, as ordinary us, when we are in difficulty, we should strengthen our beliefs and look for Lingyun ambition. If you want, your life can still be wonderful.

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