
"The Family in that city" ended tonight Ma Yuan conquered the audience
"The Family in that city" ended tonight Ma Yuan conquered the audience

Co-starred by Ma Yuan, Tong Lei, Sarina, Li Jianyi, Wu Di, Zhang Yabei, Wang Yuchao and other powerful actors, directed by Shao Jianhui and written by Tao Tao, "The City Family" will end tonight at the Golden Eagle Solo Theater of Hunan Satellite TV. Since the launch of the drama, the number of broadcasts on the whole network has reached a new high, the ratings have ranked in the front row, and Ma Yuan's superb acting skills have added a lot of color to the drama, received many praises, and won the netizen strength certification of "texture actor".

Wang Daming and his daughter untied the knot of the heart, and the calm life regenerated the waves

In the latest episode, Wang Daming and Lin Dad (Li Jianyi) discuss the feelings of getting along with their children, and they are deeply touched. When Da Shuang (Wang Yanzhi) decides to return to the United States, he "carefully" asks whether the two can be a "penpal" like Xiao Shuang and connect feelings. Wang Daming discussed the construction of the museum with her, and the two once again had a contradiction, Da Shuang believed that Wang Daming was actually a person who was "stubborn to the end", and Ma Yuan's sentence "Find your girlfriend back, you are a tendon", which not only caused Da Shuang to burst into tears, but also made the audience red eyes. Last night, Wang Daming discovered Yang Ai 's (Tong Lei)'s abnormality, only to learn that she actually had a tumor, he took Yang Ai to Beijing, in the face of the "ex-wife" who was diagnosed with breast cancer and lost his soul, Wang Daming carefully comforted her, and tried his best to persuade her to undergo surgery, which was affectionate and moving.

Ma Yuan: The actors have established a family-like relationship between them

As "The Family of that City" comes to an end, the blood thicker than water family affection and the close emotions of unrelated blood in the play are becoming more and more moving. When it comes to whether the cast and crew are as close as in the play, Ma Yuan also said nostalgically that "they have established a family-like relationship with each other". In Ma Yuan's creative philosophy, he has always advocated "emotional borrowing", that is, experiencing a real feeling and then showing it. Based on this way of acting, Ma Yuan has unusual feelings for the crew, and sighs more" I thank the crew, everyone's values are the same, they are all adjusting to experience life, the life of this family is like this, this family is like a family, this is the basis of creation." In Ma Yuan's view, although the story is assumed, do not deliberately create, as he himself said, "Naturally revealed, is the most beautiful." ”

Tonight, "The Family in that City" is coming to an end, and Ma Yuan's wonderful performance has also been recognized by the audience. Tangcheng Museum was finally completed, Wang Daming became the honorary curator, and he and yang Ai, who was critically ill, also decided to relive the old good in the last time, whether the story of this family can finally be completed, tonight at 20:10 Hunan Satellite TV Golden Eagle Solo Theater, stay tuned.

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