
Black Sea Gold: An Undersea Adventure of a Group of Laid-Off Crews

author:Ponies glow
Black Sea Gold: An Undersea Adventure of a Group of Laid-Off Crews

When we suddenly have nothing, we may choose to take the risk of getting everything we have lost in one fell swoop, in order to fight back at those who once laughed at us. The movie "Black Sea For Gold" is a group of laid-off crew members who start a thrilling underwater adventure for the gold under the sea.

The beginning of the movie "straight in", the middle-aged and down-and-out male old submarine captain Jude Law (the former male god became the "Mediterranean") was swept out of the company, after accidentally learning the news that there was gold at the bottom of the Black Sea, organized a group of laid-off and unemployed "old cannons", in a vain attempt to use their lives to save their failed lives. What I didn't expect was that the whole plan to go to sea for gold was a trap, and the human beings who were at the bottom of the sea and had no hope had turned the inside of the submarine into a Shura dojo where humanity struggled. The audience sees not only the gold at the bottom of the sea, but also the desire and greed of human nature, but more importantly, when life and money must choose their own time choices.

The director had to move the game to hell mode, artificially adding a lot of obstacles. First of all, the crew was divided into two groups, with language barriers, cultural antagonisms, mutual discrimination and even enemies as the foreshadowing of the subsequent carnage. However, the director makes full use of the characteristics of the deep sea and submarines to create wave after wave of trouble, setting off a series of climaxes in a limited space. As an audience, we lack professional knowledge, and many times we can't judge the situation, such as whether to venture through the canyon or float to save our lives, and the anxiety of having nothing to rely on in the chaos is also fully stimulated and utilized for the film. So that when we see the end, we will not regret that this period of inadequate planning, low quality of personnel, rudimentary equipment, poor luck, and from the beginning of the calculated treasure hunting adventure, worthy of a tortuous and complete suicide journey.

This group of laid-off crew members are a small group of people who know that any one of them can be treacherous, but it means that they are so loyal to themselves. Everyone in the submarine is pregnant with a ghost fetus, fighting for their own sake, self-interest as the center, full of human paranoia, selfishness and more of the lower limit of human nature. In fact, they have the ability, who does not want to have everything, but the life of the little person is so bad, there are many feelings, you want to shoulder the responsibility, but do not have that ability. It was an old submarine, struggling to find the same wealth as a fan, but it eventually sank completely from the inside due to internal friction.

When threatened life is compared to money, no amount of gold is worth mentioning, and in the face of life, any success or failure is so vulnerable. Jude Law chose to sacrifice himself to keep the only two remaining crew members alive, and at this moment, he completed a magnificent turn, although they all died for money, but his death was with hope and kindness. The captain is very grandfatherly, the difficult time can hold the field, the whole film is a tough character experience, and the manhood that eases this hard state is the embodiment of father's love Out of love and compensation for the son. He took extra care of the 18-year-old crew, especially after learning that he was about to have a son, and hoped to use his lessons to tell him to take good care of his son and not to be like him. The two sections of the golden trade-off crossing the trench are the embodiment of adventurous character and greed, but the author believes that the greed of the captain is not the point, but the tragic color of the character itself.

Because this film is based on submarines as a carrier, you can also understand a lot of knowledge about submarines, of course, this film submarine knowledge has a board and eyes, must be a lot of military fans' taste, through the plot audience can also sweep some basic cognition about submarines, such as the need for 9 people to open the submarine, the process of floating and diving, the popularization of sonar knowledge in submarines, the preparation that needs to be done when escaping, etc., which is called submarine science popularization.

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