
The mysterious flowers of Western religion are very different from what I know!

Mandala is also called mandala, manda, manza, manda, drunken flower, dog walnut, yangjin flower, maple tomato flower, peach blossom, sheep flower, trumpet flower, mountain eggplant and so on.

The mysterious flowers of Western religion are very different from what I know!

Mandalas often grow in wastelands, drylands, houses, sunny slopes, forest edges, and meadows. Prefers warm, sunny and well-drained sandy loam soils. It is cultivated for medicinal or ornamental purposes.

The mysterious flowers of Western religion are very different from what I know!

After the flower blooms, it looks like a trumpet, mainly white, but also has pink and yellow, black, purple and other colors.

The mysterious flowers of Western religion are very different from what I know!

Mandala flowers are native to India. It is widely distributed in temperate to tropical regions of the world. It is found throughout China.

The mysterious flowers of Western religion are very different from what I know!

The whole plant is highly toxic, and its leaves, flowers and seeds can be medicated. Spicy taste, warm, medicinal analgesic anesthesia, cough and asthma relief. Indications for the treatment of cough and asthma, facial sores, prolapse and rheumatism, bruises, but also as anesthesia.

The mysterious flowers of Western religion are very different from what I know!

The main active ingredient of hemp boiling powder invented by the famous medical scientist Hua Tuo in the Three Kingdoms period is mandala. Mandala Chinese commonly known as poison ginseng. Derived from the ancient Greek language, it means "the medicine of man's love".

The mysterious flowers of Western religion are very different from what I know!

Mandala whole grass is poisonous, with fruits, especially seeds, being the most toxic, followed by young leaves, and dried leaves are less toxic than fresh leaves. Don't eat it!

The mysterious flowers of Western religion are very different from what I know!