
"Black Sea For Gold": a unique perspective on human redemption

author:Zhang Jianxiong
"Black Sea For Gold": a unique perspective on human redemption

Submarine movies are relatively rare, "U-571", "K-19 Widow Maker" and "Hunt for Red October" are definitely the best in the submarine genre, and the high-pressure submarine film "Black Sea Gold Grab" that will be released nationwide on September 9 will bring the perspective to the bottom of the civilians who have their hearts for the first time, thrilling deep-sea adventures, Huang Cancan's money temptation and gripping psychological dark war. The film can be said to use a negative story to achieve human redemption, which is of profound significance.

The film "Black Sea Gold" is about the captain of a submarine who is fired by his old owner

(Jude Law), who gets the gold clues left by the Nazis and is sponsored by the rich, recruits a group of improvised ragtag people to the bottom of the Black Sea to explore the huge amount of gold worth 2 billion that sank during World War II.

Jude Lowe, who plays the captain, is a well-known Hollywood superstar, with a rather handsome figure and appearance, for the film role, he changed his hairstyle, deliberately gained weight, and the enchanting male god who once turned everyone upside down in "Artificial Intelligence" became a bald, bloated, decadent, sloppy, and full of decaying middle-aged Luthor, the British accent emphasized the command word by word, the stubbornness emanating from every pore, and the professionalism must be praised.

In the film, the captain was hit because his wife remarried to a rich man, determined to find gold to become a rich man in a battle against the water, win back his wife and children, and return to the peak of life. The ideal is plump, the reality is bone, it seems that the team members he recruited are not very reliable, the crew is self-contained, the language barrier, cultural opposition, racial discrimination against each other, such a group of disunited people after diving into the sea after the difficulty of exponential multiplier. The film is tortuous and vivid, and its professionalism is even more admirable, it teaches the audience a lot of diving knowledge and skills: the air of the old submarine will burn out the lungs within a few seconds; the terrible breathing sound in the diving suit is due to emphysema; the use of metal to knock on the wall can replace the sonar equipment, but it requires a person who is proficient in this way to do the calculus; exhale when you are in an emergency to float, otherwise the lungs will explode... The film makes full use of the characteristics of the deep sea and submarines, creating wave after wave of trouble, setting off a series of climaxes in a limited space.

The first climax of the film is that two crew members are killed and the submarine is damaged and the submarine is damaged, and the contradictions between the crews of the two countries intensify the occupation of one side of the submarine and different resources, and the captain convinces the two sides to cooperate and discuss a solution. Another small climax of the film is that the crew, thinking it was a difficult time, actually found gold and parts needed for ship repair. Because the emergence of gold has led to new contradictions. A group of people who have failed in all walks of life, a group of people who have been thrown down by the big ship of the times, a group of gamblers, and a group of sons, fathers, grandfathers who are not willing to accept fate... In the insecure space of the deep sea, various weaknesses of human nature continue to erupt, and the film that gambles with his life has an emotional scaffold on the basis of commercial adventures, which is more attractive to the audience. Unfortunately, such a group of people loses themselves because of desires and temptations, and the tired heart breeds greed and conspiracy evil demons, and the already disunited team is eventually torn apart.

At the end of the film, the captain sits alone in front of 4 tons of gold, lights a cigarette, and remembers the scene of the vacation with his wife and son at the seaside, which is meaningful and thought-provoking. The film focuses on the inner struggle and thinking of the characters in the extreme state, the characters in the film are full of complexity, and the dilemmas and entanglements they face are actually the ultimateization of the dilemmas and entanglements that each of us faces in life. The film makes the audience feel the inspiration of truth and goodness from the negative side, and cannot give up the spiritual appeal to truth and goodness at any time and place, so as to transmit more positive energy to society.

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