
Spring nourishes the liver, and the disease does not stain! These 3 vegetables, known as the "strong liver king", often eat less and get sick in spring

author:Life Xiaowei

In spring, everything is revived, vitality and warm sun, the liver main drainage, but also the liver fire is the most vigorous time, so spring should be mainly to nourish the liver.

Spring nourishes the liver, and the disease does not stain! These 3 vegetables, known as the "strong liver king", often eat less and get sick in spring

Nourish the spirit and vitality, the liver as a general of body detoxification, middle-aged and elderly people should pay attention, how to nourish the liver and protect the liver in spring? You can eat more vitamin-rich foods, it is recommended to eat these 3 kinds of "liver protection dishes" often, eat more healthier!

1. Celery

Spring nourishes the liver, and the disease does not stain! These 3 vegetables, known as the "strong liver king", often eat less and get sick in spring

Celery and peanuts are a perfect match, with lipid-lowering and blood pressure lowering effects, and also detoxifying and losing weight.

Ingredients: celery, peanut rice, large ingredients, fragrant leaves, salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, sesame oil.

1: Pick and wash the celery, remove the leaves, and cut into small pieces.

2. Add peanuts, large ingredients, fragrant leaves and salt to the pot, and cook for about 15 minutes; Put the washed peanuts into the pot, the cooking time can not be too long, 2 minutes can be, retain the taste of celery, cook well and add some light soy sauce, sesame oil mixed well, put in the refrigerator for a while to make the ingredients more flavorful.

Spring nourishes the liver, and the disease does not stain! These 3 vegetables, known as the "strong liver king", often eat less and get sick in spring

2. Spinach

Spring nourishes the liver, and the disease does not stain! These 3 vegetables, known as the "strong liver king", often eat less and get sick in spring

Spinach has antipyretic poison and is particularly rich in fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and enhance immunity.

Ingredients: spinach, eggs, salt, chicken essence, cooking oil.

1. A handful of spinach, choose what cannot be eaten, clean the spinach, add water to the pot, boil the water, drop a few drops of oil, put in the spinach and blanch, 30 seconds, take out the cool water, squeeze the spinach dry, cut into small pieces.

2. Crush 2 eggs into a bowl and beat the egg mixture with a little salt.

3. Pour a little cooking oil into the pot, after the oil is hot, pour in the egg liquid, so that the egg liquid automatically solidifies, you can shake the pot body on the way to avoid pasting the pan and stir-fry into pieces.

4. Add spinach to the pot, quickly stir-fry evenly, add salt, chicken essence, stir-fry evenly, until it tastes, the dish is ready.

Spring nourishes the liver, and the disease does not stain! These 3 vegetables, known as the "strong liver king", often eat less and get sick in spring


Spring nourishes the liver, and the disease does not stain! These 3 vegetables, known as the "strong liver king", often eat less and get sick in spring

The fungus is crisp and delicious, delicious in taste, rich in protein, and has the effect of moisturizing the lungs, relieving cough, relieving depression and calming the spirit.

Ingredients: yam, black fungus, green, red pepper, salt, light soy sauce, chicken essence

1. Soak the fungus in warm water, wash it, remove the head, put it into a bowl for later, and the fungus does not need to be soaked for too long.

2. Peel the yam, wash and slice.

3. Wash green and red peppers, remove seeds and slice.

4. Heat the oil in the pot, stir-fry the green pepper flakes until fragrant, put the soaked fungus and yam into the pot, keep stir-frying, add salt, light soy sauce, chicken essence and stir-fry for a while.

Spring nourishes the liver, and the disease does not stain! These 3 vegetables, known as the "strong liver king", often eat less and get sick in spring

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