
Do not choose Zhen Zidan but choose a third-line artist, about the casting of "Shangqi", Marvel said to look at the temperament

author:Watch movies together every day

Hello everyone, watch movies together every day, I am a stupid bear who likes to watch movies.

Liu Simu, a Chinese actor who was originally unknown, became popular because he participated in marvel's movie "Shangqi and the Legend of the Ten Rings", and the film was not released, which caused a hot discussion on the Whole Network. So why would Marvel choose this general-looking, lonely and nameless person to play Shangqi?

Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige responded to some online controversy over "Shangqi".

Do not choose Zhen Zidan but choose a third-line artist, about the casting of "Shangqi", Marvel said to look at the temperament

Since the launch of the "Shangqi" project, domestic netizens have had a lot of speculations about Shangqi's role, such as Zhen Zidan Wujing, the most popular action star today, Peng Yuyan, a powerful young actor, Chang Wei Zou Zhaolong, who does not know kung fu, and Lin Ludi, a new era artist of Chinese descent.

Do not choose Zhen Zidan but choose a third-line artist, about the casting of "Shangqi", Marvel said to look at the temperament

But unexpectedly, Marvel chose Liu Simu, who was not popular at home and abroad at that time, and Feige's statement was that Marvel chose the role to see if the actor was consistent with the temperament of the character, and would not care about his popularity. For example, Downey of "Iron Man 1", Chris Hemsworth before "Thor", and Jitterson were also like this, they were all non-A-list artists at that time.

Do not choose Zhen Zidan but choose a third-line artist, about the casting of "Shangqi", Marvel said to look at the temperament

What is the actor's temperament, in fact, to put it bluntly, this is Marvel's consistent operation of saving money. The main roles in the Marvel Universe will not choose well-known artists to play, because Marvel will sign multiple movies with the main actor in one go, and the more successful the movie, the higher the actor's salary.

If you invite A-list stars to star at the beginning, then the next few films will be paid sky-high, and Marvel will be difficult to change people halfway.

Do not choose Zhen Zidan but choose a third-line artist, about the casting of "Shangqi", Marvel said to look at the temperament

Just like Depp's salary in "Pirates of the Caribbean", Depp's salary was $20 million in the first part, and even if Depp asked for $95 million (about 600 million yuan) in the fifth part, Disney could only pay for it.

Do not choose Zhen Zidan but choose a third-line artist, about the casting of "Shangqi", Marvel said to look at the temperament

Third-tier artists are not eligible to bargain with Marvel, and the film remuneration gives most Marvel the final say, and signing four or five movies in one go Marvel will not have any burden.

Do not choose Zhen Zidan but choose a third-line artist, about the casting of "Shangqi", Marvel said to look at the temperament

However, in order to ensure the attractiveness of the film, Marvel usually arranges an A-list star to escort and reduce risks, such as "War Machine" Terrence Howard in "Iron Man 1" (later replaced because of the big opening of the lion in the film), and the ancient mage Tilda Swinton in "Doctor Strange" (quickly pick up the bento, guessing that the main purpose is to save money).

Do not choose Zhen Zidan but choose a third-line artist, about the casting of "Shangqi", Marvel said to look at the temperament

In "Shangqi and the Legend of the Ten Rings", Liu Simu and Liang Chaowei are obviously the same purpose. For Liang Chaowei's acting skills Fei Qi is very confident, did not say anything about whether the actor's temperament and role match these polite words, but bluntly said that his acting skills are good, so that the audience's empathy for the role of Wen Wu is 10 times that of Loki and Thanos.

Do not choose Zhen Zidan but choose a third-line artist, about the casting of "Shangqi", Marvel said to look at the temperament

Marvel is a businessman, and he can't give up the Chinese market, one of the world's three major box offices, so there is little chance that "Shangqi and the Legend of the Ten Rings" will appear inappropriate content. What is more worrying is whether the film will be unsatisfactory, the plot and other places about China are too stereotypical, just like Disney's "Mulan", foreigners see it well, and the Chinese people look at everywhere.

Do not choose Zhen Zidan but choose a third-line artist, about the casting of "Shangqi", Marvel said to look at the temperament

"Shangqi and the Legend of the Ten Rings" is set for September 30 in North America, and if there is no accident in China, it may be released simultaneously, or even released in advance, after all, October is the home of the main theme movie.

Finally, stupid bear asked everyone a question; are you optimistic about the Shangqi played by Liu Simu? Stupid Bear is not very optimistic about his popularity in China...

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Do not choose Zhen Zidan but choose a third-line artist, about the casting of "Shangqi", Marvel said to look at the temperament

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