
Dreams are made up of countless humble efforts


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Finally, after watching Teacher Cai Chongda's "Skin Bag", every story touched my heartstrings.

Dreams are made up of countless humble efforts

Maybe it's because I'm also the kid who steps on the warm ground and chases the frolicking growing up in the dirt house. The unique feelings of my hometown made me more able to understand the urgency of Teacher Cai's homesickness.

And what touched me the most was Magnolia, the name derived from HOPE, the Magnolia that laughed with small tiger teeth and small dimples; the Magnolia who longed to embrace the world and was free and uninhibited.

Such a magnolia would not admit that he was ignorant, he was so proud, but vulnerable and vulnerable. He burns his life to chase what he imagines, trying to play the "hot-blooded youth" in his heart.

In those fierce ways, he raised himself to the highest psychological expectations, and it was impossible to lower his body and plunge into ordinary life. But all ideals are precisely made up of mediocre and boring efforts.

So he eventually embarked on the road of no return because he could not control the free soul.

Dreams are made up of countless humble efforts

As the saying goes: the ideal is very full, the reality is very bone. When we are touched by reality, we should ask ourselves, are we on the wrong path?

If we run into walls everywhere and know that this road is not passable, we still have to go to the black with a hard scalp. The only consequence was that the city collapsed, and it must be the fragile soul supported by the illusion that must be crushed to death.

Dreams are made up of countless humble efforts

When the skin bag can't hold back the free and fragile soul, the brain will warn us that it is time to move down to earth. Otherwise, like Magnolia, it will eventually be regurgitated by the ideal illusion fed by imagination. In order to stay away from suffering, we can only give up our flesh and turn into chaos.

Sadly, in real life, there are too many "thick and simple", and every day they dream of freedom that are not marginal. As everyone knows, true freedom is exchanged for strict self-discipline; all the blood is dashing, and behind it is sweat and hardship.

We should not only see the surface and think about it, and eventually be confused by the appearance and lose the essence.