
Hangjin Houqi sent a proposal to the youth of league organizations at all levels, Li Shirong

author:Zhonghou loyal

On October 25, the Hangjinhou Banner Youth League Committee of Ba City, Inner Mongolia issued an initiative to the league organizations at all levels and the vast number of young people in the whole banner: the party has a call, and the league has action. At present, the situation of epidemic prevention and control is complex and severe, and the league organizations at all levels, league cadres, youth civilization numbers, youth volunteers, youth commandos, etc. at all levels should actively take action, participate in epidemic prevention and control in an orderly manner, and contribute to the victory of the struggle. To this end, the Flag League Committee issued the following initiatives:

I. Unify thinking and understanding. What the party flag points to, the regiment flag points to. It is necessary to unify thinking and action with the deployment requirements of the party Central Committee, the autonomous regional party committee, the municipal party committee, and the flag committee, give full play to the role of fresh forces and commandos, move at the behest of orders, charge ahead, base themselves on their posts, conscientiously perform their duties, actively participate in the epidemic prevention and control and resistance battle, and the vast number of league members and young people will be involved in volunteer service work in an orderly manner, and work together to tide over difficulties together.

Second, strive to be an example of prevention and control. It is necessary to take the lead in publicizing epidemic prevention policies, take the lead in abiding by prevention and control regulations, take the lead in self-protection, and take the lead in maintaining social order. He also called on the vast number of young people not to believe in rumors and not to spread rumors.

Third, take the initiative to dedicate love. In the face of the overall situation, before the epidemic, we vigorously carried forward the fine tradition of the Chinese nation having difficulties and the support of the eight parties, united as one, carried forward the spirit of dedication, enthusiastically donated money and materials, and provided help and support for the prevention and control of the epidemic with practical actions.

Fourth, vigorously select typical trees. Pay attention to summarizing and refining good experiences and good practices in fighting the epidemic, timely discover and excavate advanced youth and touching stories that have emerged in the war and epidemic, actively select young people's models, carry out extensive and in-depth publicity, spread positive energy, and create a good social atmosphere.

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