
The right exporter

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
The right exporter
The right exporter
The right exporter
The right exporter
The right exporter

Because of the symphonic drama "Pelle Ginter", "National Uncle" Wang Yaoqing has circled a wave of fans, and a person can easily perform dozens of roles, playing what it looks like, easy and playful, deep and delicate, all of which are handy. If you know his fans through film and television dramas or variety shows and live broadcasts, you will feel that "uncle" is too capable of acting; if there have been fans who have watched Lin Yihua's stage plays, and know Wang Yaoqing again through "Pelle Ginter", you will find that he has not been disturbed or kidnapped by the current so-called out-of-the-loop and traffic. In an exclusive interview with Nandu, Wang Yaoqing has been repeating that he hopes to be a "content exporter", whether it is acting, variety shows or live streaming, it is "a performance that contributes appropriately to a specific occasion".

Written by: Nandu reporter Ding Huifeng intern Ye Zi Xia Xiaotong

musical instrument

In the performance of "Pell Ginter", Wang Yaoqing played 22 very different roles, without stage and props, directly using body language, voice expressions, timbre, emotions, etc. to express the roles of different classes, genders and races, and under the background of vocal soloists, symphony orchestras and choirs, he finished speaking the original work of Ibsen that originally took 9 hours. Wang Yaoqing has repeatedly said that he is just an instrument of the symphony orchestra, producing the right tone at the right time.

Southern Metropolis Daily: What was the earliest opportunity to take over the symphonic drama "Pell Ginter"?

Wang Yaoqing: I myself have been doing "Interview with The Worker", I want to interview Jiao Yuanpu, because he is the god of classical music, he proposed a condition to exchange with me, if I want to interview him, I must promise him to do "Pell Ginter", so there is such a situation as now.

Nandu: "Pelle Ginter" is completely different from your previous Lin Yihua stage play, what homework did you do before participating?

Wang Yaoqing: I fully trust Teacher Jiao Yuanpu, because even if I have read Ibsen's original work, I don't know how to present such a huge work on stage. After rehearsing with the symphony orchestra, I had a general impression and outline of the final form. I am also very grateful to Teacher Jiao Yuanpu, if it were not for his unreasonable and arbitrary request, I would not have enjoyed such a great pleasure on the stage.

Nandu: What is the biggest difficulty in playing 22 roles by one person?

Wang Yaoqing: The biggest difficulty is how to remind yourself to withdraw from the beautiful music, and then make an accurate sound in the accurate beat. Although I play 22 roles, in fact I am still a certain instrument in the orchestra, whether it is violin, cello, pipe organ, each instrument has its own certain timbre, and my function is to produce the right tone at the right time.

Nandu: What specific guidance did Teacher Jiao Yuanpu give you?

Wang Yaoqing: He only said 4 words, as a general direction of the whole performance, that is, "you are fine", and then I was released to such a place. Teacher Jiao Yuanpu spent a year translating the Norwegian of Ibsen's original into Chinese, and also hoped to make some connections with the current people and life as much as possible, such as adding a small barbarian waist when he was stationed in Guangzhou, and using Cantonese, when I told him to adjust, he said that there was only one premise, that is, to rhyme as much as possible.

Nandu: You yourself are very talented in language, when you performed at the Guangzhou Opera House, who did you learn the Cantonese part from?

Wang Yaoqing: When I was filming before, I asked Yuan Yongyi to help me, asked her to help me record one of the characters in Cantonese, and she asked her husband Zhang Zhilin to help me record a paragraph (for me to learn), so I want to thank Yuan Yongyi and Zhang Zhilin. Pell Ginter is not a play, but my performance is alive, adapted to local conditions, and will always grow.

Nandu: You also have a singing part in Pell Ginter, what does singing mean to you?

Wang Yaoqing: I sang a serenade, and there should have been a baritone or tenor to sing, but because the funds were not much, they said that you came anyway, or you sang. There was so much to learn as an actor, and thankfully they didn't let me pick up the violin next to me and play a piece of music, which was even more challenging.

Nandu: This time, every time you go to a place, you have to cooperate with the local orchestra, and when you come to the Guangzhou Opera House, you have to cooperate with the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, and every time you have to re-run into it, is it difficult for you?

Wang Yaoqing: First of all, the orchestra conductor Zhang Jiemin is very powerful, without Zhang Zhi there would be no performance of "Pelle Ginter", she as the soul of the whole project to unify, in fact, the most uncontrolled on the stage is my entire storyteller, and I and Zhang Zhi learn the most is not in danger. Working with the orchestra is to meet new people, everyone's personality is different, I try to recognize and adjust, and then take charge of enjoyment.


In the past, in film and television works, Wang Yaoqing has created a distinct image of "overbearing president" and "workplace elite", and recently he has released himself in different variety shows and live broadcasts, and magic dances and memes have emerged in an endless stream, but in a symphonic drama such as "Pell Ginter", which is not an opera or a drama, Wang Yaoqing showed a good sense of music, and realized Jiao Yuanpu's original intention of promoting Grieg music.

Nandu: Do you usually listen to classical music a lot?

Wang Yaoqing: In fact, in my life, I don't listen to popular music much, if I listen to radio, I will listen to classical music radio, I was not able to understand before, but after more and more experience, I can hear the structure inside, which kind of emotion I want to express, giving a lot of imagination.

