
Zhao Luzhu I will always sing for the people around the torch around the mountain to illuminate the road of art A party to meet "Five Golden Flowers" Fortunately met three noble people to guide the transformation into Dali Jinhua The care of the party and the country is unforgettable Three into the Nu River to feel "a leap of a thousand years"

author:Yunnan Old Age Report

Written by Yunnan Elderly Report Chen Ji

Image source Yunnan National Culture Audio-Visual Publishing House

Edited by Deng Changyu

Zhao Luzhu was born in 1937 in a large family in Xizhou, Dali. In Dali Xizhou, during the New Year's Festival, some families invite old artists to their homes to sing big songs, and they are sung in Bai dialect, Zhao Luzhu has liked to listen to these since he was a child, often carrying a small stool to sit and listen to them sing. In memory, Dali has a festival almost every month, in addition to singing the big song, but also playing lions. Zhao Luzhu liked to sing and jump from childhood, and when he was in junior high school, he liked to sing more, and because he sang a song of "Spinning Cotton", he was famous in Dali II, and he said that this Zhao Luzhu's voice was so good, just like Huang Hong's "Horse Catching Tune" and "Playing Mountain Tune" heard on the radio.

Zhao Luzhu I will always sing for the people around the torch around the mountain to illuminate the road of art A party to meet "Five Golden Flowers" Fortunately met three noble people to guide the transformation into Dali Jinhua The care of the party and the country is unforgettable Three into the Nu River to feel "a leap of a thousand years"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" Data-track="7" > torches around the mountains illuminate the path of art</h1>

After graduating from junior high school, Zhao Luzhu was admitted to Dali Normal School, and once performed a program, she sang a Yunnan Midu Mountain Song sung by Huang Hong, won the first prize, and earned an erhu for the class.

Later, When Zhao Luzhu heard that the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture Song and Dance Troupe was going to recruit actors, he asked a classmate to take a carriage together to shimonoseki for the exam. Classmates helped pull Erhu, and Zhao Luzhu sang "Midu Mountain Song". A week after returning to school, Zhao Luzhu received a notice that he could go through the formalities - on August 5, 1957, Zhao Luzhu officially joined the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture Song and Dance Troupe.

As soon as he joined the work, the first thing he studied was Chairman Mao's speech at the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art, and Zhao Luzhu understood the spirit of the speech: Send literature and art to the masses of the people who need it most, go to remote mountainous areas, and perform for the masses of all nationalities there.

What makes Zhao Luzhu unforgettable is that in that difficult era, the performance conditions were very simple, often two big poles pulled a big curtain to start the performance, but the enthusiastic audience, after the performance, did not leave, waiting for the actors to return to their residence, you can still see them lighting torches to go home, those torches around the mountain, so beautiful!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="46" > a party to "Five Golden Flowers"</h1>

In 1958, zhao Luzhu came to the provincial city of Kunming for the first time. The show is a party in each state. This party left a deep impression on Zhao Luzhu: because of the performance of the big song, as well as "Guess the Flowers", "Playing Songs" and other national songs and dances, this party was very prominent in the provincial performances, and also attracted the attention of a well-known director, who is Lei Zhenbang, the director who has begun to shoot the film "Five Golden Flowers" on location in Dali and other places.

Zhao Luzhu I will always sing for the people around the torch around the mountain to illuminate the road of art A party to meet "Five Golden Flowers" Fortunately met three noble people to guide the transformation into Dali Jinhua The care of the party and the country is unforgettable Three into the Nu River to feel "a leap of a thousand years"

After participating in the complete provincial performance, the DaliZhou Song and Dance Troupe was retained and specially performed in the Provincial Repertory Theatre. On the night of the performance, there were only two people in the audience, one was Su Da, the leader of the DaliZhou Song and Dance Troupe, and the other was Lei Zhenbang, who had specially rushed from Changchun to Kunming.

After that, Lei Zhenbang and his party went to Jianchuan, Eryuan, Fengyi, and Deng Chuan to collect wind. Until one day in June 1959, the Dalizhou Song and Dance Troupe received a notice to Zhao Luzhu, Luo Bingyan, Li Lili and two other actors, a total of three people, to complete the recording of a movie called "Five Golden Flowers".

The next morning after receiving the notice, a group of people set off, and after arriving in Kunming, screenwriters Zhao Jikang and Wang Gongpu asked Zhao Luzhu and the three of them to rest in Kunming for a day, and the next day they flew to Nanning, and then from Nanning to Beijing by express train.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" > fortunately met three noble people to guide him to transform into Dali Jinhua</h1>

After a day of rest at the Guest House of the Ministry of Culture, I took the express train directly to Changchun. Lei Zhenbang came, and Huang Hong, a famous singer in Yunnan, also arrived later.

