
Liu Changqing's classic wind and snow poem, the last sentence is too famous, can be called a household name

author:Reading under the lights

On the evening of the fourth night of the New Year of Gengzi, the first episode of the fifth season of the long-awaited "Chinese Poetry Conference" was launched. There are still familiar players, there are still familiar guests Kang Zhen, unfortunately the host has changed his face. Dong Qing did not appear, which was somewhat disappointing.

Liu Changqing's classic wind and snow poem, the last sentence is too famous, can be called a household name

Host of the fifth season of the Poetry Conference

In the last link of this game, Peng Min took the lead in scoring 5 points and became the champion of the first episode of the fifth season. The final tiebreaker is: Which of the following verses is not the poet's own?

It is actually not difficult to see the options, because the choices are very famous poems, such as Tao Yuanming's "More than ten acres of square houses, eight or nine grass houses", which is the poet's poem "Returning to the Garden and Tianju · One" after his retreat; for example, Du Fu's "August Autumn High Wind And Fury, Rolling Three-fold Grass on My House", from his "The Hut Is Broken by the Autumn Wind".

And when the second option came out, he knew that Peng Min was stable, and he basically chose the second when he heard the verse, this option was:

The mountains are far away at dusk, and the white houses are poor in the cold.

Liu Changqing's classic wind and snow poem, the last sentence is too famous, can be called a household name

The cold white house is poor

Even if some people are not familiar with these two sentences, the next two sentences of this poem are well known to everyone, and you are sure to have heard them: Chai Men smells the barking of dogs, and the wind and snow return to people at night.

The poem comes from the Tang Dynasty poet Liu Changqing's "The Master of Furong Mountain in Fengxue", knowing the name of this poem, knowing this poem, you know that the "house" here is not the poet's own house.

"The Master of Furong Mountain in the Snow"

Tang Liu Changqing

Chai Men smell the barking of dogs, and the wind and snow return to people on the night.

In this poem, Liu Changqing uses extremely concise words to sketch a picture of returning to a mountain village on a snowy night. It is cold at dusk, and the wind and snow return to the people at night. This last sentence is also really famous, and was once borrowed by the playwright as the title of the play, making this poem even more well-known.

Liu Changqing's classic wind and snow poem, the last sentence is too famous, can be called a household name

The picture is well drawn

Between walks, the twilight is four, the distant green mountains look more distant like ink stains, the weather is getting colder, and the distant houses are piled with layers of snow. Suddenly, there was a sound of dogs barking outside the wood gate, and someone was returning from the wind and snow.

If you don't look at the title, the poem is actually suspicious, such as whether the poet is the owner of the house or the occupant? Is the poet inside or outside the house? It all seems to make sense. But with the addition of the title, the meaning is much clearer, but in fact, the poet encountered a wind and snow on the way and prepared to spend the night in Furong Mountain.

This poem is a representative work of typical Liu Changqing's poetic style. In the use of word color, Liu Changqing likes to use light colors, reflected in this poem, basically only black and white, no other superfluous colors; and in the selection of images, only a few, several strokes outline, the artistic conception is simple but not simple.

Liu Changqing's classic wind and snow poem, the last sentence is too famous, can be called a household name

The poet returned on the night of the snow and wind, the mountains were far away, the white house was poor, the road was lonely and far away, the picture was vast and desolate, there was a sound in the silence, the sound was more quiet and cold, the wind and snow were mixed, the white house was waiting for people, and everything was in it.

And carefully reading the last five words of "returning to people in the night of wind and snow", not only makes people feel cold, but also uses a "return" word to make people receive a little warmth in the wind and snow. And when this person is placed in the whole picture, the effect that can be achieved by only five words is still outside here, just like the blank space in the landscape painting, the brush is exhausted, and the meaning is endless.

In the picture, there is wind and snow and pedestrians.

If one day, you and I walk on such a road, there is such a house on the far side of the mountain, swaying with lights, will you also raise a little warmth in the ice and snow of "the creek is deep and the mountain is not snowy, and the mountains are frozen without clouds"?

Friendly tip: If it is the home of a stranger in a mountain village, or advise you to be cautious...

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