
congratulations! TVB Xiaohua Jian Shu'er personally admitted to the love affair and bluntly said that her heart will always leave a place for the old love

author:TVB drama review agency
congratulations! TVB Xiaohua Jian Shu'er personally admitted to the love affair and bluntly said that her heart will always leave a place for the old love

TVB small flower Jian Shu'er recently in the new drama "A Smile Across the Mortal World" has an excellent performance, in the play she is very obsessed with the male protagonist Xiao Zhengnan, but also because the other party refuses to love and become a demon, many netizens have praised Jian Shu'er's acting skills this time has improved, I hope she will challenge more different roles.

congratulations! TVB Xiaohua Jian Shu'er personally admitted to the love affair and bluntly said that her heart will always leave a place for the old love

In real life, Jian Shu'er, who has been single for a long time, has also found her crush, and recently she has personally admitted to being in a drag with the pilot Mai Dali (who rushed to the clouds to win the general election), and in order to protect the love seedlings of the two, Jian Shu'er can only insist on admitting to the outside world that she is single, until the relationship between the two is exposed.

congratulations! TVB Xiaohua Jian Shu'er personally admitted to the love affair and bluntly said that her heart will always leave a place for the old love

In an interview, Jian Shu'er bluntly said that her requirements for the other half are "the same voice", that is, the two are close in age and have a common language, and Mai Dali is very suitable for everything. Talking about her most unforgettable love, Jian Shu'er recalled that she had a relationship with her old love in the past.

congratulations! TVB Xiaohua Jian Shu'er personally admitted to the love affair and bluntly said that her heart will always leave a place for the old love

Jian Shu'er bluntly said that the other party was a friend of friends, the two had a good feeling for each other as soon as they met, at that time they thought he was the object that could make them think about the future, until later the two quarreled many times, and the family could not see it, and finally chose to break up.

congratulations! TVB Xiaohua Jian Shu'er personally admitted to the love affair and bluntly said that her heart will always leave a place for the old love

However, Jian Shu'er also bluntly said that both of them maintain a friendly relationship, and she said more suddenly: "I don't think I will suddenly dislike him one day in my life, no matter what happens in the future, my heart will leave him a place." (Does the other party have a drag now?) I don't know, and I don't want to know." It can be seen that the previous degree is so weighty in Jian Shu'er's heart, but I don't know if the current boyfriend Mai Dali will be jealous.

congratulations! TVB Xiaohua Jian Shu'er personally admitted to the love affair and bluntly said that her heart will always leave a place for the old love

Jian Shu'er said that now that the public auction is delayed, the following will continue to explain a lot of things, which may bring unnecessary trouble to the other party. But fortunately, since Jane Shu'er and Mai Dali opened their relationship, the two were praised as Lang Cai's female appearance, and received full of blessings from netizens, and I also hope that the two can quickly bury the skylight to get married!

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