
The seven-layer yarn dance can be exchanged for half of the country - Salome

author:This World's Sympha

It can be said that her delicate and amorous is not inferior to Helen, and her intoxicating beauty is not inferior to Lucrece, but the extremes and cruelties that belong to her are far beyond the reach of the other two beauties. The name Salome is a well-known dancer in the West, and it is also a favorite figure of various artists. Her image, after undergoing literary and artistic processing, has already exerted the temptation of fragrant and moving beauties to the extreme, blooming with a bloody brilliance like a dahlia.

The seven-layer yarn dance can be exchanged for half of the country - Salome

Salome, like Helen, seems to have a little myth about her because she is too pretty. The difference, however, is that Helen's beauty, although it sparked a war, never thought about letting any man die because of her; Salome, on the contrary, only wanted to use her body to complete the ruthless killing of a man.

The Biblical record of Salome, who lived in ancient Babylon, was the stepdaughter of King Herod. Salome's mother, Herodias, was the younger sister-in-law of King Herod, and her appearance was also quite beautiful, and the lustful Herod king disregarded ethics and had an affair with her, and eventually married her as queen. Salome also lived with her mother in the gorgeous palace and lived a princess-like and pampered life.

However, according to the law of Moses, the actions of Herod and Herodias were not allowed. So the prophet John went to see Herod, accused him of sin, and was put in jail. When Herodis learned of this, he was furious and resentful, always looking for an opportunity to get rid of John, but he was bitter that he could not immediately put this highly respected figure to death, after all, with his influence, even Herod did not want to cause trouble to easily attack him.

The seven-layer yarn dance can be exchanged for half of the country - Salome

But Herodi soon came up with a plan, because she had an incomparably powerful weapon at her disposal, that is, her daughter Salome. Salome is the most beautiful girl in the entire ancient Babylonian kingdom, not only with a beautiful face and exquisite figure, but also dancing a heart-warming seven-tiered yarn dance. Although King Na herod was Salome's stepfather, the nature of a lustful person would inevitably make him covet any beautiful woman in the world, let alone a girl with a supreme posture.

The seven-layer yarn dance can be exchanged for half of the country - Salome

It was helian withstood this fact that Herodis intended to use his daughter's beauty to make a fuss. It happened to be The Birthday of King Herod, and a feast was held in the palace to entertain the guests, and the kings and nobles of various countries and the ministers of domestic politics came to wish for the birthday. Herod was in a clear mood and smiled with a spring breeze. He looked around, and his gaze seemed to inadvertently fall on the beautiful stepdaughter, which was even more pleasing to the eye. Herody naturally also found the look in Herod's eyes when he looked at his daughter, so he stepped forward and said, "Today is the birthday of the king, so it is better to let the little girl Salome give you a dance to toast you." ”

Herod was begging for it, and when he heard the queen say this, of course he nodded his head and said yes. The guests present were also full of expectations, who did not know that Salome's dance style was unique in the world, and they had the privilege of seeing it with their own eyes, and suddenly felt that even the valuable gifts on the salute were worth the money.

The seven-layer yarn dance can be exchanged for half of the country - Salome

Not long after, Salome changed into her costume and appeared lightly, and everyone focused on their eyes, but when they saw the ancient Babylonian princess covered by light veils, she stood seductively in front of her eyes, and she was suddenly stunned for half a moment, and the eyes of Herod were even more staring at the girl and did not want to turn away for a moment. When Herodis saw her husband's gaffe, he was not angry, but smiled darkly with sarcasm and pride. The drama is still to come.

The seven-layer yarn dance can be exchanged for half of the country - Salome

Of course, there are good plays, Salome's style is just a small appearance, and then after entering the talent show stage, her dance style will make the people present more soul-destroying. The dance has a feminine name, called the seven-layer yarn dance.

What kind of dance is this? It is certainly impossible for those who watch the scene to travel through thousands of years to depict it in detail, but we can feel the powerful lethality behind the fragrance in some works of art. In the mid-to-late nineteenth century, stave Moreau, a French Romantic painter, created a series of paintings about Salome and exhibited them at the Paris World's Fair, which for a time fascinated countless literati and inkers.

