
Glory of Kings: A large number of skins were accidentally leaked, Han Xin Glory Collection, and only the village chief remained in the skinless village

author:Dumb's Canyon Diary

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Hello everyone, this is Dumb's canyon diary, which will bring you the latest revelations of King Glory.

Glory of Kings: A large number of skins were accidentally leaked, Han Xin Glory Collection, and only the village chief remained in the skinless village

Recently, I don't know what's going on, the new skin of King Glory is really wave after wave, I don't know where the news came from, it is said that more than 40 new skins are about to be launched, but looking at the relevant content that has been exposed so far, I have not found more than 40 skins related content, but the new skins exposed recently are indeed very many.

And there is also the news of the Honor Collection skin, it is said that a Glory Collection will be launched in April, according to last year's situation, there may be more than 4 Glory Collection skins a year, so the possibility of launching the Honor Collection skin in April is not completely absent.

Glory of Kings: A large number of skins were accidentally leaked, Han Xin Glory Collection, and only the village chief remained in the skinless village

In addition, several heroes who have been online for a long time have also ushered in the revelation of new skins, and if nothing else, the skinless village will be officially disbanded, and only the old village chief may be left by then.

Well, without further ado, let's take a look at the new skin revelations of King Glory.

1. April Glory Collection

First of all, let's learn about some of the latest revelations about the Glory Collection skin, there are currently two major news about the Glory Collection skin, but it is not directly determined at present, after all, it is only some gossip, but the relevant content has been exposed, and it is also worth your reference.

Glory of Kings: A large number of skins were accidentally leaked, Han Xin Glory Collection, and only the village chief remained in the skinless village

Recently, a revelation god revealed some image designs of Han Xin's new skin, but this revelation god seems unwilling to disclose too much, so he uses a watermark full of screens, resulting in a blurry look.

However, before the revelation god revealed some image designs of Han Xin's new skin, it is said that Han Xin's weapon will change color, and the screenshot of this revelation god does show the 4 colors of Han Xin's weapon.

And this Han Xin's image looks thin and thin, so the feel of this skin may also be more flowy, but the quality of this skin is difficult to say.

According to the current revelations, it is said that this skin may be a glory collection, but Han Xin does not have a legendary skin, which may also be a legendary skin.

Glory of Kings: A large number of skins were accidentally leaked, Han Xin Glory Collection, and only the village chief remained in the skinless village

In addition, there is also a revelation of the glory collection skin, that is, Gongsun Li's new skin, this skin has been said to be a glory collection since the news was broken, so this news is still relatively reliable, and Gongsun Li does have a legendary skin.

At present, some design details about this skin have also been exposed on the Internet, but only some blurry figures can be seen, as well as some designs of weapon umbrellas, what are the attributes of this skin and what are the uniqueness, it remains to be seen.

Second, the two heroes leave the skinless village

In addition, two more heroes will leave the skinless village, because there are also some new skin revelations.

Glory of Kings: A large number of skins were accidentally leaked, Han Xin Glory Collection, and only the village chief remained in the skinless village

The first place is Yunying, who has directly revealed the design image and appearance of this skin as early as before.

It seems that the quality of this skin should not be low, and there is also a full-screen background effect, so I think it is very likely to be a legendary skin, because Yunying this hero is one of the heroes that the official is very concerned about, since she was launched, although there is no new skin, but in various promotional content, as well as some major events, Yunying can be seen as a signboard.

For example, the avatar of Yunying used by the international service King Glory is enough to prove that the official is definitely not simple for this hero, so the possibility that her first new skin is the legendary skin is higher.

Glory of Kings: A large number of skins were accidentally leaked, Han Xin Glory Collection, and only the village chief remained in the skinless village

The second place is Sikong Zhen, this hero has indeed not had a new skin since it was launched, if the new skin of these two heroes is online, then only the new hero and Genghis Khan will remain, and the new hero itself will have a new skin, so it seems that the skinless village will be left with only the old village chief.

Third, other skin revelations

In addition to the new skin mentioned above, in fact, the recently exposed skin is far more than these, there are many more, and the relevant screenshots have also been exposed, because there are screenshots to break the news, which means that these skins are likely to exist.

Glory of Kings: A large number of skins were accidentally leaked, Han Xin Glory Collection, and only the village chief remained in the skinless village

The first is Daji's new skin, it is said that Daji will have a nine-tailed fox skin, and it also exposes the relevant image, which looks quite good-looking.

Then there is Miyue's new skin, with a blue-white theme, but it is said that the quality of this skin is not particularly high.

Then there's the new skin for General Mo Evil, which looks like it should be a legendary skin.

Yang Yuhuan also seems to have a skin, and it also exposes the special effects of the second skill, and it doesn't seem to be of high quality.

And Princess Yaoyao also has a new skin, which seems to belong to a series with Yunying's skin.

In addition, Kagami also has a new skin, which should be an epic skin.

To summarize the main points

Honor of Kings has recently exposed some new skins are indeed very many, and there are screenshots, so the credibility is still relatively high, I don't know if there are any heroes that everyone likes?

However, suddenly exposed so many skins, it may be difficult for many players to accept, but I think there may be more skin revelations in the future, because in the previous grapevine, there are probably more than 40 skins, but some are just text descriptions, and do not see the actual screenshots, and the above mentioned several except for Sikong Zhen, the rest are related screenshots, so the credibility is relatively high.

The above is the whole content of this article, I don't know if you have any other opinions? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and communicate together.