Nandu: Did you listen to anyone's performances on a specific basis?

Wang Yaoqing: I studied mass communication, I watched more movies before, about nine years ago I watched a movie "Gould's 32 Short Films", and then I bought Gould's piano recordings, and slowly listened to Gould's piano music, which is equivalent to opening a door and going to another world. Then communicate with teacher Jiao Yuanpu, who belongs to the kind of very in-depth and simple introduction to classical music, such as Mozart's gossip, and will learn more.

Nandu: From your own acting career to the present, if you must say, where can the symphonic drama "Pelle Ginter" go?

Wang Yaoqing: It must be a very unique existence, very happy is that friends who have seen it all think that this form is very novel, even if some people say it is not good, but at least the music is good. It's hard for me to compare with what I've done, because conducting and orchestra are the most important contributors to me as a "storyteller." From another point of view, I may have acted for a few years, but every musician on the stage has learned this instrument since the age of three or four, and has spent more than ten or twenty years of hard work, and all of them can have "Pelle Ginter" together, not that I can tell stories, but with all the accumulation and experience I have since I entered the industry to tell this story.

Nandu: You are an actor, this time you are a storyteller, in addition to acting, what content do you want to actively output?

Wang Yaoqing: For example, I am doing "Interview with Professionals", which is a project that I have spent money to do, that is, I hope that everyone will listen to their inner voice, find what they really like to do, and also appreciate the beauty of different walks of life. I am very fortunate that I am an actor, and the people I interviewed, such as Teacher Lin Huaimin, Teacher Lin Yihua, and Teacher Jiao Yuanpu, are all striving for excellence on the road they pursue. I do a good job of the current things, and then I see that everyone can do their own things well, and help this society to work better, which is the situation I most want to see.

Nandu: After so many years of acting and acting in so many plays, didn't you want to be a director?

Wang Yaoqing: No, the director is too tired, always the first to arrive, the last to leave. I don't really want to talk a lot, I'm not a good teacher, I just like to work in a relatively happy environment. I also don't like to go to crowded places, preferring to be alone in the room playing games or listening to music. Whether it's acting, variety shows or live broadcasts, I can always convey the message I want to convey. Fast variety shows have the output of fast variety shows, slow variety shows have the output of slow variety shows, in drama it may be emotion, in live broadcasts it may be the atmosphere, and what I have to do is to output it appropriately in each form.


In addition to the stage of "Pelle Ginter", Wang Yaoqing has maintained a high exposure rate on television, the Internet and other platforms, and his popularity has risen all the way, and he has become a "national uncle". As for being perceived as more and more "funny" or more and more "greasy", he believes that these are not within his control, but as an accumulation and resource, trying to transform into performance material, he hopes to be a multi-faceted existence.

Nandu: Is now your best time?

Wang Yaoqing: Definitely. Because I'm not in my 20s, and I'm not in my 60s, all I have is now, and I firmly believe that it will only get better, because I keep accumulating experience and emotions every day. My physical fitness will not be the same as it was ten years ago, but my accumulation is also not before. So there is no need to look forward, nor do you have to look backwards, the future is actually this second at this moment, do a good job of the things on your hands, it is possible to go to the so-called future. So, I don't have a 25-year-old body, what I have now is a 47-year-old mind and my current self.

Nandu: That's a good idea, but will there also be some chicken soup?

Wang Yaoqing: Chicken soup is actually very human, some of them are not replenished, and sometimes they are poisonous chicken soup. I myself also do "Interview with The Worker", the three views and do not fit a few words can know the general, some words do not need to say more, you can know that for life, time, life, work, for many things are the same view, chat more than a few words, talk about not come to everyone respect each other, goodbye.

Nandu: In addition to "Pell Ginter", are there any other characters that I want to create?

Wang Yaoqing: Actually, I didn't think about it, my training and expectation for myself all along is that no matter what the director asks me, I have to say that I can. This is the passive part of the actor, it can be said that it is safe to meet the encounter, but I also never reject doing anything, maintain a certain degree of openness and curiosity, and everyone's invitation is as satisfying as possible.

Nandu: You also said that now is your best time, for the current traffic iteration, will you have a sense of crisis?

Wang Yaoqing: I don't really have it, because when I was 40 years old, I realized that there was no reason to stop. I still have the physical strength, I still have ideas, I have a little experience and experience, it should be the time to run at full strength, so I have not let myself stop, I have to work more than 300 days a year. Some people also call me Uncle, because I am almost 50 years old, but in fact, I don't care, call it Grandpa, call uncle or uncle, and call Xiao Qingqing, nothing more than a title. When people reach middle age, I will not get any benefits or benefits because of middle age, so I can't let myself burn out.

Nandu: So you don't have a midlife crisis?

Wang Yaoqing: Finding something you like to do and wanting to do it well is that there is no end. Many people have time to reflect and observe themselves in middle age, in fact, these values I formed quite early, I think that occasionally if I have the opportunity to stop and look at all my life from a different perspective, it will not be a kind of loss. I don't give myself the ideal of Hongda, do whatever work I want, drama, television, variety shows, these invitations are first come, first served, because time is so limited.

Nandu: You have an official subscription account, but why don't you open personal Weibo?

Wang Yaoqing: I really don't have the energy to manage seven or eight things at the same time, and I still do everything well. I try to put things in the front and put my personal back, and I don't really want people to pay attention to my private life.