Salome's skin is clear, her eyes are bright and her teeth are bright, the light veil cannot hide the spring light that wants to be released, the plump and exquisite body is looming, accompanied by the rhythm of the fiery demon, the breasts tremble in the light gauze, and each changing dance posture seems to be able to burn a bright flame. Diamonds sparkled on her supple skin, and the aroma seemed to linger in every air she passed. And her melancholy look makes people have a kind of unfathomable attraction. How amazing is that seven-layer gauze, which separates Salle's beautiful carcass from the audience's gaze, but can trigger people's infinite reverie, invisibly creating an ultimate sexiness. This is the visual shape that the painter Morrow provides for people to be vivid and fragrant, of course, the viewer can completely rely on his own imagination to inject a new soul into this beautiful body.

The seven-layer yarn dance can be exchanged for half of the country - Salome

So today, we can imagine how bloody the men who were present at that time should have been, and the most beautiful hero of them could be described as a dragon and a great joy, and the excitement was unbearable, and he immediately said to Salome: "To be able to see such a beautiful dance is in the eyes of everyone here, you deserve to be commended, and I swear that I can give you whatever you want, even if it is half of my country." ”

Salome smiled slightly and quietly glanced at her mother, her ding-dong still in her ears. Thinking of this, she gave Herod a salute and said solemnly, "My daughter does not want your half of the country, I only want the head of the prophet John, and if you can put his severed head on a plate and give it to me, I will be ecstatic to receive great satisfaction, and then I will dance a better dance for the father." ”

When Herod heard this request, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, which was really a bit difficult to do. Although John was imprisoned by him, he just wanted to punish him for his rudeness, and if he was really put to death, he would surely cause a lot of criticism. He never expected salome to want this, and began to regret his impulsiveness, but the oath he had made could not be played, so he had to decide to fulfill his promise to kill John first, and then talk about it later.

Herod sent his bodyguards to take off John's head and put it on a plate and give it to Salome, who stared at it with satisfaction for a moment and then held it and handed it to his mother. Herodi finally achieved his goal, her hatred set in motion a conspiracy, and the beauty of her daughter made the bloody case happen.

It can be seen that men really don't easily offend women, and of course, don't casually fall in love with women. The former, like John, died a rare death, and the latter, like Herod, could do nothing even if he was distressed and embarrassed.

The biblical New Testament account of Salome is not long, and the main thrust of the message is about the spirit of sacrifice of the preacher, not about a beautiful story. But behind that holy and fearless spirit, there is also the carnal desire of Herod, the hatred of the queen, and the beauty of the maiden. Perhaps Salome was just a seductive fuse and a murderous prop, but the image was unusually vividly passed down.

Many artists favor this incomparable beauty, most notably The Play by Oscar Wilde, a representative of aestheticism in the history of English literature. He adapted the biblical story to make the plot more complex and tangled, and the love and hatred ignited fierce contradictions and conflicts.

Salome in the play is still coveted by her stepfather, and also removes the prophet's head with the dance of temptation as a weight, but not because of her mother's instigation, but because of her own love and hate.

Salome fell in love with the Prophet at first sight, bravely confessed her love to him, and wanted to ask for a sweet kiss, but was ruthlessly refused. That wounded heart then turned from love to hate, and at the same time turned her from an amorous girl into a terrible "goddess of vengeance". When Herod asked her what she wanted, she did not hesitate to ask for the head of the man she loved dearly. She watched it being served on the plate, her eyes seemed to be able to spew blood and tears, and her heart was even more intertwined with love and hate.

Salome picked up the head that had become cold from death, bowed deeply, and pressed her full red lips on her longing lips, and she finally kissed him as she wished. Finally, Salome said to the head of the Prophet, "Why don't you look at me?" As long as you see me, you will definitely fall in love with me... The mystery of love is greater than the mystery of death. ”

The seven-layer yarn dance can be exchanged for half of the country - Salome

It's a story of love to the extreme, and both love and hate seem to end in a dance in an instant; it's also a struggle between lust and spirit, and no one is the winner. Salome remembered the oracle: "There are only two emotions in the world that bind a person together forever, either love or hate." If he can't love you, then let him hate you. ”

However, she did not get love and could not get it

The seven-layer yarn dance can be exchanged for half of the country - Salome

Hate. She received commentaries about charm, seduction, cruelty, and literary artists who fantasized over and over again about this tragic, beautiful, and evil story. The kiss in the bright moonlight was more like an affectionate but cruel ritual, even with a little eerie gloom and paleness.

This selfish and wayward beauty, who finally died of punishment, she danced all over the city, but she could not make the loved one fall in love, which was probably the dislocation and sadness of love.

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