"Lei Zhenbang accompanied a few of us to eat a meal and told us that in two or three days, his score would be written", Zhao Luzhu recalled, when Lei Zhenbang sent the score, he took the printed score and said while sending: You sing like that, you sing like that, he sings like this, and the three people are arranged.

The day of practicing with the band finally arrived, but as soon as he entered the rehearsal room, Zhao Luzhu was startled, and the conductor Yin Shengsan was already sitting on the conductor's bench, in front of a large band of fifty or sixty people.

"When I sang solo in the Dalizhou Song and Dance Troupe, there were only four or five people to accompany me, and now there are fifty or sixty people.

Yin Shengsan asked Zhao Luzhu to listen to the band accompaniment first, and after listening to it, he said, you will follow my baton, and when you look at the score, you must also aim at the beat. Wherever the air should be breathed, where the teleprompter should be telepromptered, it must be followed by the command.

After the first sight singing was completed, Yin Shengsan encouraged Zhao Luzhu and said, Xiao Zhao, you should relax your heart and go with my baton.

Li Shirong, the "Ah Peng" who sang "Butterfly Spring" with Zhao Luzhu, also appeared that day. After singing it again, Li Shirong said: "Zhao Luzhu, you can't sing with your mouth open at all costs, you are now recording for the movie, you have to sing out the thoughts and feelings of Vice President Jinhua, you must sing her beauty of socialist life, her pursuit of love, you must sing with affection as the mainstay, so you must sing with half the voice." ”

Inspired by Li Shirong, after several adjustments, it is finally possible to start recording. At this time, Lei Zhenbang and Wang Jiayi were listening outside. The 1950s and 1960s were simultaneous recordings, and as long as you sing a little wrong, you had to start from scratch, so the mood of the recording was very tense for a few days. Fortunately, the director, composer, and conductor all three people think it's okay!

Zhao Luzhu I will always sing for the people around the torch around the mountain to illuminate the road of art A party to meet "Five Golden Flowers" Fortunately met three noble people to guide the transformation into Dali Jinhua The care of the party and the country is unforgettable Three into the Nu River to feel "a leap of a thousand years"

In the more than a month of recording at changchun film studios, Zhao Luzhu also specially consulted Teacher Huang Hong. Huang Hong's method was to let Zhao Luzhu drink a large mouthful of water and hold it in his mouth to feel how to open his throat. Teacher Huang Hong taught Zhao Luzhu several times, and after careful training, he finally completed the recording task of "Five Golden Flowers".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="48" > unforgettable care of the party and the country</h1>

In April 1961, Premier Zhou came to Xishuangbanna to celebrate Songkran festival with people of all ethnic groups in Jinghong, which was the first time Zhao Luzhu met Premier Zhou.

Zhao Luzhu recalled that Premier Zhou carried a washbasin, held a leaf, and sprinkled water with local people to wish each other good luck. In the evening for foreign guests, Zhao Luzhu sang "Butterfly Spring Side". Premier Zhou called her over and carefully inquired about Zhao Luzhu's work and study.

In September of that year, Zhao Luzhu and Dao Meilan were transferred to the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe that was under construction. In January 1962, the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe was officially established. At that time, a large number of actors were transferred from all over the country, Uyghur actor Ayitura, Mongolian actor Maidguma, and Korean actor Choi Mei-sun...

"Premier Zhou is very concerned about us ethnic minority actors, very loving, and he will care about us actors from very details. The artistic career I have been engaged in all my life has only achieved some achievements under the cultivation of the state. Without the party, I would not be where I am today, and it is the party that has cultivated me! Zhao Luzhu said gratefully, "Premier Zhou is not only concerned about the actors, but also respects and loves the actors, and the actors of the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe can all be named!" I cried an unknown number of times after Premier Zhou passed away! ”

Zhao Luzhu said proudly: "At that time, our Yunnan actors performed "Ten Big Sisters", which was very popular. When the actors came out, the audience applauded enthusiastically. I have been singing all my life, my voice has never been dumb, first, I learned from old artists, and more importantly, this skill is to cultivate me in the regiment and lay a solid foundation, which is also the party's training of me! ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="49" > three into the Nu River to feel "a leap of a thousand years"</h1>

When it comes to performing for the masses in the mountainous areas of Yunnan, Zhao Luzhu remembers most deeply that he went to the Nu River three times to perform.

"The first time I went to Gongshan to perform that year, I had to zipline across the river, and I was so scared that I was shaking, so scared!" The local people can't go out of the mountain for half a year, and the insects that walk on the mountain can bite people's legs and bleed! Later twice, each time more than the next! ”

Zhao Luzhu said that the places she went to perform are now newly built big houses, television sets and everything, and the masses have lifted themselves out of poverty and become rich, which makes her feel very pleased. "It all depends on the leadership of the Party! As a people's artist, I want to sing about the changes in the people's lives, sing about the people's happiness, and sing about the people's gratitude to the party. ”