
Reflections on what happened to a 13-year-old girl: Parents learn to "look and hear" their children stay away from bullying in school

author:Xinyue Building

#Headline Creation Challenge#In the past two days, reports of 13-year-old girls in Hainan being bullied at school have caused anger among netizens. The girl was beaten by multiple girls, resulting in a perforation of the tympanic membrane in her left ear and a foreign object in her eye, causing irreversible injuries that could most likely result in permanent disability.

Reflections on what happened to a 13-year-old girl: Parents learn to "look and hear" their children stay away from bullying in school

For parents with children in school, such news is indeed scary. School bullying can affect a child's life and leave a shadow that cannot be removed. Never underestimate the cruelty of minors! Will your children also be bullied at school, and what should you do as a parent to keep your children away from school bullying?

Reflections on what happened to a 13-year-old girl: Parents learn to "look and hear" their children stay away from bullying in school

Behind every child who is bullied, there are several irresponsible parents. Although there are many factors for children to be bullied, parents must be blamed. School bullying is long-term and secretive, and it is impossible to reach such a level the first time. Parents should carefully understand the situation of their children at school every day, find problems, and solve them as soon as possible to prevent accumulation and serious injuries.

The first thing to figure out is, what is school bullying? Verbal abuse, insulting nicknames, rumor-mongering, beatings, violent beatings, extortion, group isolation, forced urine, cigarette burns, etc. are all considered bullying.

In this case, be sure to contact the teacher immediately, communicate with the other parent, call the police if necessary, and do not have the idea that "it is normal for children to make trouble, and it will be fine in a few days". Parents should support their children, and do not let their children be hurt because of their own carelessness, irresponsibility, or weakness.

After the child is bullied at school, it will definitely show some abnormalities, but because of its secrecy, the child is often threatened at the same time, not allowed to tell the parents and teachers, even if the parents ask, they will often lie and cover up, which requires parents to have a pair of eyes that are good at discovery, to learn to "look and hear", the first time to find the signs, in order to prevent problems before they happen, to keep the child safe.

Reflections on what happened to a 13-year-old girl: Parents learn to "look and hear" their children stay away from bullying in school

Hope is observation. See if the child's clothes and shoes are dirty and whether they are broken; whether there are scars on the face; whether the stationery that the child likes is missing; Is there less pocket money, and if so, how is it spent? Is the expression on your face really happy? Whether the eyes are dodgy, if so, there must be a problem.

Smell, listen to the sound. Children usually go home and talk non-stop, is the tone as cheerful as usual, is the laughter from the heart or reluctant? Talk more or less than usual? Children talk a lot, parents should not be annoyed. It is good that the child is willing to say it, only then can more information be obtained and the problems can be discovered.

Ask, ask in a targeted manner. Want to ask your child how he felt at school today? What are the things to be happy or unhappy about? How was the class going, and what were the fun or dislikes among the classmates? How is the teacher lecturing? How the teacher deals with problems between classmates and so on. At the same time, it is also necessary to identify whether the child is telling the truth and whether he is deliberately hiding something. To let the child understand, it is necessary to tell the parents the real situation of the school in order to help the child.

Cut. The child's personality changes in a short period of time, the mood is cloudy, the nightmare wakes up in sleep, it is easy to have excessive speech, tantrums, must figure out the reason, whether it is seen, heard, or personally experienced, will affect the child. This requires parents to provide guidance on a case-by-case basis. If you do encounter bullying, you must solve it thoroughly, not innocuously, and prevent the same incident from happening in the future.

Reflections on what happened to a 13-year-old girl: Parents learn to "look and hear" their children stay away from bullying in school

Parents are the big tree in the hearts of children, and families are the strong backing for children's growth. Every parent should study more and take responsibility to protect their children's health, happiness and growth!