
Foreign Film Critics: "Northern Suburbs 1936"

author:The importance of mindset
Foreign Film Critics: "Northern Suburbs 1936"

Although in terms of director, actor and even theme and narrative style, "North Suburbs 1936" and the brilliant "Spring of the Cattle Herding Class" are the same, but this film was directed by the French director Christopher. The works directed by Bharati can still bloom with different colors under the pressure of public opinion that excessively copied successful works. "The Spring of the Cattle Herding Class" is like the director looking back at the past with endless emotion and then affectionate nostalgia, while "North Suburbs 1936" is the director's steady analysis and silhouette of the French society in the old era.

"Northern Suburbs 1936" does not deliberately avoid the imprint of the times like "Spring of the Cattle Herding Class", choosing to set the story in the past era because of nostalgia; on the contrary, "Northern Suburbs 1936" is close to the times everywhere, leading the audience into the hopeful year of France from the beginning of the title. France in 1936 was the year of parliamentary reorganization, the government dominated by the working class, the common people holding the voice, and the entire social management composition undergoing earth-shaking changes. This year, the French people began to understand what is the master of the house, what is the 8-hour work system, what is paid leave; this year, France began to hold the Cannes Film Festival; this year, Italy joined the "Anti-Comintern Agreement", the three-country axis of Germany, Italy and Japan was initially formed, the Nazis were in the limelight in Europe, and the smoke before the outbreak of World War II gradually ignited. In a turbulent era, "Northern Suburbs 1936" does not observe the whole of France from a certain height and from a so-called atmospheric perspective, but only unfolds in the story of many characters in a musical theater in the northern suburbs, a new district of Paris, where civilians gather. The story is about a musical theater that is on the verge of closure, and a group of staff in front of and behind the scenes experience the joys and sorrows of rebuilding the theater.

Foreign Film Critics: "Northern Suburbs 1936"

Some of these people are separated from each other and only hope to continue to live with their sons; some are full of enthusiasm for the revolution and want to rebuild the concert hall to avenge the snow and hatred; some people hope to be able to stand on the stage again and bring people laughter and laughter; and some people come from the countryside to Paris, hoping to become a singer who will be attracted by all. Located in the northern suburbs of Paris, France, the Musical Theatre called Chanson Nia represents a true portrayal of the french people at the bottom of that era. Colovis. Cornilla, Pierre. Richard & Gerald • Juno plays the protagonist with different personalities in the film, and the superb acting skills of the three people support the whole audience, and the good actors will definitely shoot the case; director Christopher. The old French city style that Ballati excelled at was a highlight, and even more memorable is the film's ubiquitous accordion score, reinhardt Wagner's music for Northern Suburbs 1936, full of nostalgic tones and the style of the time. In addition, the general stage play within the play in the film is also a major highlight, Pierre. Richard himself is a very good comedian, and this performance in the stage play in the film can be regarded as a true performance, even if it is extracted alone, the stage play in "North Suburbs 1936" also has a high degree of watchability.

The title "Northern Suburbs" has a special meaning for France. The 1930s and 1940s were the years when great changes were discovered in the urban structure of Paris. With the process of urban industrialization, the urban area of Paris has been expanding continuously, and the original wilderness has gradually become a market for low-income people, which is somewhat similar to the urban-rural combination of various places after our reform and opening up. At the time, such a mixed new residential area was called "Faubourg", and today, the name has been changed to "Banlieue". So, "Faubourg 36" is a name that belongs only to that era, and if we look at the French suburbs today, we can only see titles similar to "Banlieue 13" (Chinese translated as "Violent 13 Blocks"). The director's use of the word "Faubourg" as the title of the film has already told the French audience that the era described in this film is gradually far away from us, and if you have forgotten, you may wish to regain your memory through this film; and for audiences in other countries, this film is also a window to understand the old France.

Foreign Film Critics: "Northern Suburbs 1936"

What kind of people will live in this place in the northern suburbs? In this community, there are workers working in factories, grocers walking the streets, vendors in the wet market, farmers who work at sunrise and live every day, and movie theaters that provide entertainment for these people. They were all members of the lowest echelon of the pyramid of French society, and the rich and aristocrats who were big-bellied would not look squarely at the northern suburbs, and the middle class living in the paris city would only feel that places like the northern suburbs were full of violence, crime and filth. After the French left-wing coalition regime Popular Front took control of the parliament and gained the right to speak, the residents of communities like the northern suburbs stood on the political stage for the first time, and the film attempted to show the audience the many deeds of the residents of the northern suburbs in that era in the face of the changes of the times and the transformation of their political identities. The director here does not want to express these stories in a serious way, but on the contrary, the more flattering sword takes the side of the front, with the Chansonian Theater as the core, through the destruction and reorganization of the theater, the fate of the protagonists, to bring out the entire pattern of French society before World War II.

"North Suburbs 1936" has the style of inspirational films, but in terms of the director's concept, of course, it will not be as simple as just inspiration. The film has a variety of styles such as black comedy, stage play, musical, etc., and is portrayed in Christopher. Under The direction of Balati, the combination of various styles complements each other perfectly and does not make the audience feel abrupt. Maybe it's because the success of "Spring in the Cattle Herding Class" made Christopher. Bharati's choice of content in "Northern Suburbs 1936" is more rigorous, the story is more complex, and the line of politics and era is parallel to the reconstruction of the concert hall, outlining an atmosphere completely different from "Spring of the Cattle Herding Class".

Foreign Film Critics: "Northern Suburbs 1936"

In France, where art films are piled up all year round, it is not uncommon for directors to explore the language of film, and many strange films and boring films that resist death are emerging in an endless stream, it seems that in this country full of romantic atmosphere, the people's taste for movies is also so unique. But like Christopher. It is rare for a director like Bharati to burst with nostalgia and to be able to make works that are appreciated by most audiences at home and abroad. Christophe, born at the Conservatoire de Paris. In both of his feature films, Bharati shows his understanding and love of music, and more importantly, he can create stories through music, or teach decadent teachers to regain their fighting spirit, or let ordinary people who have no hope of life find the meaning of life again. Music does not appear to be noisy in his two works, whether it is "Spring of the Cattle Herding Class" or "Northern Suburbs 1936", the music is dotted with the little starlight on the story, pushing the protagonist and the story forward, and also capturing the audience's heart between the interlacing.

"North Suburbs 1936" is like a director's song to praise the times, in this movie, the song is full of power, it can soothe the frustrated and helpless people, but also in the joy and happiness of people to sing. At the end of the film, a few years later, the protagonist returns to the theater, the music is no longer there, the old friends are gone, the time changes, and things are not in a trance, but we will not see a nostalgic person thinking about the past, on the contrary, the famous musician has won the recognition and applause of the audience, and the snowflake square, the father waits for the return of his son. Everything is so idyllic and peaceful, and the melody of the theme music quietly sounds at this time. Perhaps, the director wants to tell the audience that in the years of stagnation, everything can be like a song.