
Xishuangbanna: The "big energy" of small lemons

author:Xishuangbanna released

Jinghong Rong Media Center Xishuangbanna released

The "big energy" of the little lemon

Xishuangbanna: The "big energy" of small lemons

In recent years, Xishuangbanna Jinghong Chengne Township has adapted to local conditions and boldly explored, through the introduction of leading agricultural enterprises such as Yunnan Hou'an Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., to promote the structural reform of the agricultural supply side of the whole township, to promote the local economic development with the fruit industry, to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, to promote farmers' income and agricultural efficiency, to achieve the effective connection between consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and to inject new vitality and momentum into the revitalization of rural industries.

Xishuangbanna: The "big energy" of small lemons

In mid-October, in the perfume lemon planting base of Yunnan Hou'an Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. of the Mangai Villagers Group of the Manshan Village Committee of Jingne Township, a refreshing lemon fragrance came to the face, and along the aroma, the lemon trees planted continuously extended like a green carpet into the distance, while the perfume lemons dotted with branches shone seductively in the sun.

Xishuangbanna: The "big energy" of small lemons

In 2018, after attracting investment and multi-party inspection and evaluation, Yunnan Hou'an Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. officially settled in Jingne Township and invested 75 million yuan in perfume lemon planting.

Xishuangbanna: The "big energy" of small lemons

In 2021, the perfume lemon planted in the base began to hang fruit in batches, thanks to the sudden rise of lemon tea in the domestic tea industry this year and the "king status" of perfume lemon in the tea industry, the perfume lemon produced by the company was in short supply as soon as it was listed, and this year alone is expected to achieve an output value of about 25 million yuan for the company.

Xishuangbanna: The "big energy" of small lemons

Yunnan Hou'an Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. in its own development at the same time, but also for the surrounding villagers to add a new channel to increase income, according to statistics, the company landed in Jingne Township for more than three years, in addition to the 77 villagers in the Mangai villagers group has paid nearly 6.4 million yuan in land rent, but also spent about 1 million yuan per year to hire villagers in the village, to increase family income in the way of entry and casual work, to achieve a win-win situation between enterprises and local labor.

Xishuangbanna: The "big energy" of small lemons

In the company's perfume lemon initial packaging workshop, 60-year-old Manggai villager group woman Yuhanjian told reporters that the family's land was previously used to grow watermelons, hard work, the income is not high, now after renting the land to the company, not only can there be a stable rental income every year, and the company does not pick the age, often recruit them to the base to do some short-term work at a salary of 120 yuan per person per day, so that they can realize the dream of working at the doorstep to increase income.

Xishuangbanna: The "big energy" of small lemons

In order to make the perfume lemon industry can benefit more farmers, Yunnan Hou'an Agricultural Development Company has completed the compilation of the perfume lemon planting manual on the basis of summarizing the base planting experience, and the next step is to carry out large-scale promotion of planting by the company + farmers, in addition to distributing planting manuals to growers, the company will also send base technicians to carry out one-on-one help and guidance for planting farmers, in order to make the perfume lemon industry in Jingna Township bigger and stronger, so that perfume lemon truly becomes another "golden fruit" that helps farmers get rich.

Jinghong Rong Media Center

Gao Qing, Dong Ziqi, Hu Jiawei, reported

Source: Xishuangbanna mobile phone